The world is itself.

This is the path Yu Ziyu has taken.

In other words, these are the only ways to further explore oneself and continuously break through one's own limits.

The same was true for the Blood Sea Taoist who was so powerful at the beginning.

He turned himself into the world and continued to dig. On the day he broke through the sixth level and seventh level, the endless sea of ​​blood finally became the famous 'World of Blood'.

And this is the real secret.

Even among all races, few people know about it.

And now, without anyone telling her, Yu Ziyu has embarked on the same path as Taoist Blood Sea.

Use yourself as a seed to give birth to a world.

Thus, it became his 'tenth realm'.

There are nine realms in front of it, as great supernatural powers.

Then there is the tenth realm, which helps his body transform again.

In this way, when Yu Ziyu cultivates the tenth world to perfection, he can also step into the sixth level and seventh level, and then give birth to his first big world.

Why is it that the sixth level and seventh level can use the power of the physical body to resist the master who carries the law?

Just because they are the world, and the world is them.

And this is also the real ancient method.

It is said that dozens of eras ago, countless great powers cultivated themselves, and then continued to transform, deducing the heavens and the world.

It's just a pity...

Although this ancient road is terrifying and almost invincible at the same level, it is too difficult to prove the master. It is too difficult....

Therefore, later generations deduced another way - the law of carrying.

However, there are gains and losses.

A being who carries the law and becomes a master, even if he sets foot in eternity, he will still be bound by this universe.

When the era restarts, all these powerful people will be destroyed.

However, the ancient method is different!

If we continue to explore ourselves and break through the master, we will realize eternity....Even the real era is difficult to annihilate, and the heavens cannot erase.

For true immortality.

And that existence...In every era, there is no one.

Yes, no one.

Very realistic and cruel...


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu was also delighted that she had achieved a breakthrough.

Now, he has reached the sixth level and the sixth level.

It can be called a 'half-step master'.

Moreover, he is not an ordinary half-step master, now Yu Ziyu can completely overwhelm others with strength.

With a grin on his lips, Yu Ziyu was also excited.

An indescribable power was already surging through his body.

And that is the power of the sixth level and six revolutions.

It is the world itself, and it gives birth to a world with itself.

Although it has only given birth to a small world now, Yu Ziyu is satisfied.

After all, this small world is slowly growing...The day he grows to the 'Big World' is the day he breaks through the sixth level and seventh level.

Moreover, one thing worth mentioning is that because of the experience of cultivating the nine realms, Yu Ziyu, the tenth realm, will grow faster than imagined.

What's even more terrifying is that Yu Ziyu can completely extract the power of the nine realms and then complete the tenth realm.

And what does this mean?

Maybe it will be decades, maybe it will be a few years, Yu Ziyu will be able to cultivate the tenth realm to the limit.

Feeling happy, Yu Ziyu was also a little excited.

After all, he will transform again soon and have the power to fight against the master. How can this not make him excited?

Moreover, at that time, he was not an ordinary dominating combat power.

At the beginning, when the Blood Sea Taoist entered the sixth level and seventh level, they had a power that was in the middle or even close to the upper level masters. Even if we look at the entire era, they were among the top few.

And if such existences appeared in the current era,...I'm afraid it will make countless people despair.

After all, the cultivation of giants lasts for thousands of years, while the cultivation of masters lasts for tens of thousands of years.

One step is a natural chasm.

If Yu Ziyu really becomes the master of physical enlightenment...I'm afraid that with just one step, I will become the first person under the stars.

Yes, the first person under the stars.

Even if that tree is rooted deep in the starry sky, Yu Ziyu will not be afraid of it.

"It's fast, really fast."

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Yu Ziyu also comforted him. He must not act too hastily.

His current strength is enough.

There is no need to rush to physically prove the master.

Compared with this, what is more important now is to polish the tenth realm.

But, Glancing at the depths of the sky in the tenth realm, where the green dragon was already swimming in the clouds and mist, Yu Ziyu also silently withdrew his gaze.

There was the Cang Dragon in the Sky taking care of him.

It seemed that he didn't need to worry about it.

After all, the Cang Dragon in the Sky was there. The fusion of the will of the nine realms is equivalent to the rules in the world.

Under the guidance of the rules, he does not need to worry about the growth of the tenth realm.

It is best to let nature take its course.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu is also satisfied.

At the beginning, let Qinglong merge The Will of the Nine Realms was the most correct thing he did...

And just then...A voice suddenly came from far away

"Master, how are you?"

Looking for this voice, Yu Ziyu suddenly found that Niu Mo was running towards him excitedly.


Just two words, but they expressed the indescribable joy in Yu Ziyu's heart.

Just, at this moment


At one glance, just one glance, the bodies of the approaching Bull Demon, Golden Ant and others all stiffened, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

This was the first time that Yu Ziyu raised his eyes to look at the crowd after his breakthrough. The branches were spreading in the wind, and his calm eyes revealed astonishing pressure.

And it was this astonishing pressure that froze the souls of the powerful.

In a daze, they all came from the human world to hell, and from hell to the human world.

Although it was only for a moment, it was as powerful as the Bull Demon. Even the Golden Ant's scalp was numb and he was sweating profusely.

"What's this?"

Amidst the unbelievable voice, Ao Yu, who had come from afar, also staggered.

At that moment, when he was stared at by Yu Ziyu, all the blood in his body froze, and even his thoughts went blank, as if he was facing resurrection. The ancient ferocious beast.

How could a creature be so terrifying!

No, to be more precise, how could such a terrifying creature be born in today's era? ps:------------Ask for customization-----------

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