Lin Zheng's attitude became severe, and the 100 people who participated in the battle put away their lazy attitude.

   "From now on, you will set up camp in this area, each with a tent, and the distance cannot be more than ten feet. There will be a training session for you tomorrow before you can go to the battlefield."

   "Yes!" One hundred people replied in unison.

  Lin Zheng frowned and said sternly, "Have you guys not eaten? Speak louder to me."

   "Yes!" A hundred people resounded, and Lin Zheng was a little satisfied.

   Then several men wearing the same clothes came and saluted Lin Zheng: "Hello, General!"

  Lin Zheng nodded calmly, then pointed at the hundred people and said, "Send their identity tokens and costumes on the battlefield."

   "Yes!" A few people quickly took out the identity token and three sets of clothes of the same style and color from the space accessories and sent them to a hundred people.

"The identity token means that you belong to the human race camp and the disciples who participated in the battle. Don't lose it." Lin Zheng paused and said, "From tomorrow onwards, you all need to wear uniform clothes, otherwise the military law will be used. deal with."

   "Yes!" This time, the attitude of the 100 people was much more serious and their voices were much louder. They felt a lingering power in Lin Zheng, as if they could not oppose it.

   "This is a battlefield barracks. You can walk around as you like today, but you are not allowed to leave the barracks and obstruct others. Do you hear me?" Lin Zheng asked loudly.

"heard it!"

   "Okay, disband, and go set up the tent by yourself." Lin Zheng clapped his hands, and then left with the others.

   As soon as Lin Zheng left, most of the people returned to their original laziness and went to the place he painted to choose an area to set up a tent.

   Yu Qingqian and several others chose a marginal area and set up tents next to each other. Their cultivation bases have already entered the Spirit Venerable, and they have long been able to inediate.

   But usually Yu Qingqian likes to eat like a normal mortal, so Feng Li knew her habit and went to the barracks to hunt two demon pigs and roast them.

   Surrounded by the bonfire, Yu Qingqian took a bite of the golden roasted meat from Feng Li's hands.

   "Don't go hunting for barbecue from tomorrow." Yu Qingqian looked at Feng Li and said, "Otherwise Brother Lin will make you cry."

   They have all been fasting. If they set fire to barbecue on the battlefield, whether it is the smoke of the bonfire or the aroma of the barbecue, the enemy may be attracted.

   Feng Li shrugged: "Understood, this is not the last day to satisfy your appetite."

   "I don't know what to do in the training camp tomorrow? I always think it won't be easy." Long Jinze tore off a mouthful of barbecued meat and chewed it.

  Jing Shao said with a smile: "It's definitely not easy, I guess you have to be prepared to endure hardships."

   Feng Li said lazily, "I don't know what they think, the clothes have to be so ugly, and what kind of training do we need to do? We can't fight against one hundred when we go to the battlefield. What's the use of doing so much?"

   He is used to having fun with Feng Chengxuan. He lives comfortably while cultivating in the secret realm of Lingxi. He feels that everything is restricted here.

"One against a hundred? If you meet a hundred spirits, can you still fight against a hundred with one?" Yu Qing gave Li a blank look, "It's best to put away your lazy hedonic mentality, otherwise there will be problems in the future. You suffer."

   This guy is definitely not suitable for the constraints of the battlefield in the early stage, and he is afraid that he will be cleaned up by Lin Zheng.

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