"Kadar star field...

There was a murmur in his heart, and Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

He was not familiar with this star field.

However, with the interstellar map given by Cangyun Titan, he did know a thing or two about it.

This star field is relatively far away from the Milky Way and even the Titan galaxy.

At the speed of a fifth-level true god, it would take even a few half a year to arrive.

As for Cangyun Titan, he discovered it by chance while performing a mission...

"Time, fate...

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand.


While the spiritual energy was surging, the people following Yu Ziyu began to restrain their aura one by one.

And the figures of the most feared Zi Lian and Wang Zhong quietly disappeared into the air.

Mimicry has been practiced to an extreme.

Melting with the environment, it is the sky, and the sky is him.

The other one, King Chong, followed the shadow assassin Ah Qi and practiced the art of hiding. When it comes to hiding, he is not bad either......

At this moment, it seemed that he noticed the sharp aura of Yu Ziyu and others gradually dissipating, and the flame giant not far away was the first to speak:

"Your Excellency, I have temporarily remembered that I have something urgent to do, so I will take my leave first...."

As he spoke, the sea of ​​​​fire in the sky rolled back, and finally a figure like a shooting star went straight to the depths of the starry sky.

The moment after the Flame Giant left, Ralph also smiled, cupped his hands and said:

"This is my first meeting with you, but we feel like old friends at first sight. However, today, I still have some things to deal with in the Angel Star Territory, so I can only take the first step...."

"If you are willing to invite you to the Angel Star Territory as a guest in the future, I will definitely entertain you."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also nodded slightly and said with a smile:

"it's natural"

"That's good.."

As the words fell, there was a loud bang, and a ray of light tore through the starry sky....

Along with it, white feathers filled the sky, flying continuously...

It looks really stunning...

"These guys can run away pretty fast...."

"Can it be faster? With the strength that Lord Star God has shown now, it is not difficult to keep them...."

Divine thoughts intertwined, and the Red Dragon Queen and the Demon Master Golden Monkey couldn't help but laugh.

However, at this moment, as if they thought of something, the Red Dragon Queen and the Golden Monkey looked at Cangyun, Mountain Titan and others not far away.


The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely for a few times. Cangyun gritted his teeth, took a step forward, and said with a touch of respect:

"Sir, if nothing happens, I will take my leave first...."

"go ahead..."

In response, Yu Ziyu did not stop him


Heaving a sigh of relief, Cangyun Titan no longer hesitated.

A sacred pillar in his hand suddenly lifted up


With a loud noise, clouds visible to the naked eye gathered, lifting up the group of Titans.

Immediately, they turned into a stream of light and shot straight towards the starry sky.

This is Cangyun Titan’s artifact—Jingyun...

Able to control all kinds of clouds, and also able to greatly increase one's speed...

Now, taking out this artifact, it can be seen that Cangyun's heart is unusually shaken.

He doesn't even care about his image, he runs away like he's running for his life......

"Damn it, Shanyue, what kind of forces have you gotten into?..."

Among the angry voices, faintly echoed in the starry sky, Cangyun Titan could no longer suppress his anger and roared out.

"how could I know...

Pouting his lips, Shan Yue also looked indifferent.

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, Shan Yue suddenly spoke up and reminded:

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that Star God is only one of the three gods of Yaoting, there are two other gods...And the sacred tree I saw seemed even scarier than the Star God...."

Having said this, Shan Yue also lowered his tone and said with a touch of solemnity:

"I even suspect that guy is a sixth-order life form..."


With an exclamation, Cangyun Titan, who was leading many Titans to escape into the starry sky, almost stopped suddenly, and his face kept twitching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Level six, level six...

During the repeated chewing, the expressions of Cang Yun and even Jing Lei not far away changed again and again.

There was even a hint of shock that flashed through

"Damn, this is a big deal...Let's go and meet the first divine pillar....What kind of big fucking force have you messed with?.."...

At the same time, the Flame Giant and Seraph Ralph also looked a little ugly.

The extremely fast running tore apart the starry sky.

However, the two of them contacted the ethnic group immediately.

"Something bad happened. The force that blackmailed the Titans was absolutely extraordinary. This time alone, nine fifth-level experts were sent to blackmail the Titans. One of them was a space practitioner, and he still achieved unity. territory..."

With deep fear, the voices of the two people were heard among the clan.

Along with this, the elemental clan and the angel clan truly caused a great earthquake.

The emergence of a 'unity realm' that is only one step away from the sixth level of the extraordinary is definitely not a trivial matter.

To a certain extent, this is the standard configuration of the top power.

However, now, such an unknown force has such a strong person emerging.

One can imagine how deep the water behind this force is.

The most damning thing is that this (Nuo Li Zhao) is a space practitioner......

Of course, at this time, Yu Ziyu did not pay attention to the shock of many large groups.

To him, it was just a deserved shock.

After all, he is about to leave for the 'Kadar Star Territory'.

Not only this body of the void elf, but also the true body will go...

At that time, without him in charge of the Demon Court, I am afraid there would be some trouble. so...Shock is necessary.

Even before leaving, Yu Ziyu didn't mind exposing his extraordinary sixth-level strength, making all these ethnic groups fearful... So.

Because of this, Yu Ziyu was not sure how long he would go to the Kadar Star Territory this time. Will he return?

Exploring a star field is not easy.

Even if Yu Ziyu's strength is astonishing, if he wants to truly explore a star field, the unit will still be counted in years...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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