Time passed, and an hour later, all the demon cultivators who were spiritually venerated had transformed into their shrunken bodies.

   Looking at Lingzun Yaozhi, who was no longer alive, Wang Yi and the others suddenly felt that Yu Qingqian was really polite to them before.

   "Squeak!!" Jinwu flew out from the encircling circle, holding a jade slip in his mouth, like offering a treasure to Yu Qingqian.

  Yu Qingqian scratched its little head affectionately, then took out dozens of bottles of poison and threw it on Jinwu, "Reward you, eat and drink enough to continue the interrogation."

   "Squeak!" Jin Wu excitedly rubbed his head against Yu Qingqian's hand, then returned to the encirclement with the poison.

  Because of the poisonous fog, people sitting outside cannot peep inside.

   Hearing Yu Qingqian's words, "Continue to interrogate with enough food and drink," Wang Yi and others twitched their mouths. This woman can really play it.

  Yu Qingqian picked up the jade slip in his hand and scanned it, and then handed it to Feng Chen and several others to circulate, "This is from eleven demons."

   Yu Qingqian's little babies are very smart, and with several mutations, they would have used mental power to brand jade slips.

   After reading the contents of the jade slip, the man sitting on the ground became more and more solemn.

"Amitabha, it's fortunate to capture these demon cultivators today. Otherwise, if the plans of the demon clan and the beast clan are fully arranged, we have not received the slightest news beforehand, and many battlefields in the middle line will be defeated!" Zen Master Ming Hai Happy to speak.

Fu Jin frowned and said: "The plan of the beast domain and the demon domain is really vicious, and a large number of blood-sucking vines and blood eggs are buried in the middle-line battlefield. If a war really starts, we have no preparations here, and the military personnel are afraid Most of them have fallen."

  Other people's faces are not good-looking, and the self-healing ability of blood-sucking vines is almost as good as that of undead vines. The blood eggs are eggs produced by a mutant monster in the beast domain, and they are specially attached to the blood-sucking vines to grow.

   Whether it is a blood-sucking vine or a blood egg, the favorite nourishment is the blood of the human race.

Once you accidentally step into the territory of the blood-sucking vine, the blood egg will wake up from a state of no sound, and then break out of the egg, turning into a small worm like a thick twine thread and inadvertently burrow into the human body, and then Do a lot of blood sucking.

   It is difficult for the human race to catch and kill the countless tiny bugs that burrowed out of the blood eggs, so once the army encounters it, it is entirely possible that the entire army will be wiped out.

Yu Qingqian frowned slightly, and said, "This is just torture from the Spiritual Venerable Demon Cultivator, I guess there is a bigger plan, so I can only pry open the mouth of that Spiritual Saint Demon Cultivator. "

   Otherwise, the Holy Spirit would not be able to bring these demon plants over to join the Eagle Head Commander.

   "I'll pass this news to the commander first, let them get ready first." Yu Qingqian immediately sent the news out using a special transmission method.

  According to the confessions of these spirit-honored demon cultivators, the first few demon cultivators who reached the battlefield have already established a lot of blood-sucking vines in the field of beasts. Now, I am afraid that most of the plan has been completed, and it is too late to stop them.

   It’s just fortunate that he knew the other party’s plan in advance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

   "Qianqian, can you tell what the attributes of the dozen or so spirit-lord demon cultivators are?" Feng Chen asked while looking at the half-dead demon plant on the ground.

   "Let me take a look." Yu Qingqian's wood ability can detect the attributes of Yaozhi, she walked over and squatted down to check.

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