"This is?"

There was a sudden sound of surprise, as if he had noticed something. The golden monkey immediately slapped the fourth-order Zerg in his hand with a backhand.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, this Zerg flew out like a meteor, crossing thousands of meters in an instant.

However, just for a moment,


A shocking roar suddenly erupted, as if shaking the soul, even the golden monkey was in a trance.

As for the other strong men, each of them looked pale as if they had been severely injured.

Many powerful people, such as the elders of the Elf clan and some giant dragons of the Dragon clan, have their spiritual power disordered....

And this, in battle, is obviously fatal.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield, the strong men from the misty mountains, all retreated violently.

Looking at it with a face of disbelief, the strong man was slapped away by the golden monkey from a distance, and his body was shattered by it.

"What's this?"

"How could there be such a terrible neighing? I even suspected that I was going to die."

"Are you kidding me, a single voice almost killed me? ?"

Exclaimed one after another, even powerful men like Emperor Crocodile and Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi changed their expressions.

However, at this moment, an extremely cold and sharp voice suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

"Wait, wait for me, my children will definitely tear you to pieces..."

The shrill voice was filled with rage.

Along with it, the fourth-order Zerg in the distance was knocked away by the golden monkey's palm. As if it could no longer bear it, it exploded violently....

"This guy is the real strong man among the Zerg tribe...."

While murmuring, the golden monkey looked towards the place where the sound disappeared, with a hint of fear deep in his eyes.

What a terrible scream.

It's like tearing apart the soul.

No, not only the soul, the body is shaking, and the spiritual power is even more disordered.

In that scream, the fourth-level powerhouses were not worth mentioning.

The golden monkey believed that the owner of this voice was really near them.

I'm afraid that one scream is enough to kill half of the hundreds of strong men present here.

"Remember, their screams are terrifying, and the strong man behind them should be at the fifth level at the very least...."

With a reminder, the golden monkey, the Emperor Crocodile and even the Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi in the distance also looked at each other, with a solemn look on their faces.

Immediately, Golden Monkey spoke without hesitation:

"I'll go directly to the master's place"


In response to this, Emperor Crocodile also added:

"At your speed, half a day should be enough"


Nodding slightly, Golden Monkey no longer hesitated.


Terrifying spiritual power surged in an instant, bursting out into extremely bright starlight.

Then, the golden monkey's entire body turned into a starlight and disappeared in an instant at the end of the crowd.

The fifth level, and also the terrifying fifth level who is good at the power of the stars in the sky.

The speed of the Golden Monkey is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

I guess it's not far behind the speed of light....

Half a day later, deep in the solar system


A ray of starlight suddenly tore through the darkness deep in the universe and shot straight.

Accompanying it is the terrifying aura that rises into the sky without concealing it.

"Golden Monkey, what is this?"

With a sound of surprise, the fox lying on a giant tree in the starry sky slowly stood up.

However, before Kyuubi could ask,


The vast spiritual storm that enveloped this starry sky was also stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a giant tree covering the sky and the sun began to slowly sway its branches.

Looking carefully, one can suddenly see that a humanoid figure has emerged from the crown of this giant tree in the starry sky.

And this is Yu Ziyu's spirit void spirit body.

At this moment, the main body is still practicing.

Naturally, most of Yu Ziyu’s consciousness descended into this body

"What's the matter, Golden Monkey?"

In the calm voice, there was a hint of curiosity on Yu Ziyu's face.

It is rare to see such a hurried look on the golden monkey....


There was a response, and the starlight coming from a distance kept intertwining.

Finally, it transformed into a figure wearing golden armor and golden light on its head, looking very majestic.

At this moment, this figure raised his hands in fists and greeted him respectfully:

"The subordinate was abrupt and disturbed the master's practice. Please forgive me."

"No problem..."

After waving his hand, Yu Ziyu said indifferently.

Just an epiphany.

For him, it's just a matter of evolution.

As long as he has evolution points, his number of epiphanies will be almost endless.

Don't worry about this.

Of course, Yu Ziyu will not explain this to anyone.

The point of evolution is his real secret.

No outsiders are allowed to know.

Even the Golden Monkey, Nine-Tails and the others can't do it.

The more you know, the more dangerous it is.

Not only for them, but also for Yu Ziyu.

And all this is because Yu Ziyu has gradually realized that the essence of the existence of the 'evolution point' is by no means comparable to ordinary treasures.

It is very likely that it involves the 'Treasure of Heaven and Earth', such mysterious and mysterious things of creation.

Of course, now is not the time to think about this.

Raising his eyes and looking at the golden monkey not far away, Yu Ziyu also said curiously:

"I think your hands were stained with blood just now. What happened?"

"It seems like Kyuubi and the others really haven’t told you yet."

As if expected, the Golden Monkey also slowly took out several figures from behind.

There were four figures.

Although the power was blocked, he could still detect that two were third-level life forms, and two more. One is a fourth-level life form.

And, more importantly, at the first glance of seeing these life forms, Yu Ziyu has noticed something strange about them.

Cold and dark.

There is something indescribable. disgust

"Is it a life from beyond the stars?..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at these figures.

In a moment, countless words were intertwined, and one attribute panel after another appeared in front of his eyes.

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