Deep in the heaven, there is a purple bamboo forest.

This is the bamboo forest that Leng Feng planted for the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu in the past, and then led to the heaven.

Under the nourishment of spiritual energy, each bamboo in this bamboo forest is also extraordinary, turning into a third-level purple spirit bamboo.

Looking up, the bamboo roots are purple, and the leaves are very warm, with purple flowers and a faint purple smoke.

And deep in the bamboo forest, there are cobblestone paths.

Not far away, there is a gurgling stream, occasionally flowing through the jade-like translucent bamboo roots, and occasionally making a tinkling sound, which sounds very pleasant to the ear.

And now, on this cobblestone path, there is a figure dressed in white like snow, walking slowly.

Taking a step and a pause, I looked at this quiet purple bamboo forest.

"A good place for self-cultivation...No wonder he is attracted to Brother Flathead and Xiao Shi, the Thunder Dragon."

Speaking like this, Yu Ziyu has arrived at the end of the path.

There, there are dozens of thatched houses.

Thatched houses are not, but it was full of people.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are hundreds of cubs chasing each other.

And this is the Purple Bamboo Forest, a holy place for nurturing young animals.

It is equivalent to Blue Star's kindergarten, except that the people trained here are not human beings.

No, it should be said that humans are just one kind.

All cubs and humans who show their talents at a young age have the hope of coming here to study for a period of time.

With the care of Leng Feng and others, the major forces can rest assured...

After all, Leng Feng has trained such peerless geniuses as Big Snake, Two-Headed Wolf, and Liu Er....

But at this time, his eyes turned, as if across time and even space, Yu Ziyu saw three figures, drinking and chatting at a stone table.

A figure was dressed in black, and even carried a black robe on his back. His sharp-edged features revealed a touch of elegance.

And this is Leng Feng.

One of the first humans to follow Yu Ziyu.

Next to him, there was another person with white hair and a silver cloak. He looked like he was grinning and looked very fierce.

And this is Brother Pingtou, one of the three former generals.

However, due to his talent, Yu Ziyu did not canonize him on the day the Demon Court was established, and he was also stubborn and ran away alone, not knowing when he would return.

However, seeing his current aura, the corners of Yu Ziyu's lips curled up slightly.

"Early stage of fifth level?...

While muttering, Yu Ziyu was also a little surprised.

Brother Flathead's talent is really just average.

Logically speaking, even with Yu Ziyu once taking care of him, the fourth level peak, that is, the demigod is the limit.

But now, what did he see?

This little guy has actually reached the fifth level, and his silver-white hair is really flying like a cloak.

Countless silver-white lightnings can be seen faintly, intertwining on the silver-white hair.

It looks very extraordinary

"Did he have an adventure, or did he rely on himself to achieve a breakthrough?"

Yu Ziyu began to look at it carefully amidst some doubts.

However, for a moment, he seemed to have noticed something, and Yu Ziyu's eyes suddenly focused.

Because at this time, Yu Ziyu Notice that Xiao Shi, the Thunder Dragon, is not a dragon, but a young man with long silver-white hair....

Yes, youth.

I felt its aura before and confirmed the identity of the Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi.

But now, seeing the appearance of the Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi, Yu Ziyu was a little surprised.

"Did she learn the dragon secret method of transformation from the Red Dragon Queen Dai'er?..."

Amidst the muttering, Yu Ziyu also had some suspicions.

As the dragon girl who signed a contract with Yu Ziyu, Yu Ziyu was naturally familiar with the Red Dragon Queen's transformation skills.

Especially after the red dragon queen transformed, her hot figure……


With a dry cough, Yu Ziyu quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind.

However, it was because of this dry cough that it completely attracted the attention of people in the distance.

"Who are you……"

There was a sound of surprise, but for a moment he seemed to realize something. The young man with long silver-white hair suddenly stood up and exclaimed:


Yes Master.

I haven't seen him for more than ten years, but the master is still like this.

No vicissitudes of life, no other things.

Some are just spotless and have the temperament of a noble prince.

"Long time no see, Xiao Shi……"

The corner of her mouth curled up into a smile, and Yu Ziyu also took the initiative to say hello.

Then, he looked at Brother Pingtou and Leng Feng again, and said with a smile:

"You two, it’s been a long time since we last met.……"

Listening quietly, as if they couldn't believe it, the three of them were stunned.

But for a moment, he seemed to react

"Master, is it really you?"

"You are finally back, Master"


One after another, Brother Flathead and Xiao Shijin, the Thunder Dragon, all lost their composure.

As for Leng Feng, with a smile on his face, he dismissed the cubs lingering around.

Not too many words, not too much intimacy.

What was left was that Yu Ziyu slowly walked to the stone table and drank a few glasses of wine with Leng Feng and others.

At this time, Yu Ziyu also gradually learned from the chat that the reason why Brother Pingtou set foot on the fifth level was not because of some adventure.

It was his spirit of abandoning others and being extremely reckless that actually caused a qualitative change in his spirit by accident, and he clearly understood the 'Way of War'.

The way of war is to feed war with war, and fight to the point of madness.

The more he fights, the stronger Brother Flathead becomes.

And if he could survive nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine evenly matched battles in which the weak defeated the strong without dying, he would be able to directly condense the 'Laws of War'.

Of course, this is very unrealistic.

Evenly matched, if the weak defeats the strong, forget it.

Still have to go through nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine games?

Just thinking about it made Yu Ziyu look weird.

This is really true, as long as you can't do it to death, you will do it to death. It is really in line with the flat-headed brother's desperate spirit.

However, whatever is appropriate, Yu Ziyu couldn’t help but advise:

"Enough is enough, I don't want to collect your corpse in the future……"

"Don't worry, Master, I will never die."

Patting his chest, Brother Flathead said firmly.

He has made up his mind. He will definitely go further and further on the road of fighting.

This is his choice and his destiny!!

Without talent, he can only So extreme._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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