Yu Qingqian never imagined that he had become the focus of the other three realms to be "cared for".

After the news of   Peng Bin was brought in, Yu Qingqian called Feng Chen and the others over to check it out together.

   For the other six most outstanding people in the three realms, Yu Qingqian and others also paid special attention to the analysis.

   After all, although they went to the battlefield together and dealt with the enemies of the beast domain and the demon domain together, there was a great competition between them.

   There were regulations in the previous contests. The geniuses of the four realms were not allowed to kill each other. Injuring, grabbing resources, and fighting were all allowed to happen. As long as no life was lost, the highest level of the four realms would not interfere.

   Seven days passed in a flash, and all four hundred geniuses from the four realms who participated in the battle were gathered.

  A young man in a brocade robe descended from the sky, and he couldn't feel the strength of his breath. It was obviously very restrained, but everyone present could tell that the other party was a strong spiritual saint.

   "I was chosen by the Lord of the Four Realms as the referee for this contest. I'm here today to emphasize a few points to you."

The man in Jinpao continued to speak lightly: "First of all, welcome you to the frontier battlefield and make a contribution to our war in the four realms of the human realm and the beast realm. You will become the mainstay of this battle, I hope you will not let us down. ."

Seeing that most of the people below were excited, the man smiled: "Secondly, don't forget that this is not just a game, but also a battle that concerns the safety of the human race. So I hope you are competing at the same time as the key points. It’s time to put aside other things and work together to fight the enemy.”

   "Finally, I hope that after this border battle is over, or the battle of the contest is over, most of you can still be seen alive."

   The young man's words touched the 400 people present and made them realize that this is not just a simple game.

   "Okay, now I announce the rules of this contest." The man restrained the smile on his face and became serious.

   "Article 1, the same as before, allows you to fight, but you are not allowed to kill each other, especially when it is about the safety of the human race."

"Your identity tokens will have special restrictions on spiritual plants. Once someone kills a competitor of our camp who also has a token, it will immediately spread to the battlefield, deprive them of the qualifications to continue the competition, and be severely punished. "

   "Article 2, after entering the frontier battlefield, all of you must cooperate with the troops deployed from the four borders to fight, and no deserters are allowed to appear."

   "It's too late for you to withdraw from the competition, but once you insist on entering the battlefield but become deserters, you will also be disqualified from the competition and subject to the most severe punishment."

"Article 3, the battle of the four realms is fought in groups, so the final total number of enemies killed will be used to score points. The realm with the most points wins the championship, and can get one-third of the resources that enter the Tianmai Land this time. And the number of places, the remaining two-thirds, and then divided by ranking."

   "The one with the lowest ranking will get the fewest resources and places. This is linked to your interests and needs your attention."

   "The last one, if you encounter an evil cultivator from the Temple of the Shadows on the battlefield, you don't have to be polite and kill it." When the man in Jinpao said this last one, his eyes were full of cold light.


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