And at this moment, as if he noticed something, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

It was just as he guessed.

As the number of Zerg continues to decrease, the power of Zerg consciousness also continues to decline.

Even the mental power is falling towards the extraordinary fourth level.

You know, its mental power at its peak is even comparable to the peak of the fifth level.

It is also able to interfere with reality and shatter the void.

But now...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu slowly stopped his offensive at this moment.


Everything gradually returned to calm, and even the remaining Zerg were huddled in the corner and shivering.

They are not afraid of death.

But they couldn't bear to"send death" like this.

The feeling was like a knife on their necks, waiting for death, which made them all feel cold all over.

And thankfully...The massacre finally stopped...

Slowly raising his eyes, he looked at the giant tree whose branches were still woven like a cage, imprisoning the three insect nests and even their countless insect races. The eyes of each insect race could not stop flickering.

As if in fear, yet in awe

"Now, can we talk?"

Touching the wings of his nose, the body of the void elf slowly took steps, walked not far from the three stars, and spoke calmly again.


Subconsciously swallowing, the hive mind hesitated and asked:

"talk...What to talk about?"

"very simple..."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu also directly stated his plan.

However, before he could finish speaking, a very determined voice echoed in the starry sky.

"Impossible, impossible, I will never be enslaved by you..."

The voice was full of determination, suppressing the fear in his heart, and even the voice of the hive consciousness had a touch of determination.

Slavery is a forbidden word for the strong.

Any strong person who has changed their mental quality and reached the fifth level, unless they are willing, the Dominator level cannot enslave them.

Of course, this is not important.

The important thing is that even if a strong person is enslaved by a person whose spirit has been transformed, it is easy for his spirit to backfire and even implicate himself.

Therefore, for a truly strong person, they generally will not enslave a strong person whose spirit has changed qualitatively.

But now, listening to Yu Ziyu's plan, the Hive Mind mistakenly thought that Yu Ziyu wanted to enslave it, and then started the 'troop training' plan.

But unfortunately, Yu Ziyu was not interested.

It is not cost-effective for him to enslave a fifth-level strong man, even if his aura has dropped to the fourth level of the 'fifth-level strong man'.

Not to mention anything else, the mental burden alone is not that big.

This is different for second-level, third-level, and even fourth-level experts.

And, more importantly, most of the apostles signed by Yu Ziyu now are second-level and third-level powerhouses, and then they are trained by themselves.

How is it possible, now stupidly enslaving the hive consciousness.

The aggregate of thousands of Zerg consciousnesses is the most mixed and complex.

The price of servitude is estimated to be something that even a master-level existence may not be able to bear.

"Tsk tsk..."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu also interrupted directly.;

"What are you thinking about? I didn't even mention the word slavery...."

Having said this, Yu Ziyu thought about it for a moment and used a better word to describe it:

"It should be cooperation, yes, it is cooperation..."


Sudden suspicion, there was also a hint of doubt in the words of the hive consciousness.

"Yes, cooperation."

Nodding his head emphatically, Yu Ziyu also expressed his thoughts.:

"The two of us can form an alliance. Anyway, second-level and third-level life forms are just numbers to the two of us. Why not cultivate them selectively? In the future, when you invade other star regions and encounter strong enemies, you can ask us to break through the defenses, and you can take the opportunity to plunder....Of course, when we need help, you can't be stingy either..."

During the simple narration, there was a hint of amusement in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Along with it, a piece of parchment slowly emerged in the starry sky.

Looking carefully, line after line of text has appeared on the sheepskin.

The ancient covenant was drawn up by Yu Ziyu himself, and was written with the essence of his own life, bearing a strong spiritual imprint.

All it takes is the hive consciousness to leave a spiritual imprint, and this ancient covenant can be established.

As for the rest, don’t think too much.

This in itself is an unequal covenant, and it has a great tendency for Yu Ziyu's side.

It can even be said that this is not slavery, but it is better than slavery.

But the key point is that when you are enslaved, your own spirit loses its freedom.

But by signing the ancient covenant, they still remain independent, and all they have to pay is unequal treatment in terms of resources.

For this, Yu Ziyu believes that the hive consciousness will make a reasonable choice.

Saying this, Yu Ziyu waved his right hand and slowly pushed the piece of parchment in front of the Hive Consciousness.

"This is..."

In surprise and doubt, the hive consciousness began to look at it.

However, for a moment, as if something had been discovered, an unbelievable scream suddenly broke the dead silence of the starry sky.

"What, to invade other star regions, you actually need 70% of the resources for nothing?"

"Moreover, you want the King Insect to be under your control..."

"Also, what is this? How did you get my daughter's attention?..."

The screams came one after another, extremely harsh, and filled with an indescribable resentment.

I have never seen such a ridiculous treaty.

Not to mention resources.

Look at the king insect, and even his daughter, but they are the two most important generals under his command.

As for, its daughter...It is a terrifying existence that is currently sleeping in the deepest part of the insect nest and is slowly advancing.

The Queen of the Zerg, an alien species of the Zerg, is also one of the rare weird beings with a humanoid form.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that the Queen of the Zerg has an amazing talent, and her talent can benefit the entire Zerg.

To some extent, she is more important than the king insect. only...

The hive consciousness never thought that this star god would discover her existence, and even directly take a liking to her? ps:---------------Ask for customization--------------

The fifth level, the existence for which the spirit changes qualitatively, the price of slavery is very high, beyond imagination, and it is not worth the effort.

This is also to prevent failure in the later stage. If the strong can be enslaved at will, then in the later stage, the master will emerge and emerge forever, and other beings that have not grown up will not play.

A slave, straight GG...

In terms of setting, it is difficult to enslave at level five or even above.

And below the fifth level, even if you are enslaved, it will be even more difficult to break through to the fifth level....

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