"An artifact, another problem...Wow, what a big spirit..."

There was a sudden laugh, and Ralph, who was not far away, also said curiously:

"I wonder what kind of problem can be worth an artifact?"

"If you can answer this question, the answer will satisfy me even more. I will also offer you the artifact...."

"Interesting, I'm looking forward to it more and more..."

Putting his hands down slowly, Ralph's smiling face also showed a look of expectation.

Of course, at this time, Yu Ziyu and even Ralph selectively ignored the livid expressions on the Titans' side.

Even the flame giant in the distance grinned and said:

"Then I'm here to try my luck. If you can answer the question, don't be stingy...."

""Five two three""This is natural."

In response, Yu Ziyu also played with the artifact Baiyue in his hand.

Today's artifact Baiyue is only the size of a chopstick.

Yu Ziyu's fingertips flew around, and there were bursts of whistling sounds.

However, this scene fell on Titan. In the hands of the gods, their faces became increasingly livid


Taking a deep breath and suppressing the thunder that was about to strike, Cangyun Titan also forced out a smile and said:

"It’s really good to change the artifact to Baiyue with one question."

"However, you should understand that this artifact Baiyue originally belongs to our Titan Protoss...."

"If we can't answer, do you really want to give the artifact Baiyue to others?"...

The tone became colder and colder, and Cangyun Supreme, who had always had a gentle temper, began to get angry. only...

"So what?"

There was a chuckle, but Yu Ziyu didn't care at all.

Instead, he raised the corner of his mouth and continued:

"Moreover, you should understand by now that you can't do anything to me..."

When he said this, the air with Yu Ziyu as the center suddenly rippled.

One ripple after another continues to spread. space.

This is the power of space.

If Yu Ziyu is willing at this time, he can use the power of space to escape in an instant...

This...It also means that the Tan Shen Clan can only stare and have no other options....

Of course, as if aware of the stiffness of the atmosphere, Yu Ziyu also put away his spiritual power fluctuations and softened:

"Don't be so angry...This question of mine is not difficult. If you don’t try it, how will you know that you can’t answer it?"


Looking at each other, Cangyun and even Jing Lei fell silent for a while.

For a moment, after gritting his teeth, Cangyun stepped out and responded.:

"So, please ask me..."


With a loud laugh, Yu Ziyu no longer concealed his original intention.

However, there is no need to hide this.

Magical powers, especially great magical powers, must be of interest to even a strong person.

And he is just the most interested among those who are interested....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also asked directly:

"I am very interested in the Taoist sect's greatest magical power - transforming three pure things into one qi....If you know anything about it, please enlighten me..."

Slightly cupping his hands, Yu Ziyu's expression was rare and serious at this time.

The great supernatural power transforms the three pure things with one breath, which is related to his enlightenment.

Others didn't know this, and at most they thought he was curious about his supernatural powers.

But Yu Ziyu knew it well.

At this time, Yu Ziyu would take any piece of news seriously.

But now, there are several strongest people from all over the starry sky gathered here, which is an opportunity for Yu Ziyu...

Therefore, Yu Ziyu also directly......

"The great supernatural power transforms the three pure things in one breath..."

While murmuring, Seraph Ralph was also thoughtful.

He is no stranger to this great magical power.

In the inherited memory, there is not a little description of this great magical power.

However, those descriptions are all filled with the word 'horror'.

Moreover, it is not just ordinary horror.

Among the thirty-six famous magical powers in each era, the magical power of transforming three pure things into one breath can definitely be ranked among the top three.

With the principle of three lives and all things, evolve the wonderful door, break through the calamity, and steal the great fortune and opportunity in the dark!

Just the description alone is terrifying to the extreme.....

However, this great magical power has long since disappeared in the long river of history....

Shaking his head helplessly, Ralph also sighed:

"This question is really not that difficult....And...if someone really knew something, I'm afraid one artifact wouldn't be enough..." really.

A great magical power cannot be exchanged for a divine weapon.

Moreover, this great magical power can transform the three pure things in one breath.... certainly...Yu Ziyu also hopes that this artifact can be exchanged for one qi to transform the three pure states.

The value of a great magical power like this can only be measured by the Eternal Imperial Weapon (Super Divine Artifact).

All he needs is a little news.

Even a little bit is fine...

Now, Yu Ziyu’s cultivation has reached a critical stage...

If he doesn't find the great magical power to transform the three pure things with one breath, Yu Ziyu may have some troubles in his cultivation...

At this time, in the rare silence, the flame giant who came from afar also regretted:

"It seems that this artifact has no chance with me...."

"All right..."

With a helpless smile, Yu Ziyu also understood.

Sure enough, it was just as he guessed.

This is a pity...

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu also slowly took back the artifact Baiyue.

Even if artifacts like this 1.4 cannot be used, they are still good for collection.

In the future, collect a few more artifacts and use them in exchange for information about the great magical power of turning three pure things into one qi...

However, just when Yu Ziyu was about to take back the artifact Baiyue, a voice suddenly echoed in the air


With a wave of his hand, Yuan Cangyun Taitan's face suddenly showed a hint of joy and said:

"I might have some news..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cangyun Taitan had already transmitted a picture to Yu Ziyu's mind through his spiritual thoughts.

Along with it, there are a few words... ps:--------------Ask for customization----------

After a delay, the fourth update arrived in half an hour. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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