God’s grace is like the sea, and God’s power is like prison.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu's strength was fully displayed, and his true form was manifested in everyone's heart.

However, this is not terrible.

What is really scary is that if Yu Ziyu has murderous intentions, his terrifying power is enough to wipe out all life in the entire solar system in an instant.

And this is the horror of level six and level five.

It is almost the peak power of a sixth-level life form.

And the next six levels and six turns are enough to look down on 99% of the sixth level life forms, and they are invincible except for the master.

As for the seventh turn, it goes without saying.

There are only a few people throughout this era.

That famous Blood Sea Taoist still has his reputation spread to this day.

With a sixth-level body, he can defeat the seventh-level master.

Really legendary...

At this time, pressure surged across the sky, and Yu Ziyu’s voice sounded in the starry sky again.

"Before I leave, let me give you one last gift."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power was already surging.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the vibration of the starry sky, an indescribable terrifying aura actually rose in the starry space.

And just then

"Supernatural Power - Elemental Tides..."

A low shout, like thunder, suddenly echoed in the starry sky.

In an instant, the entire solar system was shaken.

And just for a moment, under the horrified gazes of countless creatures, spiritual power visible to the naked eye rose.

Red fire attribute aura.

Bai's ice attribute aura.

Blue thunder attribute aura...

One kind of aura after another has emerged throughout the solar system, even ordinary people can see it.

Reiki is intangible and colorless, and only those who are successful in cultivation can peek into its essence.

However, now, under Yu Ziyu's call, the spiritual energy of the entire solar system is surging.

And this is the terrifying magical power that Yu Ziyu honed in on various elements and condensed - the elemental tide.

"Today, in the name of the Lord of Elements, I will increase the aura concentration for the entire solar system..."

Whispering in a low voice, with Yu Ziyu's body as the center, countless spiritual energies visible to the naked eye are gathering....

In the blink of an eye, a colorful storm emerged.

However, the scary thing is.

This colorful storm is actually expanding at a terrifying speed.

Just a few breaths, it is already ten thousand meters in size.

But now, this storm is getting bigger and bigger.

Along with it, endless spiritual energy converged... But, just at this moment.

As if something had been discovered, an exclamation was heard

"what is that?"

Looking for this voice, countless strong men saw a river rushing towards the end of the star.

But looking carefully, it turned out to be a torrent of spiritual energy.

Yes, a torrent of spiritual energy.

Colorful, but powerful. Fiercely, in the blink of an eye, the colorful whirlpool that Yu Ziyu gathered gathered in


In an instant, the colorful vortex expanded geometrically.

It's like a spiritual energy that has become a reality, and it's even more suffocating.

But, this is still a beginning

"Boom, boom, boom...

One after another, countless colorful torrents come from the end of the starry sky.

In a daze, he was responding to Yu Ziyu's voice.

And this is the true power of magical power - the elemental tide.

Now, if Yu Ziyu is not careful, the terrifying tide will be enough to wipe out the entire solar system, and not even a trace of embers will be left....

"Monster, really monster...This guy has actually reached this point...are you kidding me? His current strength would have been an unparalleled talent even in the previous era...."

Amid the incredulous voices, the Human Emperor in the deepest part of the Blue Star Federation turned pale.

His eyes were full of horror.

Blue Star, little Blue Star, has such a unique genius come out?

Moreover, now, it is still a great era when spiritual energy is just recovering.

If this person is allowed to grow, I am afraid he will truly grow into a giant.


Subconsciously swallowing, this Human Emperor is still a little unbelievable even now.

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, the Human Emperor, who had a close friendship with Yu Ziyu, also smiled bitterly:

"Not bad, not bad, this person and I...Lord Sacred Tree, I have no grudges...."

With a touch of joy in his voice, the Human Emperor couldn't help but feel grateful for his original decisiveness....

Otherwise, I don’t know how he died now.

As for now...He can be the guest of the demon court.

As long as you don't do anything excessive, your life should be worry-free, and you can also grow up slowly next to the big tree in Demon Court....

At this time, not only the Human Emperor, but also the powerful men one after another were staring at the vast colorful whirlpool in the starry sky with dumbfounded eyes.

In front of this kind of power, the fifth level is as insignificant as an ant.

"Master, he is indeed a sixth-level life form..."

Amidst the voices full of joy, Yu Ziyu's first disciple, Queen of the Zerg, Sarah, couldn't help but smile on her face.

This is the reason why she really wants to become a disciple.

A sixth-level life form, especially a sixth-level life form in the early stage of spiritual energy recovery, is enough for her to follow him to the death.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Zerg Queen Sarah


"Master, disciple is here."

Amidst the excited response, Zerg Queen Sarah also looked happy and quickly responded.

"That insect hive consciousness is a hidden danger after all. When I am away, I will find an opportunity to get rid of it. At that time, you can also take over her insect army."

"I understand, Master, and this disciple also have this intention."

With a chuckle, Zerg Queen Sarah couldn't help but flash a cold light in the depths of her eyes.

Let it live long enough (Qian Zhao).

Now, it can almost 'go'.

As for the non-aggression covenant, It is said that the Demon Court and the Zerg do not invade each other, but it does not say that the Zerg Queen Sarah cannot cause civil strife....thus bit...

And just when the vast colorful storm was setting off in the solar system, few people knew that the expressions of the unknown strong men around the solar system changed drastically.

"Sixth level, sixth level, this is a sixth level life form, and it is not an ordinary sixth level life form...."

With an almost screaming roar, a fourth-level strongman from the elemental clan suddenly rushed towards the clan as if running for his life.

It's not just Tak. another corner

"Demon Court, is it really so scary?..."

While mumbling to himself, an angel with four wings on his back turned as pale as snow.

At the same time, the reflection stone in his hand immediately transmitted the scene he saw to the depths of the Angel Star Territory...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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