The disciples of the four realms set foot on the swamp, and most of them fell directly into the swamp.

   "Plop! Plop!"

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen took precautions in their hearts, and they carried it down when the pressure came, but they stepped on the swamp with their feet deep, but they did not fall directly like the others.

   The same is true for the people in the other three realms. Basically, only a few people in each realm are still standing on the swamp, and the others have fallen.

   "The whole swamp here is covered with gravity suppression. You need to go forward whether you are walking or swimming."

   One of the guards reminded with a half-smiling smile: "The road ahead is not so smooth. In addition to gravity suppression, there are many surprises waiting for you."

  The people who fell into the swamps smelled the stench of their bodies and their faces were ugly. They had not experienced this kind of taste for a long time.

   However, in the swamp, the gravity they were subjected to was much lighter than Yu Qingqian and others.

   There were also people who tried to climb up the swamp and stepped in the mud, but were pushed down by gravity again and again.

  Yu Qingqian and the others were not feeling well either. They were all spiritual masters, but walking under the pressure of gravity felt extremely difficult. It was not bad to be able to maintain their combat power and walk slowly.

   "If we go down at this speed, we will definitely not be able to reach the other side in an hour." Yu Qingqian looked at the solemn opening ahead.

  Fengchen nodded: "We only have two feasible ways, one is to adapt to such gravity to suppress progress as soon as possible, and the other is to find a way to increase everyone's walking speed."

  Yu Qing pondered for a moment, then turned to Lin Zheng on the bank and asked loudly, "As long as you can pass through the swamp, can you use any method?"

   "Of course, what we mainly test is your ability to adapt and cooperate. There will be special training after such gravity suppression. You can pass here as the main purpose today." Lin Zheng replied with a light smile.

   He wanted to see how Yu Qingqian and the others could pass through this place within an hour.

   "Thank you for letting me know!" Yu Qingqian turned around and said to Feng Chen, "Beauty Sick, I will weave a road of undead vines, and you will bring them up first."

   Feng Chen chuckled lightly: "Okay!"

  Yu Qingqian shook her wrist, the undead vines flew out of her hand, and then fell into the swamp and grew wildly.

   The place where it once lived was a large swamp, and it was very flexible like a duck to water.

   Soon, a road woven with dark green thin rattan continued to spread forward, and the surrounding gravity crushed part of it, and new rattan would emerge.

  Feng Chen had an extra silver-gray chain in his hand, which swept the people who fell into the swamp and pulled them up the rattan road.

When    landed on the rattan road, everyone found that although the surrounding pressure was still strong, they could no longer fall into the swamp.

   They neatly cleaned the mud on their bodies, and the stench dissipated a lot, and people felt refreshed.

"It's not difficult to suppress through this gravity, as long as twenty-five of us work together, are you willing to work together?" Yu Qingqian stood up straight, looking at the man standing on the rattan road with deep eyes and asked .

   At this time, she was wearing a black training uniform, and there was a sense of fortitude and determination on her stunning face, and she seemed to be full of the temperament of an iron-blooded soldier.

   "Yes, we believe in the Great Demon King." Others agreed.

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