This is one of the dozen dragon eggs preserved in the Nine Realms.

Because the attributes match, the frost dragon eggs can hatch faster when surrounded by ice and snow.

What is worth mentioning is that these are not the previous sub-dragon eggs.

As a descendant of a pure-blooded dragon clan, the incubation cycle of each dragon egg lasts for decades

, although the incubation time will be shortened due to aura.

But it can’t be hatched in just five years.

For now, the fastest dragon egg will still take three to four years.

And this is one of the reasons why the Titan clan and the angel clan have risen in the starry sky, but the dragon clan has still disappeared.

The incubation and even growth cycle of offspring is too long, so that the group is not strong enough.

However, one thing is certain, that is, the dragon clan will eventually rise.

As the beings at the top of the food chain, the Dragon Clan is never absent from the true forest of strong men.

Regardless of the fact that there are no famous Dragon Clan powerhouses emerging in the starry sky yet, after a while, you will find that one Dragon Clan powerhouse after another is already entrenched in the starry sky.


During the period when Ice and Snow was born, in the Kadar Star Territory, planets suddenly became populated.


A terrifying roar sounded from an ice-blue planet.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless storm also rolled back into the sky.

At this time, if you look at the center of the storm, you can suddenly see a white tiger with dragon wings, looking up to the sky and roaring:

"Search for me, don’t miss any corner……"

"You'd better dig three feet into the ground for me and find all those spiritual stone mines and heavenly materials and earthly treasures."


Listening quietly, the strong men of the tiger clan who followed the white tiger one after another had serious expressions on their faces.

Then they all responded in unison:"Yes, Lord Patriarch."

As soon as he finished speaking, a total of two thousand powerful tiger clan men were shooting in all directions.

This is the strong man of the Tiger clan.

As the third clan in the once misty mountains, the population of the Tiger clan has already exceeded 50,000.

And among the fifty thousand people, White Tiger selected five thousand.

Among them, three thousand tribesmen are still living peacefully in all walks of life in the nine realms.

As for the two thousand most elite people, they followed him, fighting in the north and south, and searching everywhere.

What is worth mentioning is that the new leader of the Tiger clan who stayed in Demon Court is the Tiger of Darkness and the commander of the Dark Legion.

Whether it is strength or status, it is enough to protect the entire tiger clan.

Therefore, White Tiger can leave with peace of mind.


In addition to Bai Hu who is working hard to explore a planet, other powerful people are also exploring.

Just like the golden ants who teamed up with the white tiger, they were searching on an earth-yellow planet not far from the white tiger.

As always, tasks are done in teams of two to facilitate coordination.

According to the requirements of the Bull Demon, except for the Immortal Sky Crow, the other ten fifth-level powerhouses all formed a team, and then led the men and horses to explore an asteroid belt each.

If anything is discovered, we will notify you as soon as possible.

Now, the White Tiger and the Golden Ant are exploring this asteroid belt named 'Cold Sky System' by the Bull Demon.

As for the others, they were exploring the nearby asteroid belt in teams of two.


However, at this moment, there was an asteroid belt not far from here, above an earth-yellow star.

The burly, steel-like body was already standing on the top of a mountain, looking at the stars from a distance.

Behind him, tens of thousands of rats scattered in all directions.

As a solitary man who was not good at perception and had no subordinates, Guo Wu naturally recruited a group of rats who were best at searching.

With the speed of these little guys, in less than half a month, they can dig up the entire star three feet into the ground.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, the burly eyes suddenly focused.

The legs are even slightly bent.

And just the next moment


With an earth-shattering roar, the tall man jumped up into the air, jumped thousands of meters high, and jumped towards a concave valley in the distance.


"This is……"

In the hoarse sound that sounded like the friction of steel, Kui Zhou's spiritual power surged, lifting up a palm-sized scale in the valley far away.

"Just looking at the aura, it looks like a fourth-order life form, and judging from the texture and shape of the scales, it shouldn't be a familiar life form.……"

"The breath is even colder, with a little darkness, it should be dark attribute……"

He murmured one after another, but the corners of his burly mouth slightly raised.

He is a very thoughtful being.

But his ferocious and terrifying appearance concealed this delicacy.

However, now through this delicate thought, he has discovered a lot of things.

For example, there are indigenous lifeforms in the Kadar Star Territory, and their strength may not be weak.

For another example, this indigenous race has begun to try to set foot in the starry sky, and only then has it left clues on such a desolate planet.

"It’s almost time to inform my second brother……"

With a smile in his heart, the tall man no longer hesitated.

It is good news to be able to discover the traces of life in the first few days.

And this also means that what the second brother said, enslaving the indigenous races has the possibility of success.

Yes, slavery.

Different from what the second brother said about"conquering" in front of the master, subduing is a very troublesome thing, and the method is more friendly.

After discussion with Burly, Golden Ant, White Tiger and others, it was finally decided that if an indigenous race is discovered, they will be directly suppressed and then forcibly enslaved.

Compared to subjugation, enslavement, a more brutal method, is in line with the style of the demon realm.

They are not from the Demon Court now.

Rather, they are a group of lawless ferocious beasts or demons that have lost the shackles of their 'master'.

The reason why i choose slave is to respond to the master's expectations faster.

Instead of wasting time on subjugating them, it would be better to use the shortest possible time to violently enslave them.

Although, as a result, their hands may be stained with blood, but so what?

Killing, and blood... none of them rejected it.

Even the Bull Demon's eyes froze slightly when he thought that he was looking for his master's opportunity to attain enlightenment. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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