"grown ups...This is big..."

As if he realized something, Bo Xun's face also showed a touch of excitement.

Just because, at this time, he had completely remembered.

He found the black and white Qi that the adults were looking for, and even found a secret realm.

Although, he didn't know what happened next.

But combined with what this adult just said, he already understood that he had received a huge reward.

And this reward is to be accepted as a registered disciple by this master.


With his Adam's apple throbbing, Bo Xun, a young man from the Blood Demon Tribe, struggled to get up from the crystal coffin in excitement, and even growled:

"Bo Xun, the blood demon clan, has met the Lord..."

"Are you still calling me an adult?"

With a chuckle, looking at this young man who was a little flustered and at a loss, Yu Ziyu also had a playful look on his face.


Slightly startled, Bo Xun was also stunned.

Then, as if he had reacted, a look of ecstasy appeared on Bo Xun's face, and he said excitedly:

"Yes Yes...I should call you Master..."

Saying this, Bo Xun, who had been sent from the Crystal Coffin, also knelt on one knee respectfully and said:

"Disciple, Bo Xun has met the master"


With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also held up his right hand in the air.

For a moment, ripples appeared.

A booklet also appeared in Yu Ziyu's hand.

And holding this booklet, Yu Ziyu also turned a page casually and read::

"Bo Xun, only twenty-three years old, comes from the Blood Demon Star and Wata Village. He has no father and no mother. He only has one younger brother, and his younger brother is also in the army and holds the position of squad leader...."

Yu Ziyu's lips curled up as he spoke lightly.

This is a booklet recording information about Bo Xun's life. Even the adventures Bo Xun had and the people he killed were briefly mentioned.


The pupils shrank slightly to the tip of a needle, and Bo Xun also had a look of disbelief on his face.

Even he himself has forgotten some of the things his master said.

But now?

While his heart was shocked, Bo Xun saw Yu Ziyu hand the pamphlet in his hand towards him.

"As my registered disciple, there are some things that a teacher still needs to understand."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu paused and added:

"Of course, don’t worry, only I know about your life, and your information will become top secret in the future...."

"Master, I understand."

In response, Bo Xun understood in his heart.

As a disciple of the master, his background must be clean.

At least, the possibility of spies must be ruled out.

And now that he can become the registered disciple of the master, his background must have been found out by the master.

But Bo Xun doesn't care about this.

After all, all he wants is to become stronger...

At this time, seeing Yu Ziyu receiving the pamphlet, he continued:

‘Now, you are just my famous disciple. When you reach the fifth level of Transcendence, you can become my personal disciple.’

"Yes, Master."

In response, Bo Xun was also a little excited.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also briefly introduced:

"Remember, you also have a senior sister, and you will see this senior sister in the future....You are not strong now and are not suitable to appear in front of others."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu held up his hand with one hand again.


There was a loud noise, and two wisps of strange gas, one black and one white, were already flowing in Yu Ziyu's palm.

The two qi, black and white, flow around each other, as if they are chasing each other, and also seeming to be playing.

There is an indescribable Taoist charm.

Looking at these two wisps of gas, Yu Ziyu also pushed with one hand


Accompanied by a loud noise, in Bo Xun's somewhat stunned eyes, two wisps of gas, one black and one white, actually rushed into his body like a small snake.

Immediately afterwards,


A heartbreaking pain has spread throughout the body


As if out of fear, Bo Xun's expression changed drastically.

At this time, looking at Bo Xun who was full of pain, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"As a blood demon, your physique is not outstanding. Now I use the two energies of yin and yang to cleanse your essence and cut your marrow. If you don’t want to, you can refuse...."

"Wash the essence and cut the marrow..."

As if he realized something, Bo Xun's expression also changed slightly.

Although I don't know the specifics.

But he also understood that this would be of great benefit to him.

It can even affect his future.

Thinking of this, Bo Xun also gritted his teeth fiercely, with a look of determination on his face.

Faintly, strands of blood could be seen escaping from the corners of his mouth.

"This little guy has a good will."

He secretly praised it, and Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

You know, as one of the most advanced and mysterious energies, the yin and yang two qi cleansing the essence and cutting the marrow is not an ordinary pain. For an ordinary fourth level, you will probably roll on the ground in pain..

And this little guy, after realizing that this was good for him, just gritted his teeth and let his body tremble.

This kind of will is really good.

"He is a little guy worth cultivating..."

After smiling, Yu Ziyu also waved.


Along with the distortion of the air, a green vortex has opened.

And just for a moment,

"Step, step, step...

Following light footsteps, a girl with long green hair slowly walked out.

The Elf Queen, Yu Ziyu's personal maid, takes care of the trivial matters in the small world of life.

"Bring me, the named disciple, back to the small world of life, and then make simple arrangements"

"Yes, master."

Puckering the corner of her mouth, looking at the distorted figure not far away, the Elf Queen also waved her right hand.


With a loud noise, a green torrent wrapped around Bo Xun's body and rushed towards the small world of life.

After doing this, as if she thought of something, the Elf Queen also reminded:

"Master, just when you made a breakthrough a few days ago, another origin elf was born...."

"This is the sixth elf after Bingxue, Yan'er and others."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but laugh.

These origin elves were born really slowly....

Humans all conceive in ten months.

They're good.

A few years at a time, or even decades at a time.

However, this is fine.

The later they are born, the more they prove their terrifying potential.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that they were born and reached the fourth level of Transcendence can explain everything.

And it is worth mentioning that one year after his birth, Bingxue had already reached the fifth level.

Now, he has entered the late fifth level, and is not much weaker than Kyuubi and others.

This shows what a terrifying talent this is.

However, after thinking about it, it became clear.

They are the 'sons of heaven' born in the small world. They practice in the nine realms, which is equivalent to having the blessings of the nine realms.

It’s difficult even if you think about practicing slowly...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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