The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1035: Do you think I'm a fool?

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen didn't stop them when they saw that they were on the bar. This place was no different than the outside world. When Feng Li participated in the war, he had to follow the rules.

   "Okay! How to compare?" Feng Li said casually.

  Lin Zheng pointed to the swamp in front of him and said, "I will pass through this swamp with you in a while, how about we compare to see who gets to the other side first?"

   Feng Li sneered: "Do you think I'm a fool? It's the first time I came to the training camp, but you've experienced it many times. Whoever goes ahead of you, isn't it a big disadvantage for me?"

   "I've brought troops here for training before, but I haven't really fought in person. Since you feel disadvantaged, let's take a step."

  Lin Zheng said confidently: "My time limit is half an hour, yours is one hour, how about I use twice the time to compare with you to see who passes first?"

   "Okay, then I'll compare with you." Feng Li knew that people like Lin Zheng were disdainful of lying.

   However, even if the other party has not personally trained in this swamp, he is definitely more experienced than him, and he estimates that he will not be able to take advantage of half the time, but he can accept this method.

   Feng Li's temperament is arrogant, but if the opponent really makes him willing to admit defeat, he can also accept the opponent's discipline during the battle.

   "What if you lose?" Feng Li asked after changing the conversation.

  Lin Zheng's eyes were firm, "As long as I lose, I will do whatever you want on the battlefield. I will never interfere in the slightest, and I will never punish you for violating discipline."

   "Okay, then it's settled!" Feng Li restrained his somewhat cynical attitude.

   Soon, an hour was up, and the six leaders of the other three realms spent some time in the illusion woven by Xiaoyuer and under the attack of the leech, but they passed smoothly.

   But the other people in the three realms were not as good as they wanted. Only a few of them took an hour to pass, and the others all lost to the attacks of the illusion and the leech.

The   Three Realms' supervisors had still kept their interest in watching Lin Zheng and Feng Li's good show, and also lost a lot of interest.

   "Okay, the rest of the people will start the first training camp. You were late before, so the gravity suppression will be doubled." A supervisor looked at the crowd and said.

The remaining disciples of   Three Realms walked towards the swamp one after another, along with Lin Zheng.

   As soon as he set foot on the swamp, except for Lin Zheng, the expressions of everyone else changed.

   "Plop!" Except for a few people, everyone else fell into the swamp.

   Feng Li was mentally prepared when he stepped into the swamp. When the gravity suppression approached, he used his special talent to resist the pressure, and stepped on the swamp mud smoothly without falling.

  In addition to Feng Li, Lin Zheng and the other five did not fall into it, and nearly three hundred others were all sunk into the swamp mud.

   One of the five people is Xia Ze, and the remaining four are people from other realms, and there are three people in the wild realm, one in Tianyu realm, and no one in Hailan realm is spared.

This is also normal. The wild realm is mainly based on strength training, and its resistance to gravity suppression is stronger than most people in other realms. People in Hailan realm live in the deep sea all the year round. Gravity suppression is not used, so the whole army is wiped out.

   This also made the face of the supervisor of Hai Lanjing darken, and secretly decided to "add food" to these people after going there.

   Although Feng Li has a somewhat sloppy temperament, his strength and potential are still there, and he has been walking forward at an even speed.

   The gravity suppression here is twice as much as before. Whether it is the person who did not fall, or the person who fell, it is more difficult to walk.

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