"Yes, Imperial Soldier...

Gritting his teeth, the Fallen Titan also showed a look of resentment on his face.

"If it weren't for the Wan clans in charge of the imperial army, I would have led the void army to invade..."

"However, they have the Imperial Soldiers. Not to mention an invasion, we estimate that before they get close, they will be shattered by the Imperial Soldiers’ aftereffects...."

"Now, the biggest difference between our Void clan and the Ten Thousand Clan is that we don’t have imperial soldiers...."

While saying this, the Fallen Titan also glanced at the gradually slowing whirlpool, and continued with joy:

"Therefore, we, the Void Clan, must have our own imperial weapons...But this time, I have found the holy land of the angel clan - the City of Angels...The oldest imperial weapon sleeping there - the Sacred Sixteen Wings..."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also understood in her heart.

If his guess was not correct, it should have been the massive Void Invasion battle five years ago that left a shadow on the Fallen Titan and gave him the idea of ​​snatching the Imperial Arms.

As for the massive void invasion battle, it was said that this sixth-level void emperor led the void army to invade the Titan Protoss.

They had already attacked the hinterland of the Titan Protoss - the Titan Continent.

Thousands of void creatures are coming.

And that Void Emperor faced the Thirteen Divine Pillars of the Titan Protoss all by himself.

But in the end, who would have thought that the Eternal Lord, the first divine pillar of the Titan Protoss, would directly resurrect the imperial weapon - the Titan Crown... and then, there would be nothing more....

The stars are upside down and the sun and moon have no light.

Only a figure rose from the ground.

His body seemed to burst through the stars.

His power seemed to have no limit.

Just one punch...

Like an inverted volcanic crater... suddenly erupting.

Then, under the horrified gazes of countless Titan tribesmen and other tribes who came over, everything was turned into ashes....

And that is the power of the imperial army.

Even if it is just a incomplete imperial weapon, it cannot be resisted by a mere sixth-level soldier....

And thinking about it this way, the Void Emperor should be this Fallen Titan... Only after he made a big mistake with the Imperial Weapon Titan Crown, did he come up with the idea of ​​snatching the Imperial Weapon.

And this coincides with Yu Ziyu.

After all, the attraction of the Imperial Soldier is too great.

With the imperial soldiers at the helm, one force will have no worries for a long time. in this way...How can I not be moved? only...

As if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu sarcastically said:

"If I really want to rob the emperor's soldiers, I can do it alone...Get off you..."

Hearing this, the fallen titan's face turned slightly, but he hurriedly said:

"no you need me...Because I am the only one who knows where in the City of Angels the Imperial Soldier’s Holy Sixteen Wings are sleeping....If I can't find the location in time, I'll wait until the emperor's soldiers recover....I can't even run away...."

"So, I can't die...And more importantly, a Void Emperor is not enough to fight against the group of birdmen in the Angel Star Territory...Only with you and me, the two Void Emperors joining forces and summoning thousands of Void armies can we defeat the top forces like the Angel Star Territory...."

As he spoke one after another, there was a hint of anxiety on the Fallen Titan's face.

Just because, at this time, Zilong's magical power - Swallowing Heaven was already devouring his soul.....

"Tsk tsk..."

After smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu also had a hint of amusement at the corner of her mouth.

"really...Only I, the Emperor of the Void, am really not qualified to pursue the ideas of top forces like the Angel Star Territory...."

Even as he murmured, Yu Ziyu understood.

A void emperor...A void creature within half of the star field that can be pulled....

The number of void creatures is already scarce.

A small half of the star field, only millions of void creatures...

Although this kind of combat power is enough to fight against some ordinary forces, it is still not enough to fight against a top force.

However...the two Void Emperors are different.

In the name of the Emperor of the Void, Yu Ziyu awakened countless void creatures sleeping in a star field.

Then, the Fallen Titan awakened countless void creatures in another star field.

The superposition of the void creatures behind the two star fields was not as simple as one plus one....

And this is equivalent to the difference between the power of one country and the power of two countries.

What is worth mentioning here is that the extraordinary sixth-level void creature is called the 'Void Emperor', and it is not a title given randomly.

The real reason is that extraordinary sixth-level void creatures are enough to command the void creatures in a star field. like now...

A dragon roar, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon, is enough to wake up all the void creatures on the back of the galaxy. then...just wait...There will be countless voids slowly gathering.

Of course, considering that the void creatures have different strengths, the gathering time also varies.

In a short time, millions of void creatures will gather in half a month.

If it takes a long time, it may not be possible to gather millions of void creatures in three to five years.

And this fallen titan now has so many void creatures following it, and it may have been calling for several years.......

As if hearing Yu Ziyu's murmur, the Fallen Titan also showed a smile on his face and said happily:

"Right...Let me go and I can form an alliance with you, with you as the leader...."

"Afterwards, the stolen imperial soldiers can also be handed over to you...."

As he spoke one after another, the fallen titan's voice became weaker and weaker.

Facing the purple dragon's magical power - swallowing the sky... he already had a tendency that he couldn't bear it.

And at this time...

Slowly raising his eyes and casting a playful glance at the Fallen Titan not far away, Yu Ziyu also admitted:

"Indeed, the advice you gave is very good...."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu showed a look of regret on his face, and then changed the subject and said:

"It's just a pity... you said it too late...And you know too much.."

Whispering softly, Yu Ziyu's face turned cold.

Then, the dragon's claws clenched fiercely


Amidst the numbing sound of shattering, the entire fallen Titan's body was shattered into pieces, gradually disappearing into the vortex that was already as big as a star.

And at the next moment, a cold system prompt sounded in the void:

"Ding, you have killed the extraordinary sixth-level Void Emperor, and you will be rewarded with 200 million evolution points...."

"Ding, you successfully plundered the power of the void - Corruption"

"Ding, you successfully plundered...The Heart of the Titans.."_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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