In the starry sky, there is no passage of time.

There are only eternal stars shining at the end of the starry sky.

And on this day

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the terrifying vibration, a giant tree rooted in the starry sky was visible to the naked eye, glowing with divine light. An indescribable power was already surging among the countless branches. strengthen.

See also reinforcement.

After annihilating hundreds of millions of Zerg, Yu Ziyu’s evolutionary point finally exceeded the 10 billion mark.

On this day, Yu Ziyu really began to choose to strengthen himself comprehensively.

Any ability or even natal talent that has not kept up with the higher level can be used as an exception.

And it is worth mentioning that...Not long ago, Yu Ziyu spent tens of millions of evolution points on continuous enlightenment, and also completely integrated the magical powers of several major elements, and finally turned them into a brand new magical power....

"elemental tide..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also focused on the magical power column.

There, there was a line of colorful text, shining brightly

【Magical power - elemental tide: the tide rises and falls, but it is a cycle. The elemental tide can summon countless elements, like waves, drowning enemies...It can also continuously increase its power in the ebb and flow of the tide. The richer the element, the more terrifying the power. (Developed to the extreme, it can even evoke the elemental power of a star field and destroy the entire star field....)】

After taking a deep look, Yu Ziyu was satisfied with this brand new magical power.

Arrogant and violent.

The power is even more terrifying.

It can be said that this magical power is definitely his most terrifying offensive magical power now.

What is worth mentioning is Yu Ziyu's previous magical powers of individual elements.

For example, the Dark Realm, another example, the Broken Feathers of Flame, etc. have not disappeared.

However, everything is integrated into this tide of magical elements.

If Yu Ziyu wants to, it can also be used alone.

However, compared to those individual elemental powers, Yu Ziyu likes this almost complete elemental power....

As soon as her thoughts changed, Yu Ziyu's consciousness was also empty.

And just for a moment,


There was a violent roar in his mind, and Yu Ziyu's consciousness discovered that countless colorful light spots were hovering in the starry sky.

That is, spiritual power.

Endless spiritual power.

Although it is fused with starlight, it still does not change the essence of spiritual power.

And now...

Yu Ziyu can arouse them just by thinking about it

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

A roar like ocean waves suddenly echoed across the starry sky.

Visible to the naked eye, spiritual energy like waves is gathering together.

One after another.

In the blink of an eye, the starry sky where Yu Ziyu was located, nearly 100,000 meters away, was filled with spiritual power surging.

And these spiritual powers are still gathering, and they are moving at a terrifying speed, spreading in all directions....


There was another roar, and the starry sky shook.

Looking up, half of the solar system was gradually glowing with colorful light.

And this is the terrifying elemental tide of supernatural powers.

In one thought, Yu Ziyu became an element that could inspire the entire solar system.

If Yu Ziyu is willing, these surging elements can even turn into a destructive force in an instant, destroying everything in the entire solar system....


After suppressing the shock in her heart, Yu Ziyu immediately and carefully calmed down the fluctuations in spiritual power.

Now, he is really worried about destroying the entire solar system by accident.

And all this is just because at this time, the power he is pulling is too vast and too terrifying....

At the same time, Blue Star

"what is that?"

"My God, the stars are so colorful..."...

Amidst the exclamations one after another, countless creatures saw that the dark and deep night sky was gradually filled with colorful lights.

And these colorful lights are becoming more and more intense.

It keeps gathering like ocean waves.

Vaguely, countless creatures can hear the sound like the lapping of waves.

And this is what ordinary creatures see.

For those strong people, what they saw was 'even more terrifying'.

That's power.

The power to destroy heaven and earth.

The smell alone is suffocating.

At this moment, they didn't know if it was an illusion, but they even had a feeling.

That is, the entire blue star is like a small boat in the sea, with the possibility of destruction at any time


"How can this be?"

"Is it really a power that humans can possess?"

One after another, the expressions of countless powerful men changed drastically.

Even the one in the depths of China who has reached the peak of the fourth level, that is, the realm of demigods, has twitching in the corners of his eyes.

Others don't know.

Doesn’t he know yet?

Yu Ziyu’s breath...Even if he dies, he will never forget it

"This monster has reached such an incredible state...."

Feeling helpless, this person also had a bit of sadness on his face.

And just then

"Don't panic, I'm just trying out the power I just mastered..."

Like the spring breeze blowing on the face, Yu Ziyu's reassuring voice has sounded in the minds of thousands of creatures in Blue Star.

Vaguely, they even vaguely saw a giant tree that covered the sky and the sun, standing quietly deep in the starry sky.

And that is the current owner of Blue Star - the Divine Tree...

"Tsk tsk..."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu finally understood why the more powerful the existence, the less visible it was to the people of the domain.

This is not on the same level at all.

Right now, if Yu Ziyu is not careful, hundreds of millions of lives will be wiped out.

What's more, the realm of domination that carries complete laws, and even the ultimate eternity...

That kind of existence, I am afraid that the star field will tremble with just one thought.... ps:------------Ask for customization----------

By using tens of billions of evolution points to improve this ability and even talent, you can almost go out of the star field and compete with the real races.

The Twelve Divine Pillars of the Titan Protoss, the Four Seraphs of the Angel Star Territory... one after another....

And that great magical power - transforming three pure things into one breath...

At that time, it was also the later stage of the book...Try to fill in all the pitfalls mentioned above...

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