When the list of    branch camps came out, those who were assigned to Lingxijing, Yu Qingqian, and Feng Chen all had joy on their faces, and those who were not assigned to the two all sighed and disappointed.

   The people of the other three realms did not have such obvious mood swings. After all, their leaders mainly focused on personal strength.

   Although Feng Li and Sheng Moran regret not being assigned to a camp with them, they both have the ability to deal with the battlefield, so they accept it calmly.

   Anyway, even if they are not in the same camp, they can look after each other on the battlefield.

   Early the next morning, before dawn, a horn sounded.

  Yu Qingqian and others walked out of the tent one after another, and then Lin Zheng took them to report to each camp.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were in the seventh battalion. The commander of the battalion was a burly man. He was the pinnacle of Lingzun.

"I don't care what your previous status was, but when you come to my camp, you will be treated equally. If you dare to cause trouble, don't blame me for being rude!" .

   "Yes!" Yu Qingqian and others responded.

   The big man was a little surprised when he saw that these forty people didn't talk back, but at the same time he was satisfied. It seemed that it should be better than the few descendants of noble families who came here a few times.

   But everything can only be known after going to the battlefield. If these people are calm, he will also let people take care of them secretly.

   After all, these people have too strong backgrounds. If they die too many in his camp, it will be troublesome for those big forces to be held accountable in the future.

In addition to this commander, other commanders also have the same idea. They are not happy with the descendants of noble families who are assigned to their camps, but they cannot but accept it. Then they can only hope that after entering the battlefield, these people will be able to settle down. point.

   As for playing the role of the mainstay, they really never thought about it. In their eyes, these people are thankful for not holding back!

After    was assembled, the commander of each battalion took everyone to their respective flying beasts and flew towards the battlefield.

   Originally, a battalion had equipment of 200 people, but recently dozens of people have been lost in frequent battles, and Yu Qingqian and other 40 people can almost get close to the previous equipment.

  The veterans in the battalion are all respectful to the new recruits, because most of the recruits are tough in the background, plus their own strength is not bad, but there is no such thing as the old bullying the new.

   It's just that the people on both sides sitting on the flying beasts are clearly distinguished, and the veterans clearly dislike the recruits in their eyes.

   When he was about to reach the battlefield, the big man instructed a group of veterans: "Forty of them have never been on the battlefield. When it comes to charging, you all take care of them."

   "Yes!" The veterans replied helplessly.

  Why are they so unlucky, they finally lived in peace for two years, and at this time, another group of young ancestors came.

  The big man then looked at Yu Qingqian and other forty people and said, "You and the veterans will be a battalion in the future. If there is anything unclear, you can ask them, but don't bring your young master and young lady temper to the battlefield."


  The big man is very satisfied with the obedient attitude of the forty people. Fortunately, there are no stabs, otherwise he would not have much time to repair.

   After flying for more than an hour, the flying beast stopped outside a canyon.

  The big man asked everyone to gather, "This canyon is an important battleground between the two borders, and the terrain is suitable for ambush or fortification."

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