"It's time to sacrifice you..."

In the midst of murmuring, Yu Ziyu's branches rolled up.

For a moment, a ball-shaped object with countless silver lines slowly emerged in the air.

Steel - the Heart of the Elements, is originally the secret treasure of the Elemental Clan, its status is no less than the Tree of Life of the Elf Clan, and even the Sky Eye of the Three-Eyed Clan.

And as Yu Ziyu and his tree hearts circulated and surged together, the heart of the steel element also slowly grew from the fourth-level quality to the current sixth-level quality.

Yes, sixth level quality.

The second high-quality treasure that Yu Ziyu has continuously cultivated with his own strength.

For now, in addition to the Brilliant Galaxy, the weapon of protection, Yu Ziyu's two most precious treasures are the heart of the tree with sixth-level quality, and the second is the heart of steel element with the same sixth-level quality.

Now, the heart of the tree has been lost, and its power flows with each other. The heart of the steel element, which is like the yin and yang of Tai Chi, should not remain....


Taking a deep breath, looking at this extremely strong treasure that was suspended in the air and turned the air into metal, Yu Ziyu also raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile:

"Do you have the confidence to control this treasure?"


His face was slightly startled, as he looked at the strange thing that was condensing in the void and had a metallic texture. Kui Zhou also had a suitable look of doubt on his face.

He doesn't understand.

Don't know what this is?

However, he had a feeling that this seemed scary.

And at this moment, a voice that sounded like an explanation suddenly sounded in the air.

"In the last era, each of the ten powerful clans had a treasure, and the treasure of the elemental clan was the heart of the elements. Every heart of the elements was tantamount to a strong man...."

"Elemental generals such as Qinggang and Asia will return to their innate nature and condense into the heart of the elements after reaching the fourth level...."

"However, in addition to the ordinary elements of ice, fire, light and darkness, the element family also has a very unique element - steel, and this is the heart of the steel element, which can transform people into metal beings...."

Having said this, Yu Ziyu also paused slightly, glanced at Kui Zhou, and then changed the subject:

"However, there is a price to pay for transforming into a metal life. The most terrifying thing is that the feelings will continue to fade away and become more and more indifferent...."

Listening quietly, a look of understanding appeared on Kui Zhou's face.

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, Kui Zhou grinned and proactively asked:

"Master, how does the elemental clan compare to the Titan clan?"

"The Titan clan ranks seventh among the ten major races, and the elemental clan ranks eighth. However, although the top ten powerful clans are ranked, their clansmen are in the same realm, and most of their strengths are almost the same."

After saying this, Yu Ziyu seemed to have understood something. He raised the corner of his mouth and outlined a hint of playfulness.

"However, it is worth mentioning that Laoba Glacier is not an ordinary Titan bloodline now...."

"But I heard from the master that this steel elemental life is not an ordinary elemental life...."

Grinning, Kui Zhou was also a little excited.

"Yes, the steel elemental beings are indeed extraordinary. They are the most mysterious among the elemental clan."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also admitted.

However, after a moment, his eyes narrowed, and Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"However, you have to know that this is a sixth-level quality steel elemental heart. If you fuse it, the most likely possibility is that it will turn into a cold metal statue, and your soul will be imprisoned in the darkness forever...."

"So, if you really want to control this heart of steel element, go look for the glacier....Only the infinite vitality surging in it can suppress your metalization..."...

Speaking lightly, Yu Ziyu's voice also had a hint of seriousness.

After all, fusing the heart of steel elements is no small matter.

However, it is difficult for him to interfere with this fusion.

Therefore, everything depends on Kui Zhou's good fortune.

However, thinking about the glacier, Yu Ziyu felt a lot more at ease.

Today's glacier has the heart of a tree, which is equivalent to the 'yin' in Tai Chi.

The heart of the steel element is 'yang'’...

With the flow of yin and yang, the possibility of Kui Zhou merging the heart of the steel element is also greatly increased.

At that time, Yu Ziyu was also able to truly see that an existence truly named 'Tyrant' was rising.......

Listening to Yu Ziyu's repeated reminders, Kui Zhou also gradually understood

"Got it, master..."

In response, Kui Zhou also raised his claws and grabbed the heart of steel element in the void.

"Kaz, Kaz..."

There were crisp sounds one after another. It was visible to the naked eye that Kui Zhou's right claw turned into metal, and there was a cold texture in the darkness.

Along with this, the hardness increases greatly.

At the moment when it turned into metal, Kui Zhou felt that the defense power of his right claw had increased several times.

However, this is not the end, more terrifying forces are still surging. only...

As if he noticed something, Kui Zhou looked at the metal right paw and his pupils shrank....

"Even the feeling has been lost..."

With a sigh in his heart, Kui Zhou also realized that his right claw, touch, pain, and other things were constantly weakening or even disappearing....


Taking a deep breath and suppressing the strangeness in his heart, Kui Zhou also gritted his teeth and slowly raised his somewhat stiff body.


With a loud noise, the body whose mass was greatly increased crushed the space.

At this time, Kui Zhou discovered that not only his right claw, but also both feet had begun to become metal.

This is the same feeling as being petrified, but it is more terrifying than being petrified.

"Go ahead, if you are completely metalized before you reach the glacier, I am afraid that Daluo will not be able to save you, and this is my life and death test for you."

"Yes, master."

Gritting his teeth again and again, feeling his body being constantly eroded, Kui Zhou also had a look of madness on his face.

This is really exciting.

One step to life, one step to death.

Between life and death, there is a great destiny

"Step, step, step..."

Step after step, Kui Zhou dragged his increasingly heavier body towards the entrance of the green vortex that opened not far away.

And at the end of the green whirlpool, the glacier that had been notified long ago, this terrifying giant elephant that seemed to be ten thousand meters high, was looking at Kui Zhou with a worried look on his face.

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