Yu Qingqian actually prefers the style of the Demon Dao. She has stayed in the Royal Spirit Sect and the Sky Palace, but she prefers the Sky Palace.

   "I also feel that I am more suitable for the magic way."

   The old man in green was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "There are three major forces in the lower realm with the strongest demons, Xuanyou Valley, Sky Palace and Shuiyue Palace. The disparity in strength is not very big."

   "Your grandfather is the master of the Sky Palace, and he must be connected with the Sky Palace in the Lower Heaven Realm. After you break through the Spirit Emperor, he should talk to you in detail."

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "That's right."

   "Although our Xuanyougu and Motiandian are both demonic ways, both the cultivation techniques and the way of cultivating disciples are different."

   The old man in green said with a smile: "Our Xuanyougu is famous for refining poisons, and the Sky Palace is famous for refining corpses, so you should choose the one that suits you best in the future, little girl."

   Although the little girl's grandfather is from the Sky Palace, he still wants to dig a foot in the wall. Who made this girl's temperament too appetizing, and she is a poisonous genius, so it is very suitable for Xuanyougu.

   Of course, a talented genius like Feng Chen is also the fresh blood that Xuanyougu needs.

  Yu Qingqian looked strange, but still couldn't help asking: "Senior, since Xuanyougu is famous for refining poison, why didn't I see you refining poison?"

The green-clothed old man smiled shyly, then gave Yu Qingqian an angry look, "The old man is best at cultivating spirit grass and poisonous weeds, and he is really not good at refining poisons. Xuanyougu is famous for being good at poisons, but he doesn't stipulate that in the valley. Everyone must be able to practice.”

   "Xuanyougu can also refine corpses, expel insects, etc. You have a wide range of choices." He added.

   If he was a master of refining poisons, he wouldn't be involved in the task of selecting talents from all over the world. This is typical cool work.

  Yu Qingqian couldn't imagine the appearance of a sick and beautiful woman who was dressed like a fairy and who was out of the dust and controlled the corpse refining or attacked by a group of poisonous insects.

   That picture was so beautiful that she couldn't bear to look directly at it.

  Sky Palace is good at refining corpses. The next time she sees Daddy Beauty, he won't play with corpse refining, right?

  Her gentle and beautiful father! She also couldn't imagine the beauty of that picture...

   "Okay, we will consider it carefully when we arrive at Xiatianjing." Yu Qingqian nodded, thought for a while and then asked, "Senior, can the disciples of Xuanyougu apply to go to the abyss for training?"

   The old man in green understood what Yu Qingqian was going to do, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart, they were really two little guys who valued love and justice.

   "Yes, all the disciples belonging to the great forces in Xiatian territory can apply to go to the abyss for training. You don't have to worry about that."

   "That's good!" Yu Qing smiled lightly, it seemed that their choices were quite wide.

   The old man in green said a few more words and then stood up and said: "You keep the token, if you lose it, there will be no second piece, the old man will go first!"

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen got up and sent the old man to the door of the tent, "We will put it away, senior walk slowly!"

   The old man in green just took a few steps, and suddenly turned his head to look at the two of them meaningfully and said, "Remember, you can come to Xuefeng to find me after you are promoted to Lingsheng, and the old man will give you a chance."

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen immediately remembered what the old man said last time, and nodded: "Okay, we will not disappoint the kindness of our predecessors."

   Seeing that the two really took this matter to heart, the old man in green smiled with satisfaction, and then disappeared into the dark night.

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