"What a strange beast...

With secret praise in his heart, Yu Ziyu looked at the gold-devouring beast with a gleaming look.

Not to mention anything else, just absorbing metal impurities and expelling higher purity metals is an extremely terrifying ability.

Especially for a force like Demon Court, it is a treasure.

You know, only good metal can forge magic weapons.

And a suitable magic weapon can greatly enhance one's combat power.

For example, Emperor Crocodile, in terms of physical ability alone, is really not inferior to the Mountain Titan.

But when the mountain titan's artifact Baiyue came out, the emperor crocodile turned out to be a unified enemy.

From this, we can also see how terrifying a magic weapon can be in improving combat power....

However, what is most worth mentioning here is that this gold-devouring beast is actually the Devouring Divine Iron - Phoenix Blood Purple Gold, which has grown up to this day.-..

"Phoenix Blood Purple Gold..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also thought of the 'Strange Stories' compiled by Golden Monkey.

Among the nine divine irons, there is a kind of divine iron called 'Phoenix Blood Purple Gold'.

The phoenix blood purple gold itself has Dao patterns and can self-restore. It is a necessary material for forging imperial weapons.

In the last era, a fingernail with phoenix blood and purple gold could cause a bloody storm.

Of course, in that era, all the divine iron that should be available had been mined.

Therefore, the longer time passes, the fewer peerless treasures such as Divine Iron become.

But now...

A new era, a new reincarnation, everything is replaced again, a divine iron deposit appears, but it is normal....

"golden monkey...The divine iron this guy swallowed was phoenix blood purple gold..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said something to the golden monkey.

"Phoenix Blood Purple Gold..."

The pupils shrank slightly, and the golden monkey looked at the gold-devouring beast with a strange look.

There are many kinds of divine iron.

But there are only nine kinds of the famous divine iron.

And each of the nine kinds of divine iron has extraordinary power.

Like the phoenix blood purple gold, like the phoenix weeping blood, the red-stained metal can restore itself. Even if it is destroyed in human form, it can be restored if given time.

If you join the magic weapon, you can give the magic weapon the ability to repair itself.

And this is why every eternal imperial weapon can survive the catastrophe of the era and slowly recover.

Because their bodies contain divine iron such as Phoenix Blood and Purple Gold.

As time goes by, no matter how broken their bodies are, they will continue to recover.

However, this time may last for tens of millions of years, or even tens of billions of years.

In addition to Phoenix Blood Purple Gold, there are also Dragon Pattern Gold and Iron, Hengyu Tribulation Gold... and other precious divine irons....

"From this point of view, this little guy is worth a lot of money...."

A look of amusement appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a look of joy appeared on Golden Monkey's face.

Phoenix blood purple gold deserves the Demon Court’s attention....

At this time, looking at the joy on the golden monkey's face, Yu Ziyu also said:

"Then I leave this little guy to you. Whether you want to subdue him or not... it's all up to you...."

With that said, Yu Ziyu waved his right hand, and a chain flew towards the gold-devouring beast.

This is the Jushensuo, a unique treasure of Demon Court.

He is a fifth-level divine weapon, but he is extremely terrifying.

Even a man as powerful as the Mountain Titan would lose his strength if he was restrained like this.

The reason for this is also because this chain is made from the branches of Yu Ziyu's body, and it has the 'seal' pattern engraved by Jiuwei himself.......

Didn't stay long.

After just a brief tidying up, Yu Ziyu took Jin Hou and others and rushed towards the Demon Court.

Today, the most important thing is the Kadar Star Territory.

After returning to the Demon Court this time and settling the trivial matters, it was time for Yu Ziyu to leave.

As for the rest, don't bother.

Compared to the Taoist sect’s greatest magical power, one energy transforming the three pure beings, everything else is insignificant....

Time flies, less than half a month has passed.

And on this day


There was a roar that sounded like a dragon but not a dragon, and the entire solar system trembled slightly.

Along with it is the center of the solar system,


With a loud noise, a sky path turned into branches was paved in front of the body of Emperor Crocodile and even Yu Ziyu's void elf.

····Seeking freshness···

This is the introduction of Yu Ziyu’s true body!!

"Open it for me..."

There was a loud shout, like thunder.

Under the expectant gazes of Emperor Crocodile, the Red Dragon Queen and others, at the end of the Heavenly Road, one after another whirlpools of different colors are constantly expanding.

The entrance to the Nine Realms can only be opened by Yu Ziyu's body.

And now, looking at these entrances, Emperor Crocodile, Orochi and others did not hesitate.

They turned into a stream of light and rushed towards different whirlpools.

Nine realms.

Nine 'small worlds'.

As for the Demon Court, many fifth-level powerhouses also have their own places to go....

Except for meetings when necessary, they would gather in the small world of life. At other times, they practiced in the small world that suited them.


After all, the spiritual energy concentration of Yu Ziyu's nine small worlds is much higher than that of Canglan and Lanxing.

In the words of Jiuwei: 'Even a pig can reach the second level of extraordinary, or even the third level of extraordinary in Yu Ziyu's small world....’

"You guys, let's have a night's rest and then meet again tomorrow...."

The vast sound echoed in the nine realms.

However, the faces of Golden Monkey, Emperor Crocodile and others also became solemn, and they replied in unison:

"Yes, master..."...

And not long after, deep in the small world of life


Amidst the call, a ball of fire also intertwined in Yu Ziyu's field of vision. for a moment,

"Master, are you back so soon?..."

In response, Jiuwei looked at the towering tree not far away and continued to ask:

"I wonder, how did the master gain?"

"Pretty good..."

Rarely satisfied, Yu Ziyu's branches also swayed.

And the next moment.

The air ripples like waves on the lake surface, but there are countless treasures with uncertain colors, falling like raindrops... ps:-------------Ask for customization-----------

Recommend a friend's new book - As a macho man, I am extremely popular...Next._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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