After several commanders left with satisfaction, the other commanders did not come to harass them again.

   Instead, they went to their respective military camps to find their coaches to pre-order potions and spiritual tools in advance, fearing that other commanders would take the lead.

   Soon, several commanders sent a large amount of spirit grass and forging materials as agreed, and Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen went into seclusion again.

   These spirit grasses and forging materials are all at the master level. Now both of them can refine and forge with their eyes closed, which is not very helpful for improving the level of potions and forging.

   They have been waiting for news from Lu Shen.

   At this time, Lu Shen was sitting leisurely in the City Lord's Mansion and drinking tea. Opposite him sat four realm masters and some high-level officials of the four realms.

   "I wonder how the four realm masters have considered my proposal?"

  Lu Shen has sent the list made by Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen to the person opposite, waiting for their reply.

  Consciousness Realm Lord with a gentle smile on his face: "I have no problem here, and I will gather the materials they need as soon as possible after I come down.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's performance in the two canyon battles, they saw the whole process through the video, and they were very shocked at the time.

  The two of them are basically all-rounders. No one can surpass the brilliance they release on the battlefield, and they have also won glory for Lingxi Realm.

   He didn't miss the constipated faces of the other three realm masters before. The three people won the battle and were happy at the same time.

   Therefore, for the list made by Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, the realm master must express his support without hesitation.

The minds of the realm masters of the other three realms were more complicated. They both hoped that the battle between the human race and the orc race would end as soon as possible and win, but both Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were from the Lingxi realm, and they felt that they were too stealing the limelight. The countless arrogances of the other three realms are bleak.

   "We need to think carefully about this. Grandmaster-level potions and forging materials are fine, but grandmaster-level materials are a bit difficult."

   "After all, such materials are rare and precious, and the two of them are not at the level of a great master. What if they all break down?" Tianyu Realm said with a look of embarrassment.

  The realm masters of Hailanjing and Wilderness Realm also followed suit, "Yeah! It's not that we are reluctant, but what if the refining and forging fail at that time? It's a waste of time for the two of them to shine on the battlefield."

"What the three realm masters said is wrong. What Yu Qingqian wants to refine is a potion that can deal with the orcs' spiritual saints. Wouldn't it be miraculous to deal with the commander of the eagle tribe before? If she is refining several more such potions Come out, our side will have a huge advantage to fight back.”

Lu Shen continued: "What Feng Chen wants to forge is the holy artifact. With the holy artifact, all the spiritual artifacts of the leaders of our human army can be eliminated, and the combat power will definitely increase a lot, which is very beneficial to the war situation. If it can end early, more resources will be saved by then, so why not do it?"

"That's right, the three of you are too stingy. They have made such a big contribution. If their enthusiasm is hit now, they will give up and just stare at the points in the battle, which will affect the battle situation. , the loss is even more serious." Lingxi Realm Lord Gang said.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's talent potential is huge, and the level of potion and forging should be close to that of a great master. If they are given enough resources, they may soon be able to step into that realm.

   At that time, there will be two more great masters in Lingxi Realm, and the Master of Lingxi Realm is naturally very happy to see the result.

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