However, it is worth mentioning that the extraordinary fourth level is not weak.

Even if you look at the stars, you can still call him a 'strong man'.

As for the fifth level of extraordinary, true god realm, it is already a symbol of first-class power.

But now, there are existences at the level of natural disasters in the Misty Mountains, and there is a terrifying existence like Yu Ziyu who has stepped into the sixth level, and he is teaching them with all his strength.

Although I can't be sure after setting foot on the fifth level of Extraordinary.

But the combat power is fully guaranteed.

Especially guys like White Tiger and Golden Ant, they are almost invincible at the same level.

Even if he fights against ten people of the same level by himself, the outcome is still uncertain.

And this is enough for Yu Ziyu.

As for whether they can break through.

Everything depends on God's will, even Yu Ziyu can't control it

"But, it should be possible..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu was also suspicious.

After all, they are also the first batch of creatures to be 'revived'.

According to some secrets, their talents should be much higher than those of their descendants, and they are all beings with great opportunities and good fortune.

Either they have the awakened Qiongqi bloodline, or they have the terrifying talent of 'Extreme Power'. It would be unreasonable for these creatures not to break through.

Of course, this breakthrough may take some time.

Maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu stopped thinking about this.

Everyone has their own opportunities, so what should he worry about.

When the opportunity comes, breakthroughs will naturally come naturally...

Just like Jiuwei, he stepped into the true god quietly, and even Yu Ziyu didn't notice it in advance.

And just then...

As if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu, who was rooted deep in the starry sky, also raised his eyes and looked at Canglan Star


There was a sudden roar, and boundless waves of flames surged out from the depths of the void.

It was a boundless flaming wave like the deep sea, covering the sky and the earth.

In an instant, the entire Canglan Star was enveloped.

Looking up, the whole sky of Canglan Star is filled with flaming waves....

"This is?"

"What's wrong?"

"Are you kidding, this kind of spiritual pressure?"

One after another exclaimed, in the voices full of disbelief, countless strong men looked to the sky.

The flaming waves rolled, sweeping away the clouds.

But, it was shocking What was incredible was that the crimson flames that covered the sky did not emit the slightest warmth, just like a phantom.

And a Blue Star strongman who noticed this subconsciously pulled out the weapon in his hand. Blade, throw it towards the sky


A sound broke through the air, followed by a strong man from Blue Star.

No, under the horrified gazes of countless Blue Star powerhouses, this fourth-level magic weapon suddenly turned into gas the moment it touched the flame wave.

Yes, it vaporized and turned into wisps of smoke, without leaving even a trace.

"not an illusion..."

The dry voice was full of horror.

This Blue Star powerhouse looked at the raging flaming waves that covered the entire sky, and his expression changed drastically.

Just, right now.

As if he noticed something, the dragon's roar suddenly resounded throughout the sky

"Congratulations, eldest sister, for stepping into the true God."

Amid the majestic dragon roar, a purple dragon that looked like it was wearing a crown soared into the sky.

"Long time no see, little brother..."

With a touch of loving voice, the sudden rolling waves of fire turned out to be a flaming fox that covered the sky and the sun.

The lifelike hair flutters in the wind.

The streamlined and graceful figure is hidden in the sea of ​​​​fire deep in the sky.

Only one head poked out.

And the pair of deep ruby-like eyes shimmered slightly, surging with strange light.

He seemed to be sizing it up, but also seemed to be curious.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that even with such a lazy figure, the moment the Nine Tails is revealed, it will shock countless powerful people.

Terrible, terrifying to the extreme.

That suffocating breath makes the oppressive person unable to breathe.

The strands of red spiritual power are entangled in it, making people tremble a little.

Just because, just looking at this red spiritual power, countless powerful people feel that the operation of the spiritual power is a bit obscure.

As if being suppressed by something.

And this is the power that comes with the Nine-Tails stepping into the True God Realm - spiritual power suppression.

As the Nine-Tails goes further and further on the path of sealing, all the power begins to be related to the seal.

It's okay now.

Merely suppressed.

Once I master the 'Law of Sealing', I am afraid that just by looking at you, all my spiritual power and other things will be sealed.

And this is the horror of the sealing law.

Of course, this is for beings weaker than Kyuubi.

For a being much more powerful than the Nine-Tails, the operation of spiritual power would probably be much more obscure.

Just like now, even if Nine Tails explodes all its spiritual power, it can only slow down Yu Ziyu's spiritual power by a few beats, let alone seal it....

However, it has to be said that the method of sealing is still somewhat terrifying.

After all, it is a powerful law second only to the ten supreme laws.

For the weak, it is really one-sided suppression, it can even be said to be crushing.

Just one face-to-face seal will seal all your spiritual power, and even seal your talents and abilities.

And facing a strong person of the same level, the way of sealing will never be weak, it can even be said to be powerful.

If you are not careful, you will be sealed.

It's just that when faced with a life form like Yu Ziyu whose life levels are too different, a strong person who is good at sealing will find it difficult.

However, in fact, the gap in life levels is too big. Even if you master the ten supreme laws, it will be useless.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu's current extraordinary level of sixth level and fourth level is powerful enough to destroy the ancient world and erase all existences inferior to him.

Don't talk about overstepping your bounds.

At a low level, there is still the possibility of overstepping the level.

But the more you evolve, the less likely you are to move up a level.

As for the extraordinary fifth level, the extraordinary sixth level, and even the extraordinary seventh level, the hope of transcending the level is even slimmer to the extreme.

As for the seventh level of the extraordinary sixth level, it is comparable to the realm of domination of the seventh level of the extraordinary.

Sorry, this is not an overstep.

Because, cultivating to the seventh level of the extraordinary sixth level is a hundred times, a thousand times more difficult than setting foot in the realm of the seventh level of extraordinary dominion.

Don’t you see, in the last era, the most powerful masters could still catch a lot of them.

However, there are only one or two beings who have achieved extraordinary sixth-level and seventh-level cultivation....

Until now, there are generally only three people who can surpass the next level in the later stage.

One of them is holding the ultimate emperor's weapon. The emperor's weapon is revived and its power is no less than that of the master. Even if it is the sixth extraordinary level, it is possible to fight the master.

Secondly, mastering the legendary magical power and successfully cultivating it, but this is more difficult.

Great supernatural powers are too rare, let alone successful cultivation.

And the last thing...

It’s because the natural talent is too great....

Only by this and so on can it be possible for the weak to defeat the strong.

And this is only possible.

After all, a weak person has mastered these things, who can guarantee that the strong ones have not mastered them?

Take Yu Ziyu as an example...The ultimate emperor's weapon that rivals the domination realm...Although he doesn't have it, he still seems to have great supernatural powers, and he has even practiced it to a small degree.

As for natal talents...He has mastered four or five natal talents. If he polished them all to level lv6, he should be enough to be called heaven-defying....

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