And at the same time, the deepest part of this world, the pure land of gods!

According to legend, it is a sky where gods live...


The flickering light suddenly shines at the top of the sky.

Immediately afterwards, several majestic consciousnesses woke up from their deep sleep.

Faintly, three vague figures shrouded in light can be seen, standing quietly in the sky, far away in the distance.

And just in the distance, there was a shadow of a giant tree slowly emerging.

"The Tree of Life, the good Elf Forest doesn't wait, why are you here with us?"

"Dom, you'd better speak politely. The elder is the first extraordinary being born in this world."

"Huh, God of Dreams, you'd better figure out who you're talking to. You can't even manifest your body in reality. How can you be compared with me, the Beast God?..."

The Beast God, one of the three great gods born in this world, is the god responsible for 'war'. He protects the beast clan and guides the beast clan to start wars in this world many times.

He can draw strength from war. The more frequent wars, the stronger he becomes.

As for the God of Dreams, it goes without saying.

It exists in the dreams of all things, and is actually in the distant Emerald Dream. Although it is closely related to reality, its power is the weakest among the three gods.

And all this is because the power of higher beings like gods depends on the power and power of the world.

For example, Dom, the God of War, the beast god who can absorb power from war, has now reached the level of a demigod, and is only one step away from the fifth level of transcendence.

The other two gods, the God of Dreams and the God of Nature, are only at the fourth level of extraordinary strength.

Of course, it is worth mentioning here that gods will continue to become more powerful as time goes by and the world develops.

Their duty is to guide the entire world to become stronger, somewhat like the guardians of the world.

Now, it has only been a hundred years since the spiritual energy of the Canglan world was revived. Even though their gods were born noble, their power was limited.

The beast god's demigod strength is already at its peak.

However, it is worth mentioning that the power of gods lies in the use of power and their near immortality.

Therefore, their combat power cannot be described by common sense.

Just like the beast god in front of him, if he exploded with all his strength, it would be enough to hold back four or five demigods, or even more.

And this is the reason for his arrogance.

However, the shadow of the giant tree in the distance was unmoved by his arrogance. Instead, it swayed its branches and said softly:

"Recently, I have had a bad premonition. If you have some free time, please check out the world....See if anything happens"

"Okay, elder."

Nodding, the God of Dreams took the lead in answering.


With a cold snort, the most burly figure sneered:

"You don’t need to remind me, just stay in your elf forest."

After saying this, the Beast God did not give the Tree of Life a chance to say anything more, and disappeared into the sky first.


With a sigh, the God of Nature on the side was also a little helpless.

At first, the Beast God expanded its power so much that the Tree of Life sent a clan of elves to stop it, thus creating a rift.

To this day, the beast god still misses him.

However, in this regard, it is not easy for her, the God of nature, to say anything.

After all, among the three gods, she is the weakest...

"Sir, I'll keep an eye out."

In response, the God of Nature did not stay long and slowly disappeared into the sky.

"This Dom..."

She looks like a little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, but her voice is a bit playful and dreamy, and she complains:

"He cares about this and that all day long. I really don’t know how his brain grew...."

"No problem..."

Shaking his head, the Tree of Life also swung its branches and said with a smile:

"They cannot rely on you in this matter. In the end, they have to rely on you. After all, only you can detect most of the movements in this world through dreams."

"That is..."

Patting his chest, the God of Dreams also said confidently.

She is the god of dreams, although not very powerful.

Even though she looks like a quirky little loli, her methods are the weirdest.

But this time, the real person that the Tree of Life seeks is also her....

Only the God of Dreams, using his own power, can hope to discover the unknown powerful elf as quickly as possible...

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know that the birth of his Void Elf God had shocked the world's oldest ancient tree - the Tree of Life. He didn't even know that this ancient tree actually paid attention and even sent out... The elves and the gods asked him to find his whereabouts.

However, it doesn't matter even if Yu Ziyu knows.

When he made up his mind to go to Dragon Island, alarm was inevitable.

It's just a matter of time.

The only remaining question is when will these guys discover that he is a being from another world?

In the parlance of this world, Yu Ziyu should be called the 'Evil God of Outer Realms'.

And now, he, the 'Outside Evil God', has the idea of ​​​​invading this world and has begun to take the lead in pruning the 'minions' of this world.’


With a murmur, Yu Ziyu, who had already arrived above a sea area, also released his own perception.

There was a loud bang, and my mind was shocked.

Countless ripple-like spatial traces quickly spread in all directions.

And this is spatial perception.

Rather than searching for the location of Dragon Island with the naked eye, the most reliable method is to detect changes in space.

After all, according to Latia, Dragon Island should be hidden in a place similar to an alien space.

Only in this way has it not been discovered so far.

Only in this way can a mere island raise so many dragons


Taking a deep breath and feeling the calmness in his mind, Yu Ziyu also said calmly:

"Let's go, not thousands of miles away from here, go to the next place."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu was already heading towards the more distant sea with a purple light ball.

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