The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1081: You have the ability to catch me!

  The eagle-headed man also didn't want to use his own plan, but his teammates were too incompetent.

   "Execute our plan and dispatch Lingsheng directly to arrest him." He didn't hesitate, and gave the order directly.

  The feminine-looking man nodded, and then secretly released a signal bomb.

   Yu Qingqian retracted his gaze on the space that had been bridged, and jumped onto the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  Leng Yujun's mental state is not right, maybe the retreat of these years has made the other party enter a dead end, otherwise it will not be as crazy as it is today.

   It is also possible that she used to be the proud daughter of the sky, but her plans in the low-level continent failed again and again, and she was afraid of being laughed at when she came back. The man she loved was hurt by her again, turned away and never came back, which stimulated her to become more and more extreme, and then completely lost her mind.

   But in any case, this has nothing to do with Yu Qingqian, Leng Yujun just eats the consequences, and there will be one less hidden danger in the future.

  Standing on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Yu Qingqian continued to release group healing techniques on the entire battlefield, drawing a bow from time to time, taking out the potion and taking supplements as soon as the spiritual power and mental power were consumed, and never interrupted the treatment.

  Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of crisis lingered in his heart, Yu Qingqian released the pocket and stood by the side.

   Fengchen also felt a crisis, and immediately killed the beasts around him and swept towards Yu Qingqian's location.

   A cold wind blew from behind, and the space behind Yu Qingqian suddenly filled with two orc saints. One of them did not hesitate at all, and directly reached out and grabbed it towards Yu Qingqian.

  The other person landed next to Feng Chen with a teleportation, and also reached out his hand to capture him.

   Yu Qingqian saw a sneer on his lips, and when the big hand grabbed it, a teleport disappeared on the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Feng Chen squinted his phoenix eyes slightly, seeing that Yu Qingqian teleported safely, he did not use space teleportation, but stretched out a palm, bursting out a mighty spiritual power, and directly faced the big hand .

   The two holy-level orcs obviously did not expect that one of the other could use space teleportation, and the other had the strength to directly confront him.

   "Touch!" Feng Chen's palm slapped directly on the hand grabbed by the Holy Spirit, and strong energy exploded around him, and both the human race and the beast were sent flying far away.

   Feng Chen just took a step back, but he was not injured, and the eyes of that Spirit Saint were full of shock.

   He shot again without hesitation, but this time he used all his strength.

   However, Feng Chen still did not evade, the special abilities were superimposed, and the Sun Candlelight and Taiyin Youying instantly burst into two groups of different light resistance, and the two fought in mid-air.

   Another orc started to chase Yu Qingqian, who was constantly using space teleportation to appear in multiple places, as if he had been tricked.

  Yu Qingqian did not have the strength to fight the Holy Spirit, but the more important thing now is to bless the human race on the battlefield with group healing techniques, so he kept teleporting and continuously releasing healing techniques.

   "Don't hide if you have the ability!" The holy-level orc was furious.

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows and hooked her fingers provocatively: "You have the ability to catch me!"

   Looking at Feng Chen, who was slightly below, but could not be easily caught, and Yu Qingqian, who kept using space teleportation to be more slippery than a loach, the commander of the Beast Domain was stunned.

   The strength of these two has reached such a point? Can it actually compete with the Holy Spirit?

  The eagle-headed man's face was even more ugly and gloomy, "The arrest operation failed, and the beheading operation was directly carried out."

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