Feng Li couldn't get rid of the little thing's entanglement, so he could only stare at Yu Qingqian fiercely.

   "Take away your bastard." He had no interest in this kind of bean curd.

Yu Qingqian chuckled: "It has contributed to our investigation of news, you sacrifice your beauty, anyway, it can't do anything to you. Who made you look so beautiful, otherwise why doesn't it look for others? "

   Immediately, he swept his gaze on several male leaders in Wang Yi, causing them to shudder.

   It's better to endure such a blissful blessing, they are not uncommon at all...

   "Meaning that I should still feel honored?" Feng Li laughed angrily, he really wanted to strangle the **** and its owner to death.

  Yu Qingqian shrugged: "This is mainly because you are too charming, and I can't help it."

   Feng Li gritted his teeth and looked at her and said, "You are cruel!"

  If this little thing was not owned by Yu Qingqian, plus it was useful, he would definitely freeze it into a pile of ice sculptures with a freezing technique.

   "It's so beautiful when a beauty is angry!" The Spirit of Plants and Trees swallowed and stared at Feng Li's face, the more she looked at it, the more beautiful she felt.

  Yu Qingqian couldn't help laughing out loud and reminded: "The saliva is coming out."

  The Spirit of Plants and Trees immediately stretched out a small hand to wipe it, then glared at Yu Qingqian: "Don't destroy my image in the heart of beauty."

  "..." The people present twitched the corners of their mouths, do you still have an image to speak of as a nympho?

  Yu Qingqian didn't bother to quarrel with the idiot, the Spirit of Grass and Trees, and handed the jade slip to the people present to read it again.

   After reading the news about the jade slip, the six leaders looked at Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian with strange expressions.

   They didn't expect the orcs to hit these two people, especially the demon star Yu Qingqian, that was simply the rhythm of courting death.

   "The heart of the beasts is too big, and they are not afraid to hold on." Sheng Moran's face sank after reading the jade slip.

After reading it, Feng Li not only did not look ugly, but instead smiled lightly at Feng Chen and Yu Qing with a schadenfreude: "The midline commander of the Orcs is really insightful, and he actually wants to capture you all and put them back in captivity. Specially refining potions for the orcs, and one specially forging spiritual tools for the orcs, it is interesting."

"Your forging skills are also very good, or I will send you up now, I believe the orc commander will be very welcome." Yu Qing gave Li a blank look, this fellow is afraid that he wants to watch the fun .

   Feng Li pouted: "People don't care about me, it's actually an honor to see you."

   "Then I really want to thank them." Yu Qing's tone was a little cold.

   At the end of the world, after she awakened the wood-type power, she was once imprisoned by a team of people to be their exclusive healer. During that time, the power was only awakened, and her strength was not stable. She endured a lot of torture.

   Later, thanks to the help of two scientists, she was allowed to escape. It was also after that incident that the bloodthirsty violence in her heart deepened and gradually turned into a disease.

   After she became powerful, she threw all the people to feed the mutant beasts, so she hated the idea of ​​imprisoning others to squeeze value.

  Many bases detained a large number of scientists to conduct experiments without any freedom, which caused Yu Qingqian's great disgust back then.

After she established the base, she changed the rules of other bases. Not only did she not imprison the scientists, but instead gave them great freedom. Later, she developed a lot of new energy sources, and the base eventually became the largest organization in China and the There is a great relationship.

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