The big man and Yun Yan stood up one after another, with solemn expressions on their faces.

   "Master, this is the emergency raid. There should be a large army coming from the orcs. I will go and see the enemy first." The big Han commander hugged Yun Yan and walked out of the tent quickly.

  Yunyan looked at Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian and said, "It seems that the crucial battle for the canyon is coming, so you should also make preparations."


   After Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen left, Yun Yan quickly sent a message, and also quickly walked out of the tent to organize to meet the enemy.

   The assembly horn sounded, and Yu Qingqian and others were quickly organized.

  The big Han commander appeared in front of everyone with a serious face, "The orc army is coming, this time it is more ferocious than last time, we have asked for support, you must stand until the reinforcements come."

   He paused and said, "Of course, it would be better if the brothers could take down each other in one fell swoop. Then the deputy commander will come back and celebrate for you in person."

   "Brothers, fight with me, kill!" The big man drew a big sword and led the crowd out of the station quickly to kill the enemy.

   The same was true for the other soldiers in the garrison, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen followed the large army.

   "Beauty Sick, I always feel that this raid on the Beast Realm may be related to the plan of the Temple of Shadows. Be careful of Leng Yujun and others approaching." Yu Qingqian spoke to Feng Chen while rushing.

   Feng Chen nodded cautiously: "Qianqian, their main target is you, don't let Doudou leave your side for a while."

  After being promoted to Spirit Venerable, his strength is stronger and his acuity is very high. With it by his side to protect him, he should rest assured.

   "Okay, I'll listen to you." Yu Qingqian never refused to request a sick beauty.

   It was the same place as last time. The beasts and the soldiers of the human race took the lead in starting a brutal and **** fight.

  Yu Qingqian released the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and rushed to the center of the battlefield with four Healing Masters from the Lingxi Realm and Tianyu Realm.

   Feng Chen led the people in the Lingxi Realm to guard and kill the enemy. The silver swords were scattered, and hundreds of them rushed towards the key points of the surrounding beasts. The beasts attacking in front fell to the ground in an instant.

Yu Qingqian let Doudou guard the surroundings, released the little babies, took out his staff and injected spiritual power and wood-based abilities, layers of turquoise ripples flickered on the battlefield, and the wounds of the wounded people passed by. The wound gradually healed, and the spiritual power also recovered.

   This is a special ability after Yu Qing's shallow wood-type supernatural mutation. It can not only heal the group, but also restore the spiritual power of everyone. If it is aimed at a single person, the recovery of both the injury and the spiritual power will be much faster.

   This time, because the recruits went to the battlefield in time, and because of the blessing of Yu Qingqian's group healing ability, the Terran side seemed to have opened a plug-in. The injured were quickly healed, and they killed the enemy fiercely without any scruples.

Although the number of orcs outnumbered the human race, they couldn't stand their therapists and could not heal in groups. In addition, the hundreds of spiritual tools forged by Feng Chen were directly used by the soldiers in the canyon field. Increase, a large number of beasts were killed.

  In the mid-air of the beast clan, the eagle-headed man looked gloomily at the battle situation below. He had underestimated the abilities of Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen.

   He glanced in the direction of the human race with an obscure expression, hoping that the wastes of the Temple of Shadows would do nothing wrong this time, otherwise their losses would be immeasurable.

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