As for, is this cruel?

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care.

After all, the starry sky is an extremely cruel place.

Leaving people a way to live like this can be considered kind.

Not to mention anything else, the blood demon clan conquered by the bull demon has cruelty engraved in their bones.

They kill the nine tribes at every turn, and some even practice with their own lives.

"Tsk tsk……"

After smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu didn't want to worry too much.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Although the Blood Demons are indeed cruel, they exist for a reason. Why should Yu Ziyu interfere with their way of survival?

Moreover, now, this blood demon clan is not really following the bull demon and the realm of demons.

It's just that his strength is not as good as that of others, so he succumbed briefly.

And regarding this, not only Yu Ziyu, but even Niu Mo knew it well.

However, this is also the way of survival of the demon clan - the strong is respected.

Therefore, what Niu Mo and others consider is not the betrayal of the Blood Demons, but always being stronger than the Blood Demons.

As long as they are strong, the Blood Demon Clan will not betray them.

On one point, the demons are much more straightforward and more reassuring than other races.

Even Yu Ziyu likes this about them.

It's much better than some sanctimonious races that pretend to surrender.

"Don't think about this anymore……"

Smiling, Yu Ziyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly. His growing strength made him feel relieved, and he began to think about the way to survive for all races and even his own strength.

Unfortunately, I don’t have time to delve too deeply into these.

Shaking her head helplessly, Yu Ziyu also raised her steps and walked towards the outside of the secret realm.


Taking one step feels like crossing time and even space.

And just for a moment, as if I noticed something, the sound like the sound of ocean waves suddenly echoed in the small empty world:

"We welcome the master……"

The chorus of calls resounded through the sky.

What caught Yu Ziyu's eyes were the prostrate figures one after another.

Not many, just the 200,000 troops stationed in the small world of the void, as well as seven fifth-level true gods such as the Bull Demon and Thorns.

As for White Tiger and Glacier, if nothing else happens, they should still be recovering from their injuries.

"Thank you for your hard work……"

Looking at these blazing eyes, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand, raining down a rain of vitality that enveloped half of the small world in the void.

These people loyally guarded him in seclusion for enlightenment, and Yu Ziyu would naturally express his feelings.

And just after sowing the rain of life, Yu didn't stay long. With a wave of his hand, he brought the Bull Demon, Thorns and others to the deepest part of the small world of life.

"How was this period?"

Once again transformed into a giant tree and rooted in the deepest part of the small world of life, Yu Ziyu also asked with interest

"Reporting back to the master, Bai Hu, Glacier is no longer seriously injured and is still being nursed back to health. The Blood Demon Clan is still developing in an orderly manner. As for the rest, it is no different from before."


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"How do you arrange the tens of millions of creatures living in the little secret realm of heaven?"

"I drove them all to the small world of the earth and built several earth cities.……"

Listening to Niu Mo's voice, Yu Ziyu also praised:

"well done."

After finishing speaking, Yu Ziyu changed the subject and directly arranged:

"These heavenly people are branded and will be classified as sin slaves from now on. If they can serve the nine realms for twenty years, they can be exempted from the mark of sin slaves.……"

Listening quietly, Niu Mo also had a look of doubt on his face.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"If all tens of millions of creatures were wiped out, it would harm the peace of the world, but if they were kept, it wouldn't be a problem. It would be better to mark them as sin slaves and let them work for the Nine Realms."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but smile and said:"Anyway, the Nine Realms are so big, it's enough for these people to build slowly."

"That's true."

Nodding slightly, Niu Mo agreed with this point.

Even though tens of millions of creatures are a lot, the actual population is only the population of several cities in Blue Star. With this number, it is not unusually difficult to complete the construction of the Nine Realms..

Moreover, this construction is definitely not an ordinary construction.

Where necessary, it may also involve formations, trends and other things.

So, from this perspective, it is not bad to have this group of picked-up coolies.

Thinking of this, Niu Mo also took the initiative to suggest:

"Master, do you need me to transfer some people from the Blood Demon Clan to contribute to the construction of the Nine Realms?"


Arranged the branches, Yu Ziyu also directly rejected the Niu Mo's proposal.

Tens of millions of sin slaves from this heaven are enough.

Yu Ziyu doesn't want more people to divide the spiritual energy of his nine realms.


At this moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also shot out a few leaves.

"Swish, swish, swish……"

Accompanied by bursts of sound breaking through the air, seven palm-sized leaves were suspended in front of the Bull Demon, Thorns, Golden Behemoth and others.

"These are the seven small magical powers that I found deep in the secret realm of heaven. You can try to practice them.……"

"Thank you master."

They bowed in unison, and Niu Mo and others also showed a touch of excitement on their faces.

The magical power... and it is a small magical power deep in the secret realm of Tianbang.

This, if you think about it, you should know that it is absolutely extraordinary.

But in fact, This is indeed the case.

In just a moment, an exclamation sounded in the crowd

"This is actually the long-lost magical power of Vajra, which is indestructible……"

With a touch of ecstasy, Golden Behemoth, who had shrunk to a height of several meters with the help of Ruyi's magical powers, could not help but roar in excitement.

The indestructible magical power of Vajra is the most top-notch minor magical power of the physical body.

Once you have cultivated to a great level, you will be invincible, and your physical body can compete with the divine weapons.

And this kind of magical power is most suitable for the Behemoth clan who are physically dominant.

It can even be said to be a match made in heaven.

It's a pity that this magical power has long been lost. Even in the inheritance of Golden Behemoth, there are only a few records.

But I didn’t expect that the master would actually grant such magical powers.


After swallowing his saliva, Golden Behemoth did not care about losing his composure and said gratefully again:

"Thank you, Master, for your support. I will definitely live up to Master's high expectations."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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