The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1012: The great devil does not participate, they are uneasy

   Yu Qingqian took Yu Jing to his yard and sat down, took out the tea set and brewed tea himself.

   "Daddy drink tea!" She handed a cup of mellow spirit tea to Yu Jing.

   Yu Jing smiled and took a sip of the tea, "Qianqian tea art has improved again."

   "This is also what Daddy taught me!" Yu Qingqian said with a coquettish smile.

   Yu Jing took another sip of tea, but his mouth was bitter. He raised his head and stared at Yu Qingqian, as if he wanted to look at her more.

  Yu Qingqian had never seen such a beautiful father before, so he guessed that something must have happened, otherwise he would not look like this.

   "Father, what's wrong with you?" Yu Qingqian asked with a bit of concern.

   Yu Jing sighed and said bluntly, "I will be leaving Lingxi Realm in two months."

   "What? Leaving Lingxi Realm? Where are you going, Daddy?" Yu Qingqian walked over to Yu Jing and sat down, pulling his sleeve nervously.

   Yu Jing reached out and touched Yu Qingqian's head lovingly, "I'm going to the Three Realms."

   "Go to the upper three realms? Didn't you say that you can only pass through that space channel if you are promoted to the Spirit Emperor? Is there any secret?" Yu Qingqian's heart was empty and a little uncomfortable.

   In the Lingxi territory, although she and the beauty father are not in the same place, they can meet if they want to meet, but if the beauty father goes to the upper three realms, it is impossible for them to meet in a short time.

   "It's like this..." Yu Jing said roughly what the Grand Ancestor of the Sky Palace said, "I also think this is a great opportunity, so I agree."

   Yu Qingqian is also very complicated. On the one hand, he hopes to see the beautiful father often, and on the other hand, he hopes that the beautiful father will not miss this rare opportunity.

   A lot of things are always incompatible, Yu Qingqian leaned on Yu Jing's shoulder, closed his eyes and smelled the faint medicinal fragrance on his body.

   After a while, her eyes were slightly red, and her voice was a little hoarse: "Daddy, I support you to go to the third mirror."

   She can't be selfish and let her father give up this great opportunity because she doesn't want to be separated. The separation is also for a better reunion. She believes that one day she will be able to rely on her own ability to go to the mirror and reunite with the beautiful father.

   "Qianqian!" Yu Jing put his hand around Yu Qingqian's shoulder and sighed above her head, without saying a thousand words.

   For the sake of his daughter, he couldn't give up the opportunity to go to the Three Realms, but he couldn't help feeling distressed.

   For the next month, Yu Jing stayed in the Yuling Sect, accompanying Yu Qingqian and Lou Feixue every day, and Yu Zisu did not leave.

  The family did not practice cultivation, and enjoyed the last quiet and warm time in the surrounding mountains and waters.

   A month later, Yu Jing reluctantly parted with Yu Qingqian, and he had to go to Lou Shaoqing to say goodbye, and then go back to the Sky Palace to prepare for going to the Three Realms.

   After Yu Jing left, Yu Qingqian's desire to become stronger became stronger, and when he was ready, he and several other golden-clothed disciples in the sect received spiritual qi infusion, and successfully advanced to Lingzun.

After    was promoted to Ling Zun, she began to retreat again.

   A major event has also happened outside. The battle of the contest is about to start. The realm lord has summoned the spiritual planting masters and body tempering masters under the age of 100 in the whole realm for selection.

   When Yu Qingqian retreated, he was not called by the sect to participate in the selection selection, because in view of her and Feng Chen's performance in the secret realm of Lingxi, the master of the realm of Lingxi directly decided the two of them and did not need to participate in the selection competition.

   The younger generation of disciples knew about this, and almost no one questioned it. On the contrary, many people agreed very much. If the Great Demon King did not participate in the battle, they would be uneasy!

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