Zhushen, the magic sword that kills creatures is born with the magical power to attack!

But now, driven by Yu Ziyu’s spiritual power,……


Only a loud noise was heard, and a sword light reaching the sky was drawn out.

The sword light was ten thousand feet long, and its entire body was pure white and flawless.

And just then


With a low roar, I saw this sword light that was thousands of feet long, but it was blooming with brilliant divine light.

In a moment, it was heading straight towards this asteroid belt.


With a crisp sound, the galaxy shattered.

Under Yu Ziyu's somewhat surprised gaze, the entire asteroid belt tore apart easily as if made of paper. then,


Along with the terrifying roar, the entire asteroid belt fell into chaos, with only countless sword energy flying across it.

And this is God-killing.

The power of a sword is enough to kill a god.

It was precisely because of this sword that all the remaining aura of Yu Ziyu in the entire asteroid belt was wiped out.

"What a terrifying supernatural power."

He sighed in his heart, and Yu Ziyu also secretly praised it.

Although his magical power, the elemental tide, can also do this.

But compared to God Killing's speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness, it is still far behind.

After all, the elemental tide is a bit like It is the forbidden spell of the magician and needs guidance.

But with this sword, Zhu Shen slashed it out in an instant with lightning speed.

Before the sword came, the innate murderous intention had already wiped out the person's soul.

Of course, this is still It's not the most terrifying thing about God Killing.

The most terrifying thing about this offensive magical power is the locking.

Yes, locking. There is no way to avoid it, the only way is to resist.

Just because, at the moment when this sword is struck, the magic sword The innate killing intention of killing is to lock the enemy into death.

No matter where he escapes, he will be severely cut down.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the divine power of God Killing is more of a magical power against the enemy....

By simply cutting through the asteroid belt, one cannot see its power.

However, at this time.

After taking a look, he saw that the asteroid belt was already in chaos. The corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly, and then he slowly turned around.

Now that the last 'possible exposure' has been taken care of, it's almost time to leave.

Presumably, Kyuubi, Emperor Crocodile and others also missed him....

However, at this moment, what Yu Ziyu didn’t know was that...The Yaoting Yang System has welcomed several guests.

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty of coming to visit....

Amidst the chorus of worship, figures whose faces could not be seen clearly in the hazy light were all standing outside the solar system.

The three of them stood side by side, like gods and demons.

Behind the scenes, visions were coming one after another, and there was something indescribably terrifying.

One person, with thunder rolling behind him, seemed to be destroying the world, and lightning bolts as thick as a bucket intertwined in the sky.

There was a holy light surging behind him, and behind the large aperture, there seemed to be a kingdom of God.

And the last one has an Optimus Pillar behind him, thrusting straight into the starry sky.

If you look closely, you will see the word 'eternity' engraved on the black pillar.

And these are the three eternal giants in the surrounding star field, the Thunder King of the Elemental Clan, the Seraphim King of the Angel Clan, and the first divine pillar of the Titan Clan, the Eternal God....

"What are these three people doing here?"

There was a sudden sound of surprise, and the expression of Jiuwei, who was lying in the deepest part of the heaven, also changed slightly.

She is naturally familiar with the three eternal giants in the Zhoutian Star Territory.

In recent years, with their breakthroughs, various star territories have It's the turbulence.

Killing, expansion, conquest...

In a short period of time, the territories of the Elemental Clan, Angel Clan, and Titan Clan have expanded by 50%.

Among them, the leaders are these three eternal giants, all of whom are notorious.

However, now, these three eternal giants have come uninvited, which is not good news for Demon Court.

What is worth mentioning here is that although the Elemental Clan, Titan Clan, and Angel Clan are powerful today, in the past ten years, they have a tacit understanding not to use any of the Demon Court's troops.

It can even be said that when the outer starfields are raging and bloody, the solar system where Demon Court is located is still peaceful, calm and even a little strange.

The water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river, that's what they say.

Therefore, Kyuubi was a little unsure about the arrival of these three people.

However, after more than ten years of accumulation, Demon Court is naturally not a fledgling force.


Along with a soft drink, I saw that many stars in the entire solar system were flickering with flickering starlight.

Visible to the naked eye, the stars that light up one after another actually create a path in the starry sky.

And this is the ancient starry sky road of Demon Court, which goes straight to the depths of Demon Court’s heaven....

"What an amazing method"


"Many stars are refined, so it can be seen that the foundation is really extraordinary..."

One after another, these three figures all expressed surprise.

With their eyes, they can naturally see that the stars in the entire asteroid belt are transformed into a vast formation.

But now, just activating a corner of the formation lit up many stars and opened a path to the starry sky.

This starry sky road is not only magnificent, but also the highest level of welcome to the Demon Court.

Of course, walking along the Starry Sky Ancient Road is fine.

If we deviate from the ancient path of the starry sky, I am afraid that many stars will evolve into killing formations in an instant.

However, some are not sure whether this killing formation poses a threat to level six giants like them.

The three giants looked at each other, a little surprised, but they also raised their feet one after another and walked along the ancient road of the starry sky.

Strength has made them what they are today.

Nothing to fear, let alone fear...

And when these three eternal giants were walking on the ancient road in the starry sky,

"Yin, Yin..."

"Roar, roar..."

The roars of dragons and tigers sounded one after another in the depths of the heaven.

Looking for fame, one after another strong men are also awakening from cultivation.

Suddenly, the entire heaven was filled with turmoil, as if the end of the world was coming.

Just because, the towering spiritual energy storms that rose into the sky flooded the heavens.

Emperor Crocodile, Dark Tiger, Qinggang...

One after another, these strong men wake up. ps:----------------Ask for customization-----------

Crimson mentioned the sixth update yesterday, now it’s the fifth update, and there’s still a sixth update...

Then, around nine o'clock in the evening, I started today's update..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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