"It’s really top-notch...

Admiring softly, Yu Ziyu was also amazed at the ability mastered by this void elf body.

In terms of large-scale destructive power, he may not be able to match Yu Ziyu's true form and Qinglong.

However, in terms of speed and weirdness, the Void Elves are a bit outrageous.

And this is good, it just makes up for the shortcomings of Zilong and Yu Ziyu.

After all, Yu Ziyu's body, as a tree, does not have an advantage in speed.

With today's void elf body, the scene similar to 'flying a kite' can be avoided in the future.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu slowly closed her eyes.

At this time, you should seize every opportunity to settle down.

And all this is just because in a few days, the Demon Court Ceremony will come.

At that time, not only many powerful people from Demon Court gathered together, but also some big forces in the surrounding star areas of Demon Court would send people......

Time passed slowly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

However, in these three days, one force after another knew openly or secretly that another eternal giant had risen in Demon Court.

Moreover, he is also the most bizarre eternal giant who practices the way of space.

"Come, prepare a generous gift and send it to the Demon Court..."

"Yes, my lord."

In response, hidden behind the starry sky, a top force in the darkness has taken action.

And not only this force, but also top forces such as the Angel Star Territory and the Titan God Territory have sent out Centaur...

And all this is just because of goodwill.

Yes, show kindness.

At least, you can't offend him openly. certainly...If there is really a conflict of interest, that would be a different matter. among the stars...There is no eternal camp, only eternal interests.

Just like now, the elemental clan, the titan clan, and the angel clan have a vague tendency to unite....They were all just watching and helping each other for a short time because they were afraid of the power of the Demon Court.

If Demon Court was not here, they would probably fight against each other in the next moment.

After all, the elemental clan, the titan clan and the angel clan have many old and new grudges....

And not long after that, Yu Ziyu, who was sitting in the deepest part of the Demon Palace, seemed to have noticed something and slowly opened his eyes.

"What's wrong, Kyuubi?"

After asking, Yu Ziyu's eyes turned to Jiuwei who had appeared in the hall at some unknown time.

"Report back to Lord Star God...The First Floor in the World sent someone to send one to celebrate Lord Star God's promotion and his achievement as an eternal giant."

Listening quietly, a look of thought appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

"The best building in the world?"

Yu Ziyu was also a little unfamiliar among the murmurs.

At this time, it seemed that he saw Yu Ziyu's suspicion, and Jiuwei also opened his mouth to explain:

"I don’t know where this force on the top floor of the world came from, and I don’t even know who the person behind it is. I just know that this force appeared in all the major star fields without any warning....Moreover, he is famous for 'taking people's money and helping them to eliminate disasters'..."

"There are even rumors that as long as the value is enough, they can kill even a fifth-level transcendent true god...."

After hearing this, Yu Ziyu also understood:

"It turns out to be a killer organization..."


Nodding slightly, Kyuubi also added:

"It's just that this killer organization does not cover one city or one country, but covers several star regions...."

"Tsk tsk..."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but guessed:

"In that case, the background of this force should be very large, right?..."

After all, it suddenly appeared in various star fields. If there is no background, it cannot be justified.

Even Yu Ziyu suspected that this was another powerful force inherited from the previous era.


While pondering, Kyuubi also hesitated for a while before responding:

"According to Golden Monkey’s analysis, this No. 1 building in the world is likely to be related to the No. 1 killer force in the previous era, the Zhuxian Palace...."

Zhuxian Palace...In the last Yuan Dynasty, it was one of the most terrifying forces.

It is said that this force has taken action against the existence of the Eternal Realm.

Although it failed, it was not slapped to death by the angry existence of eternity. One can imagine its horror.


Smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care much about this.

Since this force gave a heavy gift, the intention of showing goodwill is also obvious.

At least, it seems that he has no intention of becoming an enemy of the Demon Court.

And just now At this time, as if thinking of something, Kyuubi spoke again:

"By the way, Lord Star God, there seems to be such an order in the world's first floor, that is, the core assassination missions of various forces will not be accepted...."

"Is that so?..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also somewhat understood the way of life of this force.

If you can avoid offending, then don’t offend.

Just rest assured in the major star fields, take on ordinary tasks, and add up to a little. Gather a lot of wealth in exchange for spiritual resources..

"What a good calculation.."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand and said:

"Accept their gifts for now.."

As soon as he finished speaking, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also condensed his eyes and ordered:

"Summon the Seven Thorns of Shadow to come see me"

"Yes, Lord Star God."

With a response, Kyuubi's figure also slowly disappeared into the main hall.

And not long after, it was replaced by seven petite but extremely terrifying figures, standing quietly in the main hall.

Each figure was. Silent, but also maverick, with a cold and cold color that does not belong to the ordinary.

And these are the seven thorns of the demon court's shadow.

In addition to Yu Ziyu's most familiar Zi Si, Wang Chong, Xiao, Yin Yue Zang Feng and others In addition, the other two are somewhat unfamiliar figures.

One is Luoyue Xingjie from the night elf clan in the world of Canglan. He has learned all the assassination methods passed down by his clan and is a master of assassination.

And the other The third one is from Blue Star. Ah Qi, who rose from the slums and is known to be good at killing people, is a handsome young man who looks gentle and elegant.

There is no shadow of a top assassin at all._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download and fly

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