It has been meditating for several months now, and it has already undergone such a transformation.

From this, it is also conceivable how terrifying it would be if Yu Ziyu continued to comprehend the great supernatural power of transforming the three pure beings with one breath.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu was also a little excited.

Sure enough, the most correct choice is to find a great supernatural power that can transform the three pure things into one qi.

What is worth mentioning is that the great supernatural power transforms the three pure states into seven levels.

One layer, divided soul.

Second level, nourishing the soul.

Triple, body shaping.

Fourth level, blessing, fifth level......

Each level taken individually is no less than the most outstanding small magical power. If all seven levels are cultivated, the great magical power can transform the three pure states in one breath.

At that time, we can truly use the principle of three lives and all things to evolve the wonderful door, break through the calamity and steal the great fortune and opportunity in the dark!.

The real purpose of the great supernatural power to transform the three pure beings in one breath is to steal the great good fortune and great opportunity, not to increase the combat power.

It can even be said that the surge in combat power is only incidental to the great magical power that transforms the three pure beings into one qi.

Of course, what Yu Ziyu is pursuing now is a surge in combat power.

After all, in today's era, strong combat power is everything.

This is the greatest confidence to suppress the current world. so...Lord Yu Ziyu chose to put the cart before the horse and pursue a surge in combat power.’

"What this stone tablet records is only the fourth level of blessing of the great supernatural power that transforms the three pure beings into one thing....But it's enough for me...After all, I have the body of a dragon, a purple dragon, and a void elf...."

While murmuring, a hint of thought flashed through the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Although, what he longs for most is the complete magical power of One Qi Transformation and Three Purities.

But obviously, this is unrealistic.

After all, the great magical power that has circulated for dozens of epochs is destined to be incomplete, not to mention that the ancient building of Tongtian Jianmu has already hinted that the great magical power can transform the three pure beings in one breath and is in the hands of all races.

And Heaven is just one of the forces......

Fortunately, this stone tablet records the fourth level of the great supernatural power that transforms the three pure beings into one qi - blessing, which is of great use to Yu Ziyu.

Not to mention anything else, you can know how useful this level is to Yu Ziyu just by looking at how he can extract the power of the blue dragon and the purple dragon after just a few months of practice.

"The fourth level I have now comprehended can bless myself with any power...."

With a whisper, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up.

If it were anyone else, how much strength would they need to practice this level?

But Yu Ziyu didn't need it.

After all, the blue dragon, purple dragon, etc. are all there...

In the past few months of enlightenment, Yu Ziyu not only had a general understanding of the fourth level of blessing, but also had an understanding of the other levels.

For example, if you want to practice the great magical power and transform the three pure things with one breath, the most difficult things are the first and second levels, nourishing the soul and shaping the body.

If you want to truly cultivate the great magical power of transforming the three pure beings with one breath, you must grow three flawless bodies.

This body is not only flawless in body, but also flawless in soul, able to perfectly blend with itself.

And this is because of this, I don’t know how much it stumps the genius

"Tsk tsk..."

Smashing his head and mouth, Yu Ziyu also sighed at the mystery of the great supernatural power that can transform the three realms in one breath.

This is indeed the legendary Taoist sect's greatest magical power.

This mystery is truly beyond compare to other magical powers or even secret techniques....

But, that’s okay.

With this stone tablet, Yu Ziyu already felt that he could try to break through the sixth level and the sixth level, so as to further explore himself.

When the great magical power, one qi, the third level of pure purity, and the fourth level of blessing are completed, Yu Ziyu is even confident that with the blessing of the blue dragon and the purple dragon, he will try to hit the sixth level and the seventh level.

At that time, the legend of fighting against the master with a sixth-level body will reappear again.

However, at that time, the name that sounded in the legend was no longer Taoist Blood Sea.

But the sacred tree——Yu Ziyu...

"Ha ha..."

With a long laugh, Yu Ziyu could not be more satisfied with this realization.

Of course, it would be even better if we could find the other six levels with great magical powers that can transform the three pure states in one breath.

There's no rush, though.

After all, even a terrifying existence in the eternal realm would be greedy for a truly great supernatural power.

It is definitely not something that a being at Yu Ziyu's level can truly practice or even master.

Therefore, now, it is quite good to practice the first level of great magical power like this.

It not only increases its own combat power, but also enables it to further explore itself and find a way forward.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu glanced at this stone tablet even more eagerly.

According to his estimation, if the evolution points are enough.

In a few years, he will be able to achieve the fourth level of blessing, the great magical power of transforming three pure things into one qi...

It’s just that...Now is not the time for enlightenment.

I just gained something, so I should sort it out.

Then, take this opportunity to try to hit the sixth level and the sixth level to further explore yourself....

"Rest for half a month, and then directly attack the sixth level and sixth rotation."

With determination in her heart, Yu Ziyu slowly stood up.

"Yin, Yin..."

Amidst the dragon roars one after another, illusory dragon shadows several feet tall, one green and one purple, rose up with them.

Along with this, a huge power slowly spreads


Faintly, one can see the spiritual energy around them pouring into the two dragon figures like a tide....

And these two dragon shadows are the 'power carriers' of the green dragon and the purple dragon.

When Yu Ziyu completely understands this stone tablet, the power of Qinglong and Zilong will flow into Yu Ziyu's body through these two carriers.

"If I can find the fifth level of one Qi transforming three pure things - three living things, I should be able to truly use the purple dragon and the green dragon as part of my own body, so as to perform the ultimate combat power..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also looked thoughtful.

Of course, it's not bad now.

Bless it for the time being to maximize the power of your body.

Then, it is not too late to slowly look for the other levels of the great magical power that transforms the three pure beings into one qi.

If he can't find it, Yu Ziyu can also try to work backwards through evolutionary points....

In this way, his path of cultivation became somewhat clearer. ps:------------Ask for customization------------

Embarrassing, I'm confused...There are two updates. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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