"Yes, Imperial Soldier..."

Nodding, the golden monkey also had a gleaming light deep in his eyes.

"The Imperial Weapon, also known as the legendary Jidao Imperial Weapon, is the exclusive weapon of the powerful in the Eternal Realm....This kind of weapon is equivalent to a sleeping eternity, so powerful that it is immeasurable..."

"Aren’t you saying that weapons from the previous era cannot exist in this era?"

Amid some astonishment, Yu Ziyu also said suspiciously.

"If it were other weapons, it would naturally be impossible to exist. Even the divine guardian weapons of the Domination Realm would be difficult to retain."

"But the emperor's weapon is different. It is an exclusive weapon of the eternal realm. It is engraved with the Tao and laws of the powerful in the eternal realm. You must know that the ordinary eternal realm cannot polish the ultimate emperor's weapon."

"The owner of each imperial weapon, even in the Eternal Realm, is a famous and powerful person, and is completely different from other Eternal Realm existences."

"As for such existence, although their weapons cannot be completely preserved in this era, they are either sleeping, broken, or reincarnated....But each has his own means to recover in this era."

Having said this, Golden Monkey hesitated for a moment, then raised his eyes, looked at Yu Ziyu, and proactively asked:

"Master, do you know how many powerful people there were in the Eternal Realm in the last era, and how many Ji Dao Imperial Weapons there were?..."

"have no idea..."

Shaking his head, Yu Ziyu also looked confused.

He really doesn't know this yet

"The last era was the prosperous age of immortal martial arts, and cultivation and reproduction reached a peak. In the tens of thousands of years of the era, a total of seventeen Eternal Realm powerhouses were born. However, there were as many as thirty-three Extreme Dao Emperor Weapons...."


For a rare moment of surprise, Yu Ziyu was also stunned.

Seventeen Eternal Realms...

But there are thirty-three exclusive weapons of the eternal realm....

Are you kidding me? unless?

As if she thought of something, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

"Are you saying that some of the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers do not belong to the previous era?"

"Master, your response is really fast."

With a smile, Golden Monkey no longer concealed it and said bluntly:

"Realistically speaking, in the last era, there were only two Ji Dao Imperial Weapons born. One was the Nine Cauldrons of the Universe of the human race, which stabilized the dragon veins of the Nine Provinces and set the foundation for eternity. It also created the 'first clan of all eternity' in the last era of the human race. prestige"

"The second item is the eternal artifact of the Gods - the Spear of Longinus. It is an exclusive imperial weapon commanded by the King of the Gods. Its entire body is made of branches from the branches of the world. Anyone who is pointed by him will inevitably suffer physical and mental damage. Being penetrated is the legendary weapon of law of cause and effect, which is extremely terrifying."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu's expression also changed.

It is really a terrifying weapon.

Just listening to it made Yu Ziyu a little creepy.

However, at this time, as if he understood something, Yu Ziyu also said:

"So, except for the two imperial weapons you mentioned, the other imperial weapons were all inherited from the previous era."

"To be precise, it has been accumulated over countless eras and from one generation to the next. It is said that the most ancient Ji Dao emperor weapon - Tai Chi Tu, is the first person in the Tao sect, that is, the great one who created the great supernatural power to transform the three pure states with one breath. forged by existence...And that great being is at least dozens of epochs away from us...."

After explaining, the golden monkey also sighed.

These real powers are truly terrifying.

Even at the end of the era, when the body and soul are dead, there are still weapons with their own"Tao" engraved on them remaining.

Of course, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the golden monkey also raised his head and added:

"However, Master, don’t worry. For now, every piece of Ji Dao Emperor Weapon cannot be complete. To put it simply, even if they are left in this era, they are equivalent to humanoid weapons and need to be cultivated. Need nourishment..."

"Now, let alone exerting the strength of the eternal realm, it is difficult to exert the strength of the sixth level, and their activation requires too much energy. If a complete imperial weapon is revived, a star realm spirit The strength may be drained away..."

Narrating one after another, the golden monkey also completely suppressed Yu Ziyu's worries.

"No wonder, you asked me to seize the imperial weapon by force..."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu finally understood.

Take advantage of his weakness to make him sick.

Now that the era has restarted, these Ji Dao Emperor soldiers have not recovered. At most, they have restored one ten thousandth of their power.

And this kind of opportunity is rare in the world.

If you can snatch an eternal imperial weapon at this time, it will be your own....

Apart from anything else, I am afraid that I have the capital to truly settle down in the future.

"It seems that the master understands what I mean...."

The corners of his mouth raised, and a look of anticipation appeared on Golden Monkey's face.

The ultimate imperial soldier!!

This was a weapon he never thought about in his previous life.

However, now, following his master, he had the idea of ​​fighting the 'Jida Imperial Soldier'.

No, no, too greedy...

Although he was thinking like this, the golden monkey's face became more and more excited....He even pointed at the void with one hand and used the starlight to outline the map of the starry sky that Yu Ziyu had given him.

On the map, the Titan God Realm and the Angel Star Realm are both around the Milky Way.

Now, the Golden Monkey is using heavy starlight to outline the Titan God Realm and even the Angel Star Realm.

"Master, the reason why the top ten powerful clans are called the top ten powerful clans is that in addition to the fact that the combat power of each of their clansmen far exceeds that of the same level, more importantly, the top ten powerful clans all have the ultimate emperor soldiers, which can suppress the people for eternity...."

"The Titan clan, according to legend, possesses the 'Titan Divine Crown', which can increase their own strength and even body by dozens or even hundreds of times without any side effects....If the legendary Titan Crown really existed in this era, it would definitely be in the deepest part of the Titan clan."

"As for the angel clan, it goes without saying that the 'Sacred Twelve Wings' have been resounding throughout the ages. They are a symbol of extreme speed in the world, and they are the most unshakable foundation of the angel clan....You must know that the angel family has at most six wings, and only a few have twelve wings....The Twelve Sacred Wings, however, enable the members of the angel clan to possess wings far beyond their own bloodline. It is said that the clansman selected by the Twelve Sacred Wings will be the next king of angels and will be born with the Twelve Wings...." ps:-------------------Ask for customization----------------

The existence of the Jidao Emperor's weapons has gone beyond the recognition of weapons....

They are all indestructible, and they can be separated from the body and practice. Therefore, some imperial soldiers are empty shells with no strength and no mind, but they still exist.......At this point, Scarlet also refers to various novels and myths...

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