A few days later, the edge of the Kadar star field


There was an earth-shattering dragon roar, and immediately after, a ten thousand feet long purple dragon was already entrenched in a certain barren star.

It's a Death Star, lifeless.

At a glance, there is only an endless black ravine.

And now, the sky-reaching purple dragon transformed by Yu Ziyu is circling around a black sky pillar.


There was another thundering dragon roar, and visible to the naked eye, the nine vortexes on the neck of the purple dragon suddenly paused like a necklace.

Then, a green vortex continued to expand.

"Come out."

In the low yet evil voice, Yu Ziyu saw thousands of streams of light pouring out from the small world of life through Zilong's perspective.

Among them, the most brilliant ones were , the storm it set off spread thousands of miles.

It looked very horrifying.

And these are the Bull Demon, White Tiger, Thorns and others who have just stepped into the fifth level.

And it is worth mentioning that among the ten mythical beasts, there are There are two beings who have not set foot on the fifth level, but chose not to follow.

One is the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu.

He is good at refining weapons and was an indispensable existence in the Demon Court.

The other is the Xiao Shi Thunder Dragon. It was only a matter of time before he broke through to the fifth level.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu also left him in the Demon Court.

As a result, the ten sacred beasts were also divided into two factions.

One faction was the Nine Tails, the Emperor Crocodile, the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu, and Xiao Shi Thunder Dragon...

And the other faction, which is now in Yu Ziyu's eyes... Bull Demon, White Tiger, Golden Ant, Thorn, Burly, Glacier, and other six people……


"I'll wait to see Master Zilong……"

The chorus of shouts shook the whole sky.

One after another, the figures stared horrified at the purple dragon that circled the black sky pillar and stretched straight into the starry sky.

The evil intention is obvious, but also full of madness.

It's really not that scary.

If they hadn't known that this person was Lord Zilong who was the most hidden figure in Demon Court, most of the figures would have weakened their legs at this moment.

What is worth mentioning here is that Zilong is Yu Ziyu himself, but it is a secret.

Even Niu Mo, Bai Hu and others only had guesses, but didn't know the details.

After all, Yu Ziyu is not stupid, how could he tell everyone his secrets?


"Shenmu has already told me a thing or two about the matter, and he is here to take charge of this planet.……"

"If you discover anything or encounter any crisis, please let me know.……"

Saying this, Yu Ziyu glanced at the bull demon in the crowd again and said with a smile:

"In this star field, God appears, and I will be your backer from now on."

"Thank you Lord Zilong."

Raising his fists, cupping his hands, and saying thanks, the Bull Demon also turned around fiercely and looked at the army behind him.

Including him, there were a total of eleven fifth-level powerhouses.

Although they had all set foot in the past few years, the battle His strength is not low.

Especially an indelible guy like the Immortal Crow is extremely difficult to deal with.

In addition to eleven fifth-level strong men, the master also gave him an army of 200,000.

The weakest ones are all extraordinary. There are more than a thousand Tier 3 and Tier 4 experts.

Such combat power is his capital to dominate the Kadar Star Territory

"In two years, at most two years, I will occupy the entire Kadar Star Territory……"

Clenching his fists and taking a look at this unfamiliar starry sky, Niu Mo already made a promise in his heart.


A little while later, as Yu Ziyu watched, the Bull Demon led all the powerful people and shot straight into the starry sky.

As for how Niu Mo arranges things in the future, Yu Ziyu doesn't want to care about it and won't care about it.

This was originally a test between Yu Ziyu and the Bull Demon.

Of course, Yu Ziyu will not place all her hopes on Niu Mo.

In Cangyun Titana, Yu Ziyu already knew that there were more than a dozen mysterious corners in the Kadar Star Territory.

And those corners are difficult for a powerful Titan like Cang Yun to set foot on.

So, while Niu Mo is helping him search every corner of the Kadar Star Territory, Yu Ziyu will also personally go to various mysterious corners to try to find traces of the Eternal Emperor's Tai Chi Diagram.

However, before that

"elf queen……"

"Subordinates are here……"

In response, a very beautiful figure with long green hair appeared in front of Yu Ziyu.

The Elf Queen, one of Yu Ziyu's personal maids.

Belonging to confidants and worthy of trust.

And now, she has also stepped into the fifth level of Transcendence.

Coming from the bloodline of the elven royal family, her whole body is covered with a hazy luster.

It is the interweaving of elements from all series.

And all this is because the Elf Queen is one of the few who can practice various elements.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu called the Elf Queen out not for other reasons... but because the nine original elves bred in the deepest parts of the Nine Realms had changed.

The original elves are the lives that Yu Ziyu bred under the guise of the tree of life, a sacred object of the elves, in order to make the small world more perfect when the Nine Realms were born.

Each one upholds the power of one realm and is born at the fourth level.

It is a life with extremely terrifying talents.

Now, five years have passed, and these origin elves have finally made some movement...

One element after another, they are all restless, seeming to be expecting, and seeming to be longing for.

Nine Realms is also one of the few places where there is real commotion.

If you listen carefully, you can even hear the sound of waves.

And that is the precursor of the gathering of elements.

In the center of the small flame world, countless flames are already lingering.

In the center of the small ice world, there seems to be a hazy silhouette among an iceberg rising from the ground.

In the small world of Thunder, among the lightning and thunder, lightning chains began to weave.

However, among the nine small worlds, the one with the most amazing visions is probably the small world of void, which is the place of exile.

I saw a deep purple vortex in the deepest part of the small void world, spinning continuously.

And in the midst of the rotation, a humanoid figure slowly emerged.


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It’s late to update...hehehe..._

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