The person who entered the Tianmai Land for the longest time only spent three and a half months.

The    Wilderness Realm Lord smiled and said, "Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are different from the others. Their talents are so outstanding, and it's normal to take longer. Let's wait and see."

   "Well, wait a minute!" The master of the rhinoceros nodded.

   Time passed day by day, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

  The realm masters of the four realms have been calm at the beginning to the now anxious, and other people who have come out from the land of Tianmai have also watched from time to time at the crack, and they are very surprised.

   "Why haven't the two little guys come out yet, it's been half a year, nothing really happened, right?" This time even the Wilderness Realm Lord couldn't sit still.

  The Heavenly Feather Realm's brows frowned deeper: "Once we enter the Heavenly Vessel Land, we can't interfere at all. Now we can't detect what's going on inside, and we don't know if the two of them are still cultivating, or they won't be able to come out due to backlash."

  Hai Lan Realm Lord also looked a little worried: "Let's find a way to check it out."

   The reason why the three of them were so nervous about Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen was that they hoped that the two of them would come out safely so they could deal with the branch of the Temple of Shadows in the territory.

  Lingxi Realm Lord's eyes were dark and deep, and when he walked to the crack, all his spiritual energy converged in his dantian, forming a secret technique, "I'll go in and have a look."

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had too much effect on Lingxi Realm, and with the existence of Lou Feixue and Yu Zisu, they couldn't have anything to do.

   Recently, they have to transmit sound to the land of Tianmai every once in a while. Although they can't enter and investigate the movement inside, they can hear the sound transmission as long as Yu Qingqian and the two are safe, but the two still haven't come out.

   Now that half a year has passed, the possibility of an accident between the two is extremely high. He can only use his energy to cast a secret technique to find out.

   The other three realm masters were stunned for a while, and they understood his plan after seeing his secret technique suppressing his cultivation.

   "Alright, Lingxi, be careful, the laws of the Land of Heaven are very powerful."

  Consciousness Realm Lord nodded and walked in through the crack.

The main function of the   Tianmai Land is to assist the Spiritual Venerable to advance to the Spiritual Sage, but those who have cultivated above the Spiritual Sage cannot enter.

  Lingxi Realm Master used a secret technique to suppress the Spirit Emperor cultivation base to the Spirit Venerable, but when he stepped into a third of the crack, he was acted upon by a sudden force.

   Immediately everyone saw Lingxi Realm Master being bounced back by that force and fell back 100 meters, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

   "Lingxi, are you alright?" The other three realm masters immediately asked with concern.

  The Master of Lingxi Realm wiped the blood on his lips and smiled bitterly: "It's okay, I just suffered a little internal injury. The laws of Tianmai Land are too restrictive, and my secret method is invalid."

   "Hey! Just keep waiting, I hope the two of them are okay."

   Most of the people outside were worried. Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had been in the limelight recently, and a small number of people were gloating at their misfortunes, hoping they would be attacked.

   After another three days, two figures suddenly appeared at the crack, and smiles finally appeared on the faces of the four realm masters.

   "Come out, the Great Demon King and Young Master Feng have come out." A disciple of Yuling Sect exclaimed.

  The others looked at the crack, and sure enough, they saw Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen coming hand in hand, the two of them exuded a strong aura.

  The injuries in the main body of Lingxi Realm have recovered. Seeing that the two not only came out of the land of Tianmai, but also both advanced to Lingsheng, he was greatly relieved.

   The realm masters of the other three realms were relieved and fortunate that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were promoted to Lingsheng, and I believe they should be more handy in dealing with the branch forces of the Temple of Shadows.

   But everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, these two people are so evil, they stayed in the land of Tianmai for half a year and created a new miracle.

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