The Wilderness Landlord took Yu Qingqian a few steps, and a man in a dragon robe led three young men to greet them.

   "Meet the realm master!"

  The savage realm master restrained his breath and said with a smile: "Okay, big brother, don't be so polite!"

   The savage realm master and the emperor are brothers, but one was chosen as the heir to the royal family, and the other was selected as the new realm master by the previous old realm master. The cultivation methods are different, and the realm cultivation base is also very different.

   The realm master is the person with the most power in the wild realm. He has been selected and cultivated since he was a child due to his talent, aptitude, and mental temperament. Even his close relatives or the emperor are very respectful to him.

  The Wilderness Emperor smiled, his eyes fell on Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, "These two are the Great Demon King and Young Master Feng who have been famous in the world recently."

  The high-level officials of the four realms are paying attention to the battle of the contest and the war between the two clans, and the battle images have also been circulated and watched, so the high-level officials of the wild royal family are familiar with each other.

   When they heard that Jingjing invited the two to be guests, the wild royal family were all surprised, but they welcomed them from the bottom of their hearts.

  The people in the wilderness are more advocating force, and there are very few great masters with potions, plant patterns and forging. Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are both great masters, and such talents are popular wherever they go.

   What's more, the two were specially invited by the realm master as guests, so even the emperor's attitude was very polite.

   "I have seen the barbarian emperor!" The two laughed lightly.

  The Lord of the Wilderness Realm invited the two of them this time, in addition to dealing with the Temple of the Souls, he also planned to invite the two of them to make some potions and forge holy artifacts.

   "Brother, I have something to deal with in the past few days, and the two little friends will give it to the three nephews to entertain."

  The Wilderness Realm Lord looked at the few people facing the Wilderness Queen and emphasized: "You must entertain the distinguished guests, otherwise I will not be able to spare you."

   "Yes, the realm master!" The three replied respectfully.

   "The two little friends will go to my place first to drink a cup of spiritual tea to quench their thirst, and wait for them to arrange." The Wilderness Realm's attitude towards Feng Chen and the two was very kind.

   The two smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

  The savage realm does not live in the palace of the imperial city, but in a quiet underground palace, and under normal circumstances no one dares to disturb it.

   After drinking tea for about half an hour, the three were chatting, and the three previous princes appeared again.

  A man in purple saluted the Lord of the Wilderness Realm and said with a smile, "Uncle, we have already arranged it."

The smile on the face of the    Wilderness Landlord was deep, and his favorite was this nephew.

   "Two little friends, this is my imperial nephew Chu Xu, and he is also the third prince of the wild royal family."

   He then pointed to a man in a blue brocade suit behind him and introduced, "This is Chu Zhao, the fifth prince."

   pointed to the man in blue brocade and introduced: "This is Chu Ruo, the sixth prince."

   Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian smiled politely at the three of them: "Hello, three princes!"

   "I've heard about the prestige of the Great Demon King and Young Master Feng for a long time, and seeing it today is indeed a well-deserved reputation!" Chu Xu's face was handsome and his body was tall and straight, giving him a hearty feeling of freedom and ease.

  Yu Qingqian didn't know why, but he always felt that Chu Xu's eyes on him and the sick beauty had some kind of deep meaning. Although it was very obscure, it was still very sharply captured.

   "Three princes praised!" Feng Chen smiled.

   The savage realm master looked at Yu Qingqian and said with a smile: "You are both young people and should be able to play together. The two little friends have been having fun in the imperial city these days. If you have anything, you can come to me."

"it is good!"

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