
A sudden call sounded in the deepest part of the small world of life.

Looking for the sound, there was a figure standing quietly in front of a towering tree.

Wearing a black gauze, her slender figure has a hazy look.

However, there are bone wings behind him.

The whole person is as cold as ice, like a jade girl.

Yu Ziyu's disciple, Sarah, the Queen of the Zerg.

Now, it is a terrifying existence that has reached the fifth level of transcendence and controls hundreds of millions of bugs. Even the hive consciousness cannot compete with it.

To a certain extent, this petite-looking girl has been able to seize the control of the Hive Mind over the entire Zerg race.

However, this is a secret.

It is a secret to the Demon Court today, and it is also a secret to the Hive Consciousness.

She is Yu Ziyu's trump card. She practices with great concentration in the deepest part of the small world of life and polishes her skills.

"What's the matter?"

An indifferent voice sounded in the void, and Yu Ziyu, who had been practicing, slowly opened his eyes.

Sarah rarely disturbed her practice.

Presumably, 983 reported something important or something fun.

At this time, listening to Yu Ziyu’s voice, Sarah also pursed her lips and chuckled:

"Just now, through telepathy, I learned from the hive consciousness that the fifth pillar of the Titan Pillar had arrived across the starry sky."

"If your guess is correct, you should be here to seek revenge. Back then, the Hive Consciousness led an army to wipe out thousands of his people. In the past few years, this fifth divine pillar has never stopped pursuing the Hive Consciousness. kill..."

Listening quietly, a flash of understanding flashed deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

I see.

However, the arrival of the Titan Protoss, a very important being among the Titan Protoss, is really no small matter.

However, at this moment, as if she had discovered something, Sarah added:

"Master, just now the fourth venerable Emperor Crocodile was rushing towards the edge of the star field. It seemed that he should be looking for the fifth divine pillar of Titan..."

"Is that so?..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also had a look of contemplation on his face.

However, for a moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also asked directly:

"How is the Demon Court now?"

"Demon Court..."

With a smile on her lips, Zerg Queen Sarah also said with a bit of pride:

"Master, the Demon Court today is completely different from what it was two or three years ago...."

"Sky, light, darkness, extreme ice, earth, thunder, red flames, scientific research, deep sea, as well as the three major legions built in the world of Canglan with the elves, trolls, and orcs as the core, the marksman, and the mad war. fearless..."

"A total of twelve legions have been formed."

"In addition, all the major heavens in Demon Court and the ten major divine beasts have been deployed. Even the arsenal of the Divine Weapon Pavilion is full of divine weapons...."

Listening quietly, the smile on Yu Ziyu's face became stronger and stronger.

It seems that the current Demon Court has lived up to its name.

You know, Demon Court's legions are numbered in millions, and they start at the third level of Extraordinary.

As for the deputy army commander and army commander, they are all extraordinary fourth level... some army commanders are even demigods.

To put it simply, a legion of Demon Court has at least millions of extraordinary third-level warriors, and all of them are elites.

In addition, there are nearly dozens of natural disaster-level experts stationed there.

Now, the weakest legion in the Demon Court is enough to threaten Canglan back then.

Among them, there are not only the reasons why there are more and more strong people as time goes by, but also the correct training and guidance of Demon Court, which has created a large number of strong relationships (bdaf)...

"That being said, the time is almost ripe...."

Amid the murmur, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

With these twelve legions in hand, even if they start a full-scale war with all the top star regions, they will not be afraid.

And this, not to mention, the fifth-level true gods of Demon Court who stand at the top, like gods and demons.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also ordered:

"Let Yue Gui tell Emperor Crocodile that if you want to fight, use the prestige of Demon Court and don’t lose the prestige of our Demon Court...."

"Yes, Master."

Puckering her lips and smiling, Zerg Queen Sarah also had a touch of playfulness on her face.

For a moment, unable to suppress her curiosity any longer, Zerg Queen Sarah also asked directly:

"Master, after all, that guy is the fifth divine pillar of the Titan God Realm, and he is famous throughout the star realm. What if the fourth venerable Emperor Crocodile cannot defeat him?"

"Can't beat it?"

Smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care.

Instead, he changed the subject and added:

"Then tell Emperor Crocodile that I will watch the battle quietly at the end of the starry sky"


Startled violently...

However, after a moment, as if she had reacted, Zerg Queen Sarah also burst out laughing.

With these words, the Fourth Venerable might be as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Even if he can't beat him, he will probably fight with all his strength.

After all, it is no small matter for Master to watch the battle.

However, after thinking about it, Sara, the queen of the Zerg, also understood.

This should be a test for the Fourth Master from Master.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the fourth lord is also ranked among the top in combat power in the Demon Court....

If he can't defeat him, then Demon Court may be in some trouble in the future....

And not long after this, deep in the starry sky, a golden light suddenly

"Master, are you watching the battle? Can he even use spiritual power projection to broadcast live throughout the Demon Court? ?"

Listening to Yuegui's voice, the corners of Emperor Crocodile's eyes twitched fiercely.

He even staggered his body.

This... Master, just watch the battle?

He even broadcast it live....

His face was twitching uncontrollably, and Emperor Crocodile felt his whole body was not well.

Although, he doesn’t care much about face?

But the problem is that now he is one of the top ten divine beasts.

It's a small thing for him to lose face, but it might be a little bad if he brings down other brothers.

Think of this...A flash of determination flashed deep in Emperor Crocodile's eyes, and the spiritual energy in his body became even more boiling.

Damn, are you kidding me?

Can this be lost?

No, you can't lose even if you beat him to death.

You must do what the master said, and show the majesty of the Demon Court..._

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