Spiritual power transmission!

Seeing the hint of gratitude deep in the spirit turtle's eyes, Kyuubi nodded with a smile.

A word of advice, in exchange for the gratitude of a rising star. not bad.

Although Kyuubi doesn't care much about this now.

But, occasionally, Kyuubi doesn't mind looking after one or two and forming a good relationship.

However, at this time, as if thinking of something, Nine-Tails also turned his head and looked into the distance, like a huge mountain range, but extremely cold, like a giant beast coming out of the abyss.

This is the Emperor Crocodile, which has the purest rock dragon bloodline, but it is also an atavism, almost a return to the cold giant beast of prehistory.

Now, he is a demi-god, half-step to the fifth level.

However, compared to other mutated beasts, it is even more difficult for him to break through.

Bloodline is both a foundation and a constraint.

And his rock dragon bloodline and atavistic bloodline are the source of conflict.


With a sigh in his heart, Kyuubi also took the initiative to say hello:

"How is it now?"

"It’s about to return to its ancestors for the second time..."

Saying this, Emperor Crocodile also glanced at the night sky helplessly.

The blood of the rock dragon is very strong, really very strong.

But the problem is, his atavistic bloodline is not easy to mess with.

Moreover, as he becomes stronger, he is close to returning to his ancestors for the second time.

And what does it mean to return to your ancestors for the second time?

Return to the most primitive and master the most fundamental 'power of the beast'.

And this is also an extremely terrifying power, even enough to rival or even suppress the purest rock dragon bloodline.

He became more and more violent and violent.

Along with this, the body is changing every day, and the power becomes more and more terrifying, even suppressing the bloodline of the Rock Dragon at one time.

And now...

If you look at Emperor Crocodile, you can even find that he can no longer see the shadow of the original giant dragon.

The long, narrow and cold mouth is filled with huge fangs that look like human knights' spears.

There are hundreds of sharp teeth, all glowing with a cold light.

And the muscles are as if they were made of iron, one piece after another...

At a glance, Emperor Crocodile even looks like a giant steel beast.

However, compared to the steel behemoth, his whole body is covered with solid muscles, and his strength and even defense are more than ten times stronger than those of the same level.

It is the incarnation of the beast in the true sense.


Taking a deep breath, Kyuubi glanced helplessly at the current Emperor Crocodile.

The current Emperor Crocodile is in great trouble.

Either give up the Rock Dragon bloodline and completely return to our ancestors for the second time.

Either give up the power of the beast...Awakening the power of the rock dragon.

However, no matter which one, it will be a great loss to him, and it will even damage his foundation, so that he will stop moving forward in the future. so...

Finally, I still have to ask the owner to take action and see if there is a better way.

It even requires the master to use great magical powers to fuse the two major bloodlines.

Thinking of this, Kyuubi also suggested again:

"Go back this time. It has been delayed for so long. If you don’t go back, it will be too late when you can no longer suppress it...."


In the rare silence, Emperor Crocodile's eyes were also a little sad.

He thought he could.

However, he found that he had overestimated himself after all.

The two powerful bloodlines are far beyond what he can control now....

Hard to choose.

It can even be said that there is no choice.

Nodding slightly, Emperor Crocodile also said bluntly:

"Got it, eldest sister, I will follow you back this time."

Speaking of this, Emperor Crocodile also lowered his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And for this, Jiuwei, who saw it in his eyes, naturally knew it.

As early as half a year ago, the master had noticed that Emperor Crocodile His bloodline was abnormal, so he specifically ordered Nine Tails to take Emperor Crocodile back to the Nine Realms of Heaven.

However, Emperor Crocodile, who had always been very ambitious, refused.

And the reason for the refusal is naturally self-evident.

Overestimation At the same time, I also underestimated the horror of the second atavism and the blood of the rock dragon, which led to the bitter consequences today....


With a sigh, Kyuubi also comforted:

"It will be fine, the master will help you find a solution."

Listening quietly, Emperor Crocodile was also silent for a while.

Then, in his hoarse and deep voice, he said apologetically:

"The master has just made a breakthrough and needs polishing. I don’t want him to take action for me, thereby delaying himself...."


He shook his head helplessly, and Kyuubi also smiled bitterly.

This is Emperor Crocodile.

Although cold and cruel, he always thinks of his master.

However, the master should have already understood this.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have specifically told you that I must bring back the Emperor Crocodile this time....

After convincing the Emperor Crocodile, Jiuwei took another look at the powerful people in the plains and carefully selected twenty or thirty people. After a while, he went to the place where the powerful people in Canglan World were imprisoned and selected some powerful people..

These strong men started at the fourth level of Extraordinary.

He is also the best candidate for the master's current guard.

Moreover, if they set foot on the fourth level of Transcendence alone, their talent would be astonishing.

If you have the resources of the Misty Mountain, it will not be difficult to make further progress.

And this is why the master sent Kyuubi to come and choose in person.

A shock.

Secondly, we also pay attention to......

And not long after, the flaming waves that enveloped the Canglan Star gradually disappeared, leaving only a huge crack in the void that slowly closed.

At the same time, somewhere in the galaxy


There was a crisp sound, and not far from a giant tree that blocked the sky and sun, a kilometer-long void crack opened.

Along with this, one strong person after another came out

"Is this the legendary sacred tree?"

Slowly raising his eyes, Chi Yan, one of the four heroes of the Chinese Federation, looked at the giant tree not far away that seemed to support the entire starry sky. His eyes were shocked.

Each branch was like a divine chain.

Nine Colors The vortex is like a star, spinning over and over again.

At a glance, all he can see is a corner of the sacred tree, but the true form cannot be seen from a distance.

Among the indescribable hugeness, the planet not far away is in front of him , seem a bit smaller

"It's really scary."

With the same sigh, Linggui also suppressed the shock in his heart.

It has to be said that the current Yu Ziyu's body is indeed magnificent, enough to rival the stars. So much so that these top fourth-level people are dumbfounded.

However, this is not the time to care about this.

"Swish, swish..."

One after another, branches like divine chains penetrated the starry sky and slowly came in.

When they were pulled in front of the strong people, they were shocked to find that each branch turned into a 'road' that was hundreds of meters or even kilometers wide.

Hundreds of meters, or even a thousand meters, are not wide in the eyes of these strong men.

But if this is a branch, it would be a bit scary.

And this is just one of the thousands of branches of the sacred tree

"Come up."

A sudden sound, like the sound of a breeze, sounded in the ears of the strong men.

But it shocked them physically and mentally.

Each of the strong men couldn't help but lift up their steps and walked onto the branches. ps:----------------Ask for customization-----------

Sorry guys!!

Crimson has a cold and fever, and I can't hold it for the past two days (it's just a common cold, not that, please don't worry)...Uncomfortable.

I'm a little scared. I'll never stay up all night coding again. My body can't bear it....

Everyone must take good care of yourself and pay attention to your health...recent situation...Everyone also understands.

In terms of updates, please allow Crimson to be properly reduced...As soon as the body gets better, Hong Hong will update the four chapters immediately....

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