"Now my body has reached the sixth level and fifth level...."

"The natal talent, Momo Youth, has been condensed into time gears, as many as one thousand and two white ones....Although it is still far from the state of perfection of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand and nine hundred, it is already quite powerful..."

"And my natural talent of thunder control is integrated with the nine realms and turned into a heavenly calamity that can train all living beings...."

"As for the endless life of my natural talent, needless to say, it is the biggest support for my body, supporting my star-like body, and the vitality flows, as if it is immortal....As the body grows, it will grow."

Muttering one after another, Yu Ziyu also began to integrate his current talents.

His various abilities are secondary.

After all, abilities are all dependent on his talents.

If he develops his talents to the extreme, all kinds of weird things will happen. And the terrifying ability will naturally extend...

In this way, I can take advantage of this period of time to study my natural talent - absolute evolution.

Amid the low murmur, a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Absolute evolution, his most bizarre natural talent. none of them.

Now this natal talent has become even more mysterious after being promoted to Level 6.

The simplest application is to change it.

It not only has form, but also possesses spirit.

Now, if Yu Ziyu wants to transform into the Nine-Tails, he can do so without missing a beat.

However, this is only the most superficial application of 'absolute evolution'.

What's really scary about it is that it deduces the abilities that only exist in the legendary 'sacred trees' and then turns them into one's own.

Yu Ziyu's 'Sky Eye' originally stole the power of a legendary sacred tree.

But now, with the absolute evolution of his natural talent, he has been promoted to 1v6. This kind of deduction, no, it is more accurate to say 'stealing', should also be easier.

Thinking of this, a meaningful smile appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

Now, he really needs the power of a sacred tree...

And this kind of sacred tree has something to do with him.

According to legend, there is a 'miracle tree that bears countless fruits', and each of its fruits can give living creatures magical abilities.

There are elemental fruits that can transform living things into elements, and there are animal fruits that can transform humans into animals.

There are also rules fruits that directly carry the original power.

And the power of this miracle tree is exactly what he wants now.

At the beginning, he used the power of various elements to form six elemental fruits, thereby changing the destiny of his six subordinates and improving their talents infinitely.

And now...If he takes the power of this sacred tree and creates various strange fruits again, he may be able to greatly increase the power of his subordinates.

As for sacrificing his own strength to benefit his subordinates, will he lose money?

There is no need to think about this kind of problem.

Every fruit requires great sacrifice from my subordinates.

This one move is enough to turn it into a profitable business, and it will also make your subordinates more loyal.

Not only that...

There is another biggest use in achieving fruits....That is, Yu Ziyu can use the power of these fruits to steal the cultivation insights of his subordinates.

In other words, it was his subordinates who could help him practice.

No matter how powerful he is, it is hard to compare to him. Tens of thousands of people help him practice.

And as long as he chooses some talented geniuses and gives them fruits, he can become stronger while lying down.

Of course, it is an exaggeration to become stronger while lying down.

However, this is indeed a method of cultivation that defies heaven.

As for how outrageous it is?

One thing is enough to explain...

There are three thousand avenues...If you practice until the Great Perfection, you can set foot on eternity.

And if Yu Ziyu is a fellow practitioner of the Three Thousand Great Dao, and even reaches perfection in their cultivation, what will happen? Yu Ziyu didn't know, let alone thought about it.

It can even be said that no one has dared to think this way for tens of thousands of years.

Even if the immortal of the human race knew about it, he would probably say that it was"an idiot's dream".

There are three thousand avenues, and it is already difficult to build one.

Not to mention the Three Thousand Avenues.

However, now, Yu Ziyu has a little hope... if...

If one of his subordinates has cultivated to eternity.

No, eternity is too difficult.

As far as the realm of domination is concerned, as long as one of his subordinates cultivates to the realm of domination, it means that he will master a law out of thin air.

If there are three thousand subordinates, all of them will step on the domination...

Of course, three thousand is unlikely.

But as long as one or two people practice mastery, Yu Ziyu will have one or two more laws.

And that is the real foundation


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu was also a little excited.

"So we decided to deduce the Miracle Tree and steal his power....Thus creating an unprecedented practice method.."

With a murmur in her heart, Yu Ziyu also made a decision.

Then, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and looked at the attribute column.

After a moment, Yu Ziyu was satisfied when he saw that there were more than 2 billion evolution points in the column of evolution points. It should be enough for him to steal the power of the Miracle Tree.

This is what he gained in five years.

Of course, it is not his efforts alone, thanks to his apostles who are working for him outside....

And Yu Ziyu also truly experienced the feeling of 'lying down, your evolution points can skyrocket'.

I have to say, it’s really cool.

It was also because of this that Yu Ziyu came up with the idea of ​​'letting others help him practice'.

And precisely, he has such ability.

What is worth mentioning here is that...

In the past five years, Yu Ziyu's control over all major elements has improved linearly.

Like now.

Eyes narrowed...As far as Yu Zi could see, mountains were rising one after another.

And these mountains, following Yu Ziyu's thoughts, continued to twist, and in the blink of an eye they turned into dozens of earth giants hundreds of meters high, exuding a terrifying aura.

And this is the power of Qinggang, the son of the earth.

In the past five years, he finally reached the fifth level of Transcendence.

It is also because of this that Yu Ziyu's control over earth elements has almost undergone a qualitative change and reached such a state. ps:---------------Ask for customization------------

The protagonist's cultivation method will, to a certain extent, draw on the method of cultivating demons in the Taoist heart....

I believe that everyone has a certain impression of Taoist demons who steal other people's Tao fruits....The protagonist's thoughts are similar to this one.

However, the specifics will be improved in the future.

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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