"Is this?"

There was a sudden sound of surprise, and the expression of the fallen titan sitting high on the throne also changed slightly.

Because, at this moment, the star god outside the void vortex actually had the breath of void surging.

"Sure enough, sure enough...Haha. You are also a member of our Void clan...."

Amidst the continuous laughter, the smile on the fallen titan's face became a little wider.

The Void clan is the most cruel and ruthless.

However, while being ruthless and cruel, they also recognized the existence of the same Void clan. certainly...This kind of recognition is not necessarily a kind one.

Just like the giant beast of the void that was burdened with 'hunger', his approval will definitely devour it...

And now...This one fell into the Titan's recognition...Then... there was an unprecedented heat flashing in the depths of his eyes.

Faintly, there was a flame burning.

However, before the fallen Titan could speak, a loud shout sounded in the void.

"Wait, stand down."

The violent shouting was like thunder, suddenly reverberating in the void.

Accompanying it was an unprecedented power.

This power was indescribable, but it was like a high-altitude emperor, who had the power of life and death. It was impossible to say It's terrible.

Of course...The ones who feel the deepest sense of this power are the thousands of void creatures.

"Hoo, ho, ho...

With low roars one after another, the void creatures that came out from all corners of the void all retreated in tacit agreement.

The emperor in the void must never be offended.

Compared to the Starry Sky Clan, the Void Clan’s level is even more impressive.

And for this, the fallen Titan sitting high on the throne did not blame him...It is difficult for low-level void creatures to disobey the void emperor.

This is an iron law...

At this time, let alone the thousands of void creatures


With a loud noise, Yu Ziyu controlled the body of the void elf and slowly came to the depths of the void.

One step, one ripple.

The layers of space are all rippling.

Compared with this, the most terrifying thing is Yu Ziyu’s cold expression as cold as frost.

"you...I know, what are you doing?"

The cold voice is like freezing the soul

"of course I know."

Grinning, the fallen Titan also said indifferently:

"However, it is just a group of insignificant ants that are about to fight...."

"you guy..."

With his eyes condensed, Yu Ziyu's face became colder and colder.

At the same time, countless words also appeared before Yu Ziyu’s eyes

【Race: Void Clan (Emperor of the Void, a title that only six things can have, and his power is even more sublimated.)

Level: Extraordinary Sixth Level.

Born Talent: Fallen - The Thirteenth King among the Void Creatures, the thirteenth being to reach the fourth level of the Extraordinary. He is burdened with"Fallen" and can lead things to fall, and he can also corrode the body and mind with his filthy power.

Special ability:

Titan's body - the terrifying body obtained by the prodigy who eroded the Titan clan possesses defense and strength far beyond those of ordinary Titans.

The Flame of Depravity - the black fireworks that ignite all over the body are enough to burn the soul, and can even pull away the darkness in the heart.

Fallen Domain - Centering on itself, it opens up a huge domain that can infect the souls of thousands of creatures. If you are not careful, you will become a puppet-like existence.

Elemental reduction - extremely terrifying resistance to various elemental damage.

Devouring the Void - can rely on swallowing void creatures to evolve.

Supernatural Power:

Fallen Posture - opens a new posture, and the strength, speed and defense will be greatly improved....】

While staring deeply, Yu Ziyu quietly called out Zilong.

In the depths of the void, although his void elf body can be regarded as half a void creature, it is not as good as the real void emperors such as the fallen titans and purple dragons.

At least, it's a duck to water without them. so...If you want to kill him, you still need Zilong, the Void Emperor.

As for, why should this guy be killed?

Humph, let him reveal his identity as a void clan. This guy still has a reason to live.

If it is accidentally, Yu Ziyu's void elf body's"half void identity is leaked", I'm afraid Many races will unite to deal with the Demon Court.

At that time, explanations were of no use.

After all, many forces are worried that they can't find a reason to deal with the big threat of Demon Court.

And, more importantly,...Yu Ziyu's void elf body is indeed half a void creature, and is inseparable from the void clan.

Thinking of this, the murderous intention in Yu Ziyu's heart slowly spread like substance.

"Is this a murderous intention?..."

Amidst laughter full of indifference, Titan, who was sitting high on the throne, raised his chin and looked at Yu Ziyu with interest, a body that was not as big as an ordinary ant.

Although, this guy named 'Star God' exists in the practice space.

But the threat to him doesn't seem to be great.

After all, his defense is almost invincible...

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, the expression of the fallen titan changed slightly.

Then, his body retreated violently.


There was a loud noise, and a purple beam of light that reached the sky and was thousands of meters thick actually penetrated his throne in an instant....

"This is?"

Amid some astonishment, the Fallen Titan slowly raised his head.

At this moment, what caught his eye was a purple dragon whose head alone was as huge as a mountain peak....

Purple scales with rippling light.

A pair of dragon eyes, like the sun and moon in the sky, full of majesty.

And that, the purple body that slowly lifted up...A pair of dragon claws are filled with purple energy balls.


In the sudden dragon roar, before the fallen titan could react, a flash of purple light flashed past.

And at the next moment, what caught the eyes of the fallen titan was the purple dragon claw....

The purple energy ball on the dragon's claws was clearly imprinted on his body.


Accompanied by an earth-shaking loud noise, the depths of the void were violently shaken, and a massive shock wave of tens of millions of meters was rolled up.

And the body of the fallen titan was like a cannonball, flying backwards and flying hundreds of thousands of meters.

However, this is just the beginning.

Because, at this moment


In the dragon's roar, Yu Ziyu, who has taken over the body of the purple dragon, is already controlling the purple dragon and dives


The vast purple dragon body rolled in the void.

The terrifying power shook thousands of miles...

And this purple dragon whose body is as far as the eye can see has shot out again. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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