It was a rare conversation, and Yu Ziyu also had a great time chatting with the Golden Monkey.

He even directly invited the golden monkey to enter a small fairyland-like garden deep in the small world of life, where he could sit quietly and chat.

On the side, the mermaid king Elsa and the elf queen Fredette were like maids, pouring spiritual wine from time to time.

This spiritual wine is brewed by the Golden Monkey clan, using the life essence of Yu Ziyu, supplemented by various spiritual fruits.

It is of great benefit to the lives of extraordinary fifth-level people.

When he saw it, Yu Ziyu also had branches entwined with each other, forming a figure, facing the golden monkey, rarely taking a sip.

As for his void elf body, which is still half a day away from here, he has no chance to taste such a fine wine, so he can only accept it with a smile.

And can the body drink alcohol?

Humph, it’s really a joke to think that an advanced life form is a joke.

Even if Yu Ziyu is just a branch, she still has senses a hundred times better than humans.

And this is the real terror of advanced life forms

"Listening to what you said, the production of soul lamps is indeed cumbersome, and although there are many resources in the Misty Mountains, they lack the most critical soul stones."

"Yes Master."

Nodding, Golden Monkey also explained:

"The soul stone is the soul lamp, the carrier that carries the divided soul. It is very important. Without the soul stone, no matter how many resources you have, it will be useless."

"In addition to the soul stone, can other things be substituted?"

After hesitating again and again, Yu Ziyu was also a little curious.

He had never heard of such a thing as a soul stone, so it was naturally impossible to own it.

As for searching, there is no place to look for it in the vast universe.

Therefore, replacement is necessary....


With some hesitation, the Golden Monkey also counted the inherited memories in his mind.

For a moment, as if he had thought of something, Jinhou's face suddenly brightened and he said:

"This is true. In my inherited memory, in addition to soul stones, you can also find treasures that can nourish the soul, such as soul wood and soul core......."


Suddenly interrupted, Yu Ziyu also sounded happy and asked:

"You just said nourishing the soul..."

"Yes, nourish the soul."

He nodded heavily, but the golden monkey was startled.

Just at this moment, what caught his eyes was a tree root. It was as dark as ink, but with a faint light.

, there is an indescribable flow of power

"This is?"

With a loud exclamation, the golden monkeys all stood up.

And not long after, after several looks,...

The golden monkey looked at the tree root in his hand, and then at the young man not far away who had a playful expression on his face. The corner of his eye also twitched, and he said:

"Master, return...Really omnipotent."

Praising him from the bottom of his heart, the golden monkey also bowed down respectfully.

And the reason for this is because the tree root in his hand is a kind of soul wood, and it is an extremely high-quality soul wood..As for why Yu Ziyu owns Soul Wood?...

Ahem, don’t forget, Yu Ziyu is a sacred tree.

Moreover, when he was still at the first level, Yu Ziyu discovered that a piece of his tree roots could nourish the soul.

The reason why Ling'er is able to get to where he is today is that his tree roots have helped a lot.

Unexpectedly, Yu Ziyu's tree root was the 'type of soul wood' mentioned by Golden Monkey, and it was also a type of soul wood with excellent quality.

"Hehe, it seems that I have ninety-nine and eighty-one roots, and the roots are different."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also knew that his tree root had a new name.

Soul-nurturing tree root, after the void tree root, titan tree root and other roots, it is another extraordinary tree root.

Root energy Nourishing the soul, wonderful and extraordinary...

At this time, while holding the soul-nourishing tree root tightly in his hand, Golden Monkey also said with a firm expression:

"Master, I will go look for the iron beast Lao Jiu later, and at the same time apply for resources from the old four emperor crocodile. I believe that in a few months, I can make a few soul lamps...."

"Well, no rush..."

Yu Ziyu, who smiled lightly and relieved her heart, didn't care much about time.

It would be great if it can be successfully produced.

As for the amount of time, I don’t care.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also took the initiative to ask:

"By the way, Golden Monkey, you just said that there are three ways to release. I know the first two, but what about the third?..."

"The third kind...this..."

His face looked a little hesitant, and the Golden Monkey was also hesitant....

It seems that there is something hidden in the third method.

And for a moment, after looking at Yu Ziyu who looked expectant, Golden Monkey also compromised and said bluntly:

"Master, this third method is a bit scary...It is the secret method of the Gods, and that is the test of a fanatic believer, training subordinates to be like a fanatic believer, let alone betrayal, they will not even have an idea....All they have is 'My God', for whom they live and for whom they die..."

"Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that this method is similar to slavery. What is more terrifying than slavery is that...This method will not limit the growth of life. Even the firmer the faith, the greater the potential for growth...."

Listening quietly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth couldn't stop twitching.

What’s true is that as the golden monkey said, it is a very scary method.

Just listening to this method made Yu Ziyu shudder.

Faintly, he had a feeling that it was very similar to the Buddhist method of salvation in myths and legends.’...

But to be honest, this kind of transformation-like method is much scarier than the so-called demon.

At least, the devil is straightforward.

But this kind of method of transformation is invisible to the gods and ghosts....Even without realizing it, he became a puppet-like existence....


After coughing twice, Yu Ziyu also took the initiative to interrupt the topic:

"We will not consider this method."

Not to mention, this method is a secret method of the gods and is difficult to find. Its terror alone will make Yu Ziyu cautious again and again.

It is really too evil.

Yu Ziyu does not believe in this damn method, it will not have side effects.

Or, there is nothing Prerequisites, for example, the soul must be pure, for example, the body and mind must be clean...


Shaking her head, Yu Ziyu also suppressed her thoughts in time.

Don't think too much about this evil method. but...Speak the truth...Yu Ziyu was really moved.

If you can really find this kind of secret method and train a few fanatical believers, it would probably be a good feeling.

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