"The giant red lotus beast has a strong sense of combat."

After one glance, Yu Ziyu secretly praised the giant red lotus beast that was trying to inflict a fatal blow with its tail. It has to be said that the giant red lotus beast was very decisive.

Although his current injuries are very serious, not only his tail It almost split into two, especially because there were countless bloody sword auras in the wound, like tarsal insects....Devouring a bit of his flesh and blood...

But even so, the injury of the red lotus beast is much better than that of this strong man from the Blood Demon Clan.

After all, it was no joke to forcefully eat the red lotus beast's atomic breath that was condensed several times.

Not to mention anything else, the terrifying penetrating power alone is enough to tear through the defense of 80% of level 5 experts.

And now

"Click, click...

There were crisp sounds one after another, and the blood-colored armor on this strong man of the Blood Demon clan was like paper. In just an instant, it was torn to pieces by the atomic breath of the red lotus beast.

And her body, under that atomic breath, reached the end of the world.

As for the bloody sword in her hand, it turned into a streak of blood and fell towards the ground.

At this time, looking at the bloody long sword that had turned into blood, Yu Ziyu had already raised his dragon claws


In the sudden surge of suction, the bloody sword that was still falling towards the ground disappeared out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, when he looked at Yu Ziyu's dragon claws, he could suddenly find that a long sword that kept trembling had appeared.

"It's quite spiritual."

Looking at the bloody long sword that kept trembling and screaming in the dragon's claws, Yu Ziyu's face turned slightly cold.

Immediately, the dragon's claws tightened


With a crisp sound, the bloody long sword was grasped by Yu Ziyu's dragon claws, and the sky filled with flames.

And just for a moment, Yu Ziyu raised his eyes again and saw that this bloody long sword was lying in the middle of his dragon claws as if dead.

What made Yu Ziyu even more amused was that the halo on the sword's blade was dim, as if it was extinguished.

"Pretending to be dead?"

He smiled in his heart, but Yu Ziyu didn't care.

Instead, he focused his eyes and took a deep look at the bloody sword.

【The seventh-level magic sword - the Blood Killing Sword (the ultimate weapon): watered with thousands of blood essences, millions of living beings, as many as ten fourth-level strong men, sacrificing their lives and even souls, this is a truly fierce weapon. The mighty magic sword.

Ability - Bloodthirsty: You can rely on swallowing blood essence to continuously increase your power. The higher the quality of blood essence, the more terrifying the power will be.

Blood traction: Any wound cut by this sword will cause the blood to boil or even flow backwards under the traction of this sword, greatly reducing the strength.

Blood Curse: An injury that is like a curse, difficult to heal, and will continue to worsen as time goes by.

Blood Burning: Using your own essence and blood as a guide, your strength can be greatly enhanced.

Magical power: blood killing - instantly turns into a streak of blood light, killing life invisibly. For physical life, that is, life with blood flowing, it is a fatal threat and is extremely difficult to avoid. For elemental life, On the contrary, the effect is halved. ]

Taking a deep look at this fierce sword, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

I have to say that it is indeed a Ji Dao weapon, and its power is really not ordinary and terrifying.

If it fell into the hands of the right person, its combat power would probably increase several times.

And this suitable person was also found by Yu Ziyu

"Thorns, don’t thank me……"

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu had already placed the sword deep in the Nine Realms.

The nine realms are a world of their own, enough to isolate the perception of the strong blood demon clan.


And just when Yu Ziyu quietly placed the Blood Killing Sword in the Nine Realms, she was hit hard by the blood-colored light beam, and the face of Lan Xi, the princess of the Blood Demon Tribe, suddenly changed.

"How can it be? Why did the Blood Killing Divine Sword suddenly lose its senses?"

Under the broken mask, the pretty face revealed was as white as snow, and Lan Xi, who had no time to even notice the bloody beam of light touching her body, immediately raised her eyes and looked at the place where the Blood Killing Divine Sword last disappeared.

But for a moment, Looking at the place where there was nothing, Lan Xi's pupils shrank, and there was a look of disbelief on her face. The ultimate weapon, the Blood Killing Divine Sword, was connected to her life, how could it disappear within her senses?.

Not to mention that the sword cannot be held and ejected, even if it is buried in the deep sea, the Blood Killing Divine Sword will escape in an instant with a thought.

But now, as the thought turns again and again, it is like a stone sinking into the sea. Lan Xi is a little stunned. She stopped.

And at the moment when she was stunned


She lost her mind and her spiritual power finally dissipated.

In just an instant, the atomic breath of the red lotus beast had completely penetrated her body, erasing half of her body.


The unimaginable heavy damage caused Lan Xi to spurt out a large mouthful of blood.

Even with her recovery power, it would take several days to heal from such a horrific injury.

But now, they are still fighting.

With a bitter smile, this is the princess of the Blood Demon Clan. I also know that the situation is over

"I lost……"

With a look of sadness, the princess of the Blood Demon Clan dragged her severely injured body, raised her head, and looked at the huge creature walking towards her.

A body like a bear.

But it is as high as a mountain, and its whole body is shining with red light

"Boom, boom……"

Step after step, the earth seemed to be overwhelmed and screamed.

And this is the peerless beast that attacks the main city of demon hunting.

Clenching her silver teeth tightly, the princess of the Blood Demon Tribe also asked the biggest doubt in her heart.

"Where did my bloody sword go?"

"Blood-killing sword?"

As if he realized something, the approaching red lotus beast suddenly paused.

Then, it slowly raised its eyes and looked at the sky.

And the next moment

"Click, click……"

One crisp sound after another, the sky was shattered.

Along with it, an unimaginable terrifying aura came.

It is like an overwhelming mountain, and the person who is oppressed by his breath alone cannot breathe.

And at this moment, an indifferent voice came from the depths of the broken sky

"This city is useful to me, so I will take it away first."

The words fell.

In the horrified eyes of countless Blood Demon tribesmen, a huge dragon claw that covered the sky surged out from the depths of the broken sky and grabbed the entire Demon Hunting Main City and the Demon Hunting Lord. The land where the city is located._Fei

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