"you little guy...

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's face became more complicated as she looked at Zi Lian with firm eyes.

This little guy Zi Lian is too loyal to him.

But, that’s okay.

It's not bad to have such a loyal, shadow-like existence.

And now, Zi Lian's return is a complete announcement that all members of the Shadow Seven Thorns formed by Yu Ziyu are here.

The chief one should be Zi Si or King Insect.

Both of them are extraordinary fifth level...

Their already terrifying strength, coupled with their talents in assassinating a group, they are well-deserved for the title of chief.

Even if you look at the stars, the two of them should be the most outstanding assassins.

The others are Xiao who has space talent, Zang Feng who carries the blood of Silver Moon Sirius, and vampire Kaili who is like a butler under Ling'er....

Each of these three people occupies a quota of shadow assassins.

As for the last two people...

As if she thought of something, there was a smile in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Ah Qi, who comes from Blue Star and rises from the mortal world, is known as the 'King of Assassins', a fourth-level strongman holding a sword in one hand.

And this one is also one of the four heroes of the Federation and has already joined the Demon Court Guards.

However, he has emerged in recent years, and his assassination skills are unparalleled in the world. Even the King Insect has asked him for advice.

In this way, after repeated consideration by Jiuwei, Niu Demon and others, he was promoted to Shadow Assassin.

Besides Ah Qi, the other person is from Canglan Star.

In Canglan Star, the elves are a very large race.

And inside, there is such a branch that makes a contract with the darkness and becomes the elves in the night, that is, the night elves.

Born into darkness, he is also a true assassin.

Among them, there is such a night elf who became the strongest of this race at a young age, and even bore the unique title of this race.——‘Moon Shadow Star Tribulation'.

According to legend, the title of Moon Shadow Star Tribulation is the most noble honor of the night elves, and it is also the pinnacle of assassins.

They are proficient in all assassinations. To the other assassins of the night elves, Yueying Xingjie is not a master who teaches by words and deeds, but a superior existence.

Their assassination has become an art.

In this way, it is also conceivable why this little-known existence from Canglan Star became a very noble shadow assassin in just two years....

"Moon Shadow Star Tribulation...."

With a murmur, a smile appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

If I had known, with such a gorgeous title, Yu Ziyu would not have named him 'Shadow Assassin'.

Compared to the gorgeous names such as 'Moon Shadow Star Tribulation', Shadow Assassin is indeed a bit inferior.

However, this is not important.

The most important thing is that the night elves are an assassin clan.

Its various inheritances are all about the way of assassination.

If you want to go further with the Seven Shadow Thorns of Demon Court, you need to ask for help.

Of course, considering the Seven Thorns of Shadow, there is a world with Yueying Xinglan on its back.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at Zi Lian not far away and reminded:

"Zi Lian, if you are free, you can go and let me guide you...."


Slightly startled, Zi Lian was also unfamiliar with this title.

I have only been away for two or three years, so the Demon Court has such a big figure again?

And at this moment, Yu Ziyu seemed to be aware of Zi Lian's doubts, and Yu Ziyu also rarely explained:

"Nana is from the night elves in the world of Canglan, and she is also the most outstanding assassin. This excellence does not refer to her strength, but her understanding of the assassination process."

"With her guidance, I believe you can truly bear the name of 'Seven Thorns of the Dark Night'"...

Listening quietly, Zi Lian also had a clear understanding in his heart.

Are you looking for a master for him?

However, just at this moment, as if he thought of something, the corner of Zi Lian's mouth curled up, giving off a hint of playfulness:

"Master, are you sure this guy named Nana can guide me?"

Speaking like this, Zi Lian's figure disappeared silently into the air.

Even Yu Ziyu would be hard to detect if he wasn't serious.

However, this is normal. Yu Ziyu is not good at perception.

However, this is also Doesn't mean that Yu Ziyu has no choice


Amid the sudden roar, Yu Ziyu's blood-red eyes slowly opened.

Along with this, the world seemed to become clear.

And, more importantly, Yu Ziyu saw a silhouette appearing in front of him.

His body didn't move at all.

Just by condensing his breath and then becoming invisible, he had successfully eluded Yu Ziyu's perception.

And this is the terrifying thing about Zixi now.

Ordinary fifth level, not to mention aware of it, I guess I don’t know how he died.

".very nice."

Admiring softly, Yu Ziyu also nodded with satisfaction.

After stepping into the fifth level of the extraordinary, Zi Lian's strength has indeed undergone a qualitative change.

Just from this method of 'hiding the truth from the sky', one can tell one or two.


As if she thought of something, a smile appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

"A natural-born assassin like Zi Lian is indeed terrifying, but compared to that, a family of assassins with dozens or even hundreds of generations of systematic inheritance...But it's still a bit inferior..."

With a slight sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu also felt more and more the importance of systematic inheritance and even teaching.

If necessary.

We also want to open a college or something in the Nine Realms....

The reason why he thinks this way is because Yu Ziyu has seen Nana's attribute panel with his own eyes.

Gorgeous beyond imagination.

The entire Demon Court is so gorgeous that few people can match it.

(Good Zhao

Level: Demigod.

Natal Talent: Dark Night - Blending with the darkness, it can perfectly converge the aura, and it can also greatly improve its various recovery abilities in the darkness. 】

However, this is just the beginning.

Pulling his eyes down to see the ability column, Yu Ziyu understood then why Nana was able to bear the most noble title of the night elves - Moonfall Star Tribulation.


Shadow Sting: Pull behind the enemy as if teleporting.

Flash Sting: Move forward quickly while attacking with lightning speed...

Cut off the feet:...

Lan Feng:...

Thug Stab:...

Silvermoon Assassination:...

Moon Dance: Swing extremely fast to create a dance as gorgeous as the silver moon...】

And those countless abilities are what truly gave rise to the name of 'Moonfall Star Tribulation'..._

Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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