An astonishing momentum spread across the starry sky.

The silver storm continues to expand.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu, who was in the center of the silver storm, had a look of solemnity on his face.

Just because, at this time...With this breakthrough, he tried to step onto the threshold of the 'Way of Space', and then condensed the Dao Mark, which is the Seal of Law.

Like the law of time, he has condensed the gears of time.

Just condensing 129,600 time gears is enough to achieve dominance through the law of time.

And it's a pity...In ten years, his body has only condensed hundreds of time gears.

However, this is not Yu Ziyu’s fault.

Who calls it the way of time? It’s too mysterious.

As the saying goes: 'Time is king, space is respected, fate is not revealed, cause and effect is respected.

This sentence alone is enough to prove the status of the law of time and the law of space in many laws and the difficulty of cultivation...

Moreover, he has to understand the great magical power to transform the three pure things with one breath. Even if he wants to condense more time gears, it is necessary for his heart to There is more than enough but not enough power.

And now...He tried to condense the Seal of Space Law again.

As one of the few powerful laws among the upper laws that can compete with time, the difficulty of condensing the seal of the law of space is definitely not lower than the difficulty of condensing the seal of the law of time. only...Now Yu Yu has no retreat.

If you want to take the body of the void elf one step further and condense the mark of space law, it is necessary.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that...Among the ten supreme laws...The combination of time and space, the law of time and space is also included in it.

In other words...Yuzi's body cultivates the law of time, and the body of the void elf cultivates the law of space.

Given time, Yu Ziyu can even try to bear the law of space and time, one of the ten supreme laws....

In this way, we can understand how big Yu Ziyu's heart is.

Earlier, Zilong was still thinking about the 'Supreme Law and Infinite Law'.

Later, Qinglong was also trying to touch the law of creation among the supreme laws.

And now, he has come up with the idea of ​​'Laws of Space and Time'

"Tsk tsk..."

With a grin on her lips, Yu Ziyu was also surprised by her appetite.

However...if the opportunity is in front of us, there is no reason not to take it. and...More importantly, compared to other supreme laws, cultivating the laws of time and space is both the most difficult and the simplest.

The difficulty is that the difficulty of practicing the Law of Time and the Law of Space is enough to rank in the top five among the higher laws.

Nowadays, one can imagine how difficult it is to practice two laws at the same time.

The simplicity lies in the fact that the laws of space and time only require the combination of two superior laws, time and space.

And other supreme laws...

Just talking about the well-known laws of creation, it is necessary to master the three upper laws, the twelve intermediate laws, and the thirty-six lower laws.

Only in this way can we step into practicing the law of creation.

It can be said that the cultivation of other supreme laws is like one, complicated and difficult...The law of time and space points directly to the source. Just practice the law of time and space, and it will be clear and clear....

And at this time...


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu also looked solemn.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and Yu Ziyu spoke in a low voice:

"The way to space is to open up...Create a space that can store things, trap people, and even create a boundary..."

"The way of space lies in superposition...Superimpose space, then teleport and skim through the air.."

Whispering one after another, a mysterious and mysterious aura also rose around Yu Ziyu.

And this is exactly the state when Yu Ziyu consumed evolution points and entered enlightenment.

But, yes.

The breakthrough time is not short though.

But it is definitely not enough for Yu Ziyu to directly condense the seal of the law of space.

However, this opportunity only comes once.

After all, only when he breaks through can Yu Ziyu's energy and spirit reach its peak, and he can connect with heaven and earth.

In this way, Yu Ziyu can only consume evolution points to put himself into a state of enlightenment, thus greatly improving his enlightenment efficiency...

"The way of space lies in the replacement of space...reverse..."

There was another murmur, and an increasingly mysterious realization rose in Yu Ziyu's heart.

At this time, he seemed to have turned into a transparent cube. rotate... sublimation...

Time and time again, it is like a real space...

At this time, if you look carefully around Yu Ziyu, you can even find that strange crystals have begun to take shape....

And that is the seal of space law.

Like Yu Ziyu’s condensed time gear.

It is also like the condensed volcano pattern of the red lotus platypus.

This is Yu Ziyu’s best interpretation of the way of space, and it is also the sublimation of his understanding......

Time passed slowly, and Yu Ziyu's enlightenment continued.

However, just half a day later, the silver storm gradually stopped expanding.

Along with it, the earth-shaking aura finally stopped its rise.

Yes, the rally was halted. its climb...There is an end after all.

However, even so, countless living beings felt this extremely terrifying aura, and all of them turned pale.

It's like a world is pressing down on my heart, and I feel like I can't breathe.

Beings as powerful as Kyuubi have pupils shrunk to the point of a needle.

One after another, illusory silver chains were woven into a ball shape, wrapping her

"Owner...It's really getting scary."

Kyuubi, who knows Yu Ziyu very well and even vaguely understands that the body of the Void Elf is nothing more than Yu Ziyu's body, can't help but murmur in his heart. The way of space is the most mysterious.

However, now, this body of the master is actually stepping on it. The way of space.

Looking carefully, in the gradually fading silver storm, a figure is surrounded by more than a dozen diamond-shaped crystals.

However, this is not a real crystal.

It is Yu Ziyu's perception of the law of space, and then The sublimated imprint.

And now...From a distance, you can even see these diamond-shaped crystals. Every time they plunder the space, they create ripples, just like the traces of fish skimming the water and sliding out.

There is something indescribably beautiful.

But it's also a bit creepy.

Just because, what is cut is not the water surface, but the real space. ps:-------------Ask for customization------------

The seal of the superior law - the silver illusory chain, the superior time law - the illusory gear, the superior space law - the rhombus crystal...Zhongfa volcano - a volcano-like pattern.

The higher the level of the law, the more three-dimensional and real the condensed law seal is....._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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