"If it is true as the mountain titan said, then this artifact Baiyue can make a big fuss."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

As the treasure of the Titan Protoss, the artifact Baiyue is of little use to the Demon Court.

In this way, if this artifact can be exchanged for enough supplies from the Titan Star Territory, That can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

However, considering the importance that the Titan God Realm places on the artifact Baiyue, Yu Ziyu also needs to wait for the price.

After all, the benefits obtained in vain should not be used in vain.

As for whether the Titan God Clan will The old man became angry from shame and declared war on the Demon Court.

He smiled, and Yu Ziyu's face was full of amusement.

One thing, Bai Hu was right....

In addition to trading with the Titan Protoss, you can also trade with the Angel Star Territory.

If the Demon Court hands over the artifact Baiyue or even the Mountain Titan to the Angel Star Territory, it will be difficult for the Titan Protoss to get it back.

After all, the Mountain Titan has killed many angels, and once even killed a very noble figure in the Angel Star Territory.

This is a blood feud. 16

Deadly relationship. so...It is unlikely that the Titan God will declare war with the Demon Court before he truly redeems the Mountain Titan and the artifact Baiyue.

And the reason for this is because they can't guarantee whether Demon Court will sell the Mountain Titan and the artifact Baiyue to the 'Angel Star Territory'’...

Of course, after the transaction is completed, whether the Titan Protoss will go to war with the Demon Court is not something Yu Ziyu has to consider.

Moreover, it doesn't matter if there is a war.

Compared to the Demon Court, the one who should really have a headache should be the Titan Clan.

After all, the Demon Court today is not simple.

In terms of top combat power alone, it is not even inferior to some top star fields.

The current Titan God's Domain is already besieged on all sides....There was the Angel Star Territory before, and then there was the Zerg Clan. I heard that there was also the Void Clan inside the Star Territory....

Facing so many enemies, do they still have the courage to provoke a powerful enemy like Demon Court?

The corner of his mouth raised, a hint of amusement arose, and Yu Ziyu also called out:

"golden monkey..."

"Subordinates are here..."

In response, starlight suddenly arrived.

For a moment, among countless starlights, a golden figure stood quietly.

"Arrange for a fourth-level powerhouse to rush to the Titan Protoss and inform them that the Mountain Titan and the artifact Baiyue are in our hands...."

"If you want to exchange for the Mountain Titan or even the artifact Baiyue, you'd better prepare enough resources...."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also paused and added:

"Remember, the Mountain Titan and the artifact Baiyue are traded separately, so that the profits can be maximized."


After listening to Yu Ziyu's instructions, the golden monkey was slightly startled.

For a moment, as if thinking of something, the golden monkey asked:

"Master, aren't you going to find out more about the magical power of One Qi Transforming Three Purities from Tan?"

As Yu Ziyu's confidant, Golden Monkey also knows about the great magical power of Yu Yiqi transforming into three pure beings.

In this way, he was also puzzled.

Some time ago, the master was still trying his best to find out from the mountain Titan.

Why did he give up in the blink of an eye?


Gently moving the branches, Yu Ziyu said helplessly:

"I underestimated the value of one qi transforming into three pure states, and even more valued the mountain titans...."

"What does the master mean?"

Stunned for a moment, Golden Monkey was even more puzzled.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu also explained directly:

"That mountain titan is a fighting maniac. Not to mention secrets, he doesn't even care about the major events in the clan...."

"The Beast God asked him about his great magical power of transforming three pure things into one breath. He thought for a long time before he recalled that he had this magical power. He kept saying that this great magical power had disappeared long ago...."

"Moreover, in order to find out the authenticity of what he said, I arranged for the Zerg Queen to secretly sense the reality of his spirit...."

"The result...sigh..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also recognized it.

At least there is no more information to be found from the Mountain Titan.

But, not bad.

Not that nothing was gained.

After all, the Mountain Titan and the artifact Baiyue in his hand should be 'valuable'.

Moreover, if you are destined, you can also dig up some information from the depths of the Titan Protoss....

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the golden monkey also gave a wry smile:

"Master, I’m afraid it won’t be easy for you to ask me to arrange for people to go to the Titan Star Territory...."

"If the people sent here don't have the courage, I'm afraid they will lose the prestige of our Demon Court...."

"But among the fourth-level experts, only a handful can do it...."

At this point, the golden monkey suddenly paused.

For a moment, a gleam of light flashed across his eyes, and the golden monkey implored him immediately:

"Master, I want to seek someone from you"


Amidst some doubtful voices, Yu Ziyu was also curious.


With every word, Golden Monkey's face also gained a touch of solemnity.

The immortal blood crow is a strange creature raised by nature.

It can divide millions of blood crows, and if one of them doesn't die, the main body will not be destroyed.

With this guy's weirdness, if he rushes to the Titan God's Domain, even if something unexpected happens, he can still be reborn in the Demon Court....

Moreover, the Immortal Blood Crow has always been ruthless and fearless.

If he is assigned to go to the Titan God's Domain, the prestige of the Demon Court will definitely not be lost.

Maybe you can earn some face.

Thinking of this, Golden Monkey also asked:

"Master, if you really send the Immortal Blood Crow, please protect his clone to prevent the strong men from the Titan Star Region from using the connection in the underworld to kill both his body and body."

"This is natural."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also understood what the golden monkey meant.

However, I have to say that sending the immortal blood crow is really the best choice.

Even if the immortal blood crow is imprisoned by them or even tortured, he can still commit suicide. Then, with all his strength, he can also use 'suicide' to return all the little blood crows to the Demon Court, thereby completing a different kind of rebirth.

More importantly, he has Yu Ziyu, a genuine sixth-level powerhouse, to protect him. A clone wants to completely kill the undead blood crow through spiritual connection. There are few people in the entire universe who can't do it.

In this way, the immortal blood crow is also 'immortal' in the true sense.

Even if it goes to Titan Holy area...There are no worries anymore..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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