The night is getting cooler, and unlike the night sky of Blue Star, the starry sky of Canglan Star is even more vast.

Looking up, three purple moons hung high in the night sky.

All around, there are many stars that flicker and fade.

And this is the special thing about Canglan Star.

According to legend, this is the world favored by the Moon Goddess.

Of course, Yu Ziyu didn't care much about this statement.

However, one thing that concerned him a little was that at night, the concentration of spiritual power in this world did increase slightly.

And, more importantly, the spiritual power in the air is a bit violent, as if it is difficult to tame

"There are many secrets in this world."

Sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at a figure standing quietly in front of him not far away.

Druid - Bernice, a talented warrior from a small Druid village in this forest.

Only ten years old. At the age of seven or eight, he stepped into the second level of Transcendence.

And for the druid's long hundreds of years of life, this may be just a six or seven-year-old child.

Therefore, this Bernice is indeed an out-and-out Genius for buckling.


Looking carefully, Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

Her long green hair, full of vitality, hangs down her back like waves.

She has a beautiful face, but her skin is very delicate, like porcelain skin, with a touch of moisture in her brightness. Her overall facial features are like a blue-star Western beauty. She is very three-dimensional and has a pair of amber eyes with green eyes.

A pair of pointed and long ears are trembling all the time, as if they are afraid and nervous.

Just looking at the upper body, even Yu Ziyu couldn't help showing a look of pity.

However, when he looked down, he saw a body like a deer.

The streamlined body is very white, and occasionally small yellow spots can be seen on the body.

And those two pairs of slender legs are even more graceful.

However, she would pace uneasily from time to time, which further revealed her uneasy heart.

Obviously just coming to get water by the lake.

I didn't expect to encounter such a monster


Swallowing her saliva and resisting the stinging pain in her spirit, Bernice also carefully raised her eyes and looked not far away.

A tree.

A very strange bunch of purple trees.

Thousands of branches swayed in the air, leaving purple traces.

The tree is tall, but its whole body is filled with purple light.

Just by looking at it, it feels like it is about to be swallowed up.

What's even more terrifying is that this strange tree seems to have read through the memories in her mind.

"I never expected that an evil ancient tree like you would appear. I will not give in...."

Clenching his fists uneasily, the druid also shouted loudly.

There was unyieldingness in his words.

Although, Yu Ziyu couldn't understand her language.

But mental fluctuations cannot lie.

With just a thought, Yu Ziyu understood what Druid girl Bernice meant.

"old tree..."

With a playful smile, Yu Ziyu also showed a look of interest deep in his eyes.

Ancient tree is an honorific term for trees with wisdom in this world.

In this world, perhaps because of druids or elves, there are really many ancient trees.

Like the sacred object of the elves - the ancient tree of life.

The huge tree trunks block out the sky and the sun, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

On each branch, there are dense leaves growing, and the rich breath of life seems to be constantly spurting out from them, which is extremely terrifying.

It is the most precious treasure of the elves. It is located in the deepest part of the elves. It is said to have incredible abilities. There are even rumors that the most advanced elves are born from the ancient tree of life.

In addition to the ancient trees of life, there are also some very strange ancient trees.

For example, the Ancient Tree of Wisdom.

Enlightening wisdom can unlock the wisdom of all things. Near him, there are mutant beasts.

No, those who should be called 'Warcraft' will be very intelligent.

And this is this strange world.

A big world that already has a complete extraordinary civilization.

Not to mention technology, it is just the medieval level of Blue Star.

For example, muskets are the limits of some of their technologies.

However, in terms of the extraordinary system, this world is unexpectedly sound.

Maybe it's because the elves, and even the gods, were one of the powerful races in the previous era.

In terms of the extraordinary power system, their inheritance is quite complete.

Even mutated beasts have a very good name like 'Warcraft'.

As for spiritual power, this world calls it 'magic', which is similar to the Blue Star Western World.

Of course, none of this is important.

The most important thing is that through Bernice's memory, Yu Ziyu actually noticed that the spiritual energy of this world was reviving decades earlier than Blue Star.


Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped in her heart, and Yu Ziyu was helpless.

It seems that this world cannot be underestimated.

Resurrection of spirit, decades in the morning.

Not simple.

At least, it means that in this world, cultivation is decades ahead.

Except for monsters like Yu Ziyu, the quantity and even quality of other powerful people may be much higher than Blue Star.

However, thankfully, this world is not big.

It's just the size it was before Blue Star's spiritual energy revived.

And this is still the size of the world after it has grown.

There is only one continent in the whole world, and the rest are oceans.

It’s just that Bernice’s knowledge is limited....

"In addition to the new Druid race, there are also elves, orcs, even dwarves, and even shadows of dragons...."

As he murmured, the playful look on Yu Ziyu's face became more intense.

Not to mention anything else.

For the Dragon Clan alone, if Xiao Shi, the Thunder Dragon under Yu Ziyu, and Emperor Crocodile, the purest rock dragon bloodline, came one after another, the entire Dragon Clan would probably be alarmed.

You know, in Bernice's memory, most of the dragons in this world are not pure blood. The real pure-blood dragons are the terrifying beings who stand at the pinnacle of the dragon clan and are called the 'Dragon King'.

Each one is like a natural disaster, an incarnation of disaster and power.

But in the entire dragon clan, there are only three real dragon kings.

A black dragon, a red dragon, and a golden dragon.

The rest are all descendants.

Today, the entire Dragon Clan has less than a hundred members.

However, just like this, the Dragon Clan is the well-deserved overlord of this world, being at the top of the food chain.

Because, apart from the underage dragons, this race actually has more than ten extraordinary fourth-level beings, who are praised by the world as beings 'comparable to gods'

"The Dragon Clan is truly blessed by nature."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care.

In this dragon clan, except for the three-headed dragon king, most of the other dragons can only be regarded as sub-dragons. Even if they reach the fourth level of extraordinary, their combat power is still questionable.

With the combat power of Yu Ziyu's current subordinates, they are enough to cope with it..

Moreover, the real war is only decided by the top experts on local battlefields.

The balance of real victory still depends on the endless army.

And at this point, this world does not have the possibility to compete with Blue Star.

With the human race With high technology, the balance of victory has long been tilted.

In this way, with the same army of one hundred thousand, Blue Star's army armed to the teeth is enough to completely defeat the millions of armies in this world. As for the third level of extraordinary

, and even the fourth level of extraordinary Intervention by strong men

"Hum hum..."

Do you really think that the strong men of Blue Star are vegetarians?

And with Yu Ziyu’s training and guidance, the strong man in the Misty Mountain is not weak....

Now, the most important thing is to wait for the Celestial Magnetists to establish a space channel and lead the Blue Star army....As for me...

Slowly raising her eyes, Yu Ziyu also showed a look of expectation on her face.

"On the contrary, we can take advantage of this world first."

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