Use other means to stabilize the master-disciple relationship.

This was not Yu Ziyu’s original intention.

But Yu Ziyu has no choice.

Even the human race and the Titan Protoss are still worried about killing their masters?

What's more, Yu Ziyu's spiritual roots are enlightened...

According to Yu Ziyu - it would be strange not to have thoughts about him.

However, some are like the Nine Tails, the Bull Demon, who regard Yu Ziyu as a 'close relative'.

Some, like the apostles, regard Yu Ziyu as their 'master'.

As for more, he regards Yu Ziyu as a patron saint.

In this way, betrayal will rarely occur.

No, a more accurate statement is that Yu Ziyu's current strength is astonishing, enough to suppress all evil intentions.

However, this is not safe for Yu Ziyu.

After all, when a tiger falls in Pingyang, it is bullied by dogs, and when a dragon travels in the shallows, it is teased by shrimps.

Although Yu Ziyu is confident, he cannot guarantee that he will not encounter troughs in the future.

At this time, the safety of the people around you is the real reassurance.

Therefore, ensuring that those around him will not betray is what Yu Ziyu must do.

As for how to do it?

How to do?

Does this depend on Yu Ziyu's methods?

Apostles, etc., are a type of direct slavery.

The ten mythical beasts are bound by emotions, and there are also checks and balances on each other.

Moreover, the essence of life that has been infecting Yu Ziyu for a long time has an instinctive closeness to Yu Ziyu.

If you really betray, you will definitely go against your original intention, and your cultivation journey will be even more difficult.

And this can be seen in the future progress of cultivation.

If there is a truly evil intention and the Taoist mind is blocked, Yu Ziyu will notice it.

And now...

How to ensure the stability of master and disciple?

While pondering, Yu Ziyu also showed a hint of thinking in his eyes.

If it is not ensured, it will be impossible for Yu Ziyu to truly regard Sarah as his disciple, and even if he trains her, he will leave many backup options.

If it can be ensured...All resources and more will be tilted towards Sarah.

At that time, Yu Ziyu could not guarantee where Sara could go.

However, one thing is certain, if Yu Ziyu devotes all his efforts to training Sarah, and with Sarah's amazing talent, she may have the possibility of 'dominance'.

This is the so-called 'pose of dominance'. dominate!!!

That is the seventh level of extraordinary!

Its power and terror are beyond imagination.

It is not impossible to dominate a star field by oneself.

And this is the realm of extraordinary seventh-level domination, and it is also the ultimate life form that carries complete laws in the true sense.

As for the extraordinary eighth level, eternity...

I'm sorry, this is no longer a realm that Tianjiao can look up to.

In the reincarnation of the ages, there are countless geniuses and evildoers.

However, eternity only lasts for one or two people.

The probability is so low that countless geniuses and monsters are heartbroken.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the realm of extraordinary seventh-level domination is the only realm that most geniuses can look up to.

Here are most of the geniuses.

Ordinary life, even the fourth level, is difficult to touch.

The so-called genius is roughly the kind of genius who is expected to reach the fourth level among millions....And these geniuses are all looking up to them. It can even be directly said that among millions or even tens of millions of geniuses, it is difficult for one person to touch the realm of domination...……

It can be imagined from this that Yu Ziyu has a high opinion of the Zerg Queen Sarada who is expected to dominate.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Yu Ziyu cultivates it with all his strength...

However, how to ensure that the salad he cultivates with all his strength will be a knife that is trustworthy and sharp enough not to hurt himself?

Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was also a flash of light in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Got it!

To be more precise, Yu Ziyu thought of someone who would give him a good answer.

The previous era was the prosperous age of immortal martial arts.

There are countless sects and families.

I believe they will give themselves a good answer.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also immediately thought of the Golden Monkey.

With this guy's knowledge, he should know something……


Three days later, under a giant tree that covered the sky with stars, a golden monkey wearing a golden crown and golden armor stood quietly.

"Master, I don’t know why you came to me."

Actively asking, there was also a look of confusion on the golden monkey

's face. As the master became more powerful, the number of times he took the initiative to call him became increasingly rare.

Today is the first time in half a year.

"A few days ago, after I signed an ancient covenant with the Zerg, I took on a disciple.……"

Without hesitation, Yu Ziyu said straight to the point.

"Congratulations to the master. Being valued by the master is a blessing he has gained over many lifetimes."

Arching his hands, the golden monkey pursed his lips and took the initiative to congratulate him.

He is no stranger to accepting disciples.

After all, he also has a disciple on the surface - Duo Er.

However, the master has not accepted a disciple at this time. I thought about it.

However, what is certain is that this apprentice's talent should be very amazing.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to gain the master's attention.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also accepted the congratulations from the golden monkey.

But after a moment, her tone changed, and Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"However, Golden Monkey, you should understand that strangers are not worthy of trust, not to mention that my apprentice is a cold and ruthless Zerg... As the saying goes, those who are not of my race must have different hearts. What should I trust him with now?"

The faint voice echoed in the void, but it made the golden monkey stunned.

And just for a moment, as if he understood something, there was a touch of relief on the golden monkey's face.

So that's it!

However, this point You should indeed be worried.

After all, the master is different from others in that he is spiritually enlightened.

If the master cultivates eternity, it can be said that the world will not be destroyed forever.

At that time, let alone the betrayal of others, even if everyone betrays their relatives, the master He won't even frown.

But now... no... the master is not invincible in the true sense.

Therefore, any potential danger must be nipped in the cradle.

And a person close to him, especially a disciple, Being a close relative, betrayal is extremely dangerous.

From this perspective, the Golden Monkey can understand.

Thinking of this, the Golden Monkey also raised the corner of his mouth and said:

"The master's worries are not unreasonable. Moreover, not to mention the master, even the top sects and ethnic groups in the previous era all had this kind of worry.……"

Having said this, the golden monkey paused, glanced at Yu Ziyu, whose branches were swaying in anticipation, and continued:

"However, it all depends on man-made efforts, and there are always ways.……"

"As far as I know, there are three methods that can minimize the possibility of betrayal by apprentices, family geniuses, and even descendants of the clan.……"

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