"Among these little guys, the easiest ones to reach the fifth level are probably the Golden Ant and the Red Lotus Platypus, right?...As for Golden Behemoth and White Tiger, they should be able to break through with their powerful bloodline."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also answered Jiuwei's question seriously.

Physical strength can be easily improved.

If you have enough natural and earthly treasures, you can.

However, the understanding of the Tao, and even the spiritual transformation, all depend on oneself.

In this way, guys like Golden Ant and Red Lotus Platypus, who are controlled by their bodies, may be the first to step into the fifth level of extraordinary.

As for Golden Behemoth, White Tiger...I won’t say any more.

One has a bloodline comparable to that of an ancient dragon, and the other has a bloodline that is the most powerful ferocious beast in ancient times....

They are all unreasonable guys...

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"If the Tai"667" Tan Shen Clan sends enough supplies, remember to allocate some heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can temper the body to the golden ants, red lotus platypus and others....If it is a treasure with wind and earth attributes, give it to White Tiger and Golden Behemoth..."

"Yes, master."

In response, Jiuwei also had a smile in his eyes.

It seems that Demon Court will have a few more fifth-level true gods.

Looking at the entire starry sky, the fifth-level true gods are also at the top of the forest of strong men.

Their terrifying strength , even the top powers do not dare to underestimate them.

To a certain extent, the fifth-level powerhouses are like nuclear weapons in the old era.

But now...

Throughout the Demon Court, under the care of the master, an extraordinary sixth-level life form, fifth-level strong men were springing up one after another like bamboo shoots after a rain.

In front of her were her Nine Tails, the Golden Monkey, and the Emperor Crocodile who stepped onto the fifth level one after another.

Later, fifth-level powerhouses such as King Insect and Red Dragon Queen joined the Demon Court.

In recent years, Zerg Queen Sarah, Orochi, that little guy with the eternal bloodline of Yamata no Orochi, has stepped into the fifth level....

However, that's not all.

As if he thought of something, Kyuubi's eyes suddenly flickered.

After a moment, after glancing at Yu Ziyu who was rooted in the earth not far away, Jiuwei also asked:

"Master, Zi Lian, have you made a breakthrough?"

"purple sickle..."

In the faint voice, a trace of nostalgia flashed deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

I haven’t seen this little guy for a long time.

But, yes.

Stimulated by King Chong, a new top assassin, Zi Lian also made up his mind to step into the fifth level.

So, after saying hello to Yu Ziyu, he headed towards the depths of the void.

Deep in the void.

It is the back side of the universe.

It's all kinds of weird, but it's even more desolate than the starry sky.

But in such a terrifying world, Zi Lian embarked on the 'Road to True God' alone.

Only by killing can one evolve.

Only by evolving can one become stronger.

Until now, Yu Ziyu has not defeated Ziyan for two or three years...

However, with the weirdness and power of this little guy Ziyan, a breakthrough should be inevitable.

But I don’t know if there is a breakthrough now......

And at this moment, the deepest corner of the void.

As if feeling something in his heart, a pair of cold eyes suddenly looked at a corner of the void.


While muttering, this purple phantom also showed a look of nostalgia on his face.

The master, the being to whom he is loyal.

It is also the most respected existence.

And now, it has been seven hundred and thirty-two days since I saw him. but...


With a slight stroke of his sharp claws, the space was as if it were made of paper....An indescribable powerful force flows through the body

"Master, I successfully set foot on the true God..."

A murmur sounded in the depths of the dead void, but it was filled with indescribable joy.

Level five.

The real fifth level.

Unimaginably powerful.

But now, he feels that he no longer needs to live under the protection of his master.

He has the strength to step out and truly protect his master.


Taking a deep breath, Zi Lian no longer hesitated.


The purple light flashed in the void.

His entire figure completely disappeared.

Void Rhythm - Ignores distance, ignores space, and flickers in the void, like a terrifying ability to teleport.

In the past, this ability was his trump card........

But now, this ability, just like his breathing, can be used even while walking.

This is already a terrifying ability to integrate into instinct.

From this, we can also imagine how terrifying Zi Si is now.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that Zi Lian has successfully integrated various abilities into one...

For example, while the void is rhythmic, his figure is actually difficult to see.

And that is his ability to become invisible.

The rhythm of the void and the invisibility are enough to make him the most terrifying assassin.

Of course, it goes without saying that the Void Clan has racial talents that ignore most of the defense....

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know that the little guy he missed was returning at an extremely terrifying speed.

"The third brother's fighting talent is really astonishing. After only half a day, the condensed wind blade was able to tear apart the mountain titan's defense."

With a chuckle, Jiuwei, who was watching the battle from a distance, also had bright eyes.

"Not even close...Such a small wound can't be recovered as quickly as that guy on the mountain."

Smiling playfully, Yu Ziyu also hit him unceremoniously.

Bai Hu, this guy, must not be praised.

Yu Ziyu has seen through it now, Bai Hu can't help but praise, and if he praises, he will lose his temper.

Instead of praising Bai Hu, it is better to praise Praising the other guys.

However, at this moment, 5.8 seemed to have thought of something, and the golden monkey on the side suddenly asked:

"Master, why don’t you notify Jingji, Kuizhou and others to participate in this rare battlefield where you can hone yourself?..."

"They don't need to."

Arranged the branches, Yu Ziyu also affirmed.

Compared with fighting, thorns, Kuizhou and others need more precipitation.

Especially Kuizhou and Bingglai, each has a treasure.

If they can completely integrate the treasures, they can reach the fifth level of the extraordinary. , is definitely not a problem.

And thorns, and...Tingjulong Xiaoshi...They have all embarked on their own path to true godhood....

One is the most bizarre path of the Blood Queen, while the other is the path of the Thunder King with brilliant power....

Each has its own destiny, and Yu Ziyu doesn't want to affect them. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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