Two months later, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were secretly called out by Lu Shen.

   When the two of them arrived at the meeting place for the communication, they found that there were more people coming one after another. In addition to the leaders of the other three realms, there were also Feng Li and Sheng Moran.

   A total of ten people arrived, and Lu Shen appeared in front, still with a stern temperament.

   "I called you here alone, because there is a special task that you need to complete."

  Lu Shen lightly swept the ten people, "This time is both a test and a test, and it is very crucial to the human race's mid-line battlefield."

   "You have never cooperated before. I don't ask you to be intimate, but you can't destroy each other. Everything is aimed at completing the task."

   "Yes!" Ten people answered in unison.

  Lu Shen nodded slightly: "If you complete this mission well, you will be rewarded with points based on your performance. Now that the Lingxi realm is far ahead, don't be discouraged by the other three realms, and try to catch up as soon as possible."

When Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen retreated, Feng Li and Sheng Moran also shined brightly, taking the lead in annihilating several enemy troops who had been harassed by the human race on the midline battlefield, and won more than 20 points for Lingxi Realm. , a legion famous throughout the human domain.

   The second-ranked Tianyu Realm has only more than 20 points in total, and the Lingxi Realm's score of more than 60 is far away from the other three realms.

   "Yes!" The six leaders of the other three realms were all in high spirits, as if this special mission would make up for the missing points.

   "I will tell you the mission now, but no disclosure is allowed, otherwise I will be expelled from the battlefield and disqualified from the contest." Lu Shen warned sternly.


   "Our biggest opponents on the midline battlefield are the Long Eagles. They haven't made much movement on the battlefield recently, but according to reliable information, they are conspiring to make a big deal."

  Lu Shen paused and said, "That so-called major event is a secret. Our spies have tried many ways to find out. This may directly affect the battle situation on the center line."

   "Therefore, you need to go to the orcs' central line station to monitor, and report immediately if you find anything."

   "If it can stop or sabotage the enemy's plan, it will be better, and the points will be rewarded even higher."

  Lu Shen swept the ten people and emphasized: "But life and safety are more important. I don't want to hear the orcs announce that they have captured a few human captives soon, and you are among them."

   "We will live up to the commander's expectations."

   "Now you all go back and prepare. We will gather here in the early morning tomorrow. I will send you to the orc's station to start the mission." Lu Shen continued: "Remember, don't disturb anyone."


   After the eight people left, a man in a brocade robe slowly walked out of the space.

  Lu Shen raised his head and looked at him helplessly, "Is this kind of task really good? What if they are caught and imprisoned or beheaded by the other party?"

  The brocade-robed man put his hands behind his back, with a little indifference in his eyes: "Since you value them, you must be worthy of the qualifications."

   "If the execution of such a plan fails, then they will lose that one step up the ladder."

  The brocade-robed man looked at Lu Shen with a deep look, "Just do your job well, and the rest are up to them."

  Lu sighed deeply: "Yes."

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