Feng Li is very arrogant towards others, but he is still obedient in front of Feng Chen.

   "Understood, willing to admit defeat, I will live in peace during the battlefield."

   Feng Chen saw that his wicked face was a little more serious, so he no longer bothered about this issue. For this younger brother, the more they got along, the deeper the relationship between them.

   He also doesn't want to restrict Feng Li too much and make him more restrained, as long as he doesn't get too distracted, after all, this is a battlefield, and danger may arise from time to time.

   Three days later, the last of the punished passed the swamp training.

  Lin Zheng gathered all the people in Lingxi Realm and said, "The first training camp is completed, we will now go to the second training camp."

   As soon as his voice fell, the huge flying beast spread its wings and landed in front, so everyone sat on it together.

   The same is true for people from the other three realms.

   While on the road, one person looked at Lin Zheng and asked, "Jianjun Lin, how many training trials do we have to pass?"

   "There are three training trials in total, as long as you pass them all, we will take you to the real battlefield."

  Lin Zheng paused and said, "The three training camps are all simulated terrains based on the battlefield of the Beast Realm, and the situations encountered in them will happen, so you have to be careful."


   "Jiang Lin, is there a certain competitive relationship between us and the other three realms in the three training camps?" Another person asked.

  Lin Zheng nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, as long as you maintain the level of the swamp in the three training camps and trials, and always lead the other three realms, there will be resource rewards when you go back."

   "Then we have to work hard." Many people interfaced.

Yu Qingqian knew that the environment mainly affected the performance of the Tianyu and Hailan realms before. She found in the three realms that in addition to the six leaders, there were many hidden potential and powerful people, and some were deliberately not exposed. of real strength.

   Therefore, this battle may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

   A day later, the second training camp arrived.

   In front of you is an open grassland, there is no ambush, and it seems very peaceful.

   "This level is mainly about teams. It takes two hours for a hundred people to reach the end of the grassland together."

  Lin Zheng pointed to the empty grassland and said, "This is a group battle. There will be a large number of monsters attacking you. You can't kill them, but you have to break through."

   "What? Can't kill? Then how do we break through? Don't we have to kill the enemy when we go to the battlefield?" One person asked inexplicably.

  Lin Zheng's face was a little serious, "The monsters here are all captured by a few powerful spiritual saints. If they are all killed by you, how will the next wave of training people try?"

"What's more, it is more challenging to successfully break through without killing the opponent. What you lack is team running-in. This training trial is set up to run-in your team." He added meaningfully. .

   "So it is, we understand!" Everyone present nodded.

   Soon, the other people from the three realms were also ready. The four supervisors let everyone rest for an hour before starting the second training session.

  A supervisor stood up and said to everyone: "There are two rules for the second training camp."

   "First, you can't kill the monsters that besieged you, or you will be severely punished; second, every hundred people in a group must reach the end of the grassland to be completed. If one person falls and fails, you need to start over."

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