"More than 18 million evolution points..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu looked at the series of numbers on the attribute panel and narrowed his eyes slightly.

There are so many evolutionary points that he would never dare to think about.

Now, through this sea monster invasion, he has harvested so many evolutionary points as he wished.

What is even more frightening is that harvesting so many evolutionary points did not cause anger or resentment. Instead, it made countless humans and even mutated beasts feel grateful.

With a smile in his heart, he sat cross-legged under a tree, and the corners of the mouth of the boy transformed by Yu Ziyu were slightly raised in a subtle arc.

Just then


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu also held her breath and concentrated.

"It's time to break through."

Thinking of this, it was also the first time that Yu Ziyu fully mobilized his spiritual power.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Like the rolling of a tsunami, the surge of spiritual power actually caused a surging sound.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gazes of countless mutated beasts and even humans, a magnificent wave came from the distant primeval forest.


Looking up, he saw that the circle after circle of spiritual power visible to the naked eye turned into ripples in the void and continued to spread.

And this kind of spread is not just one city or one province.

Instead, it spreads towards the more distant horizon.

Federal Bureau of Psychic Monitoring

"What's this?"

Amidst the voices of disbelief, countless staff focused their eyes on the light curtain.

What they saw was a light that was constantly spreading with a city as the center.

In just a few breaths, it actually spread to half of the continent.

This is The fluctuation of spiritual power.

However, it is so vast that it turns into substance, triggering the endless spiritual power in the void and causing resonance.

"four million..."

"Seven million...."

"nine million..."

One exclamation after another.

No, this was no longer a scream, but a scream that was like strangling the neck and trying to squeeze out the scream.

Every staff member looked at the spiritual power monitor in the distance in disbelief.

Until a moment.

As if it has reached a certain critical point, the red line of the spiritual energy monitor, which is like a thermometer, has climbed to the extreme.

‘With a loud bang, the spiritual power monitor that had been working for several years finally came to an end today.

At this time, if you look at each of the staff, you will definitely find that they are all dumbfounded.

"It's over, it's really over"

"The demon tree has reached this level quietly?"

"There is no hope, there is really no hope. The whole world will crawl at his feet."

Amidst the murmurs, countless people showed their faces.

Ordinary people may not understand what the fourth level of extraordinary means.

However, people like them who are constantly dealing with spiritual power deeply understand the meaning of the fourth level of extraordinary. What is it? It is a natural disaster. Wherever the moving sky passes, life is devastated. It is several times more terrifying than this kind of sea monster frenzy. As predicted by some spiritual experts, a top extraordinary fourth level, It can even affect the operation of the entire planet with the power of one person. Its existence will affect the balance of the ecology. It can be said that if there is a top extraordinary fourth-level existence, the entire planet will use its will to Begin to reweave the ecosystem. And what does this mean? If this top Extraordinary Fourth Level has extremely cold attributes, the entire planet will turn into a glacier world in a long time. If this top Extraordinary Fourth Level is The level is extremely flaming, and the entire planet will gradually turn into magma purgatory. Of course, the premise of all this is that this is the top extraordinary fourth level and does not suppress its own existence. And now, this demon tree, It was actually impacting that seemingly 'taboo' realm. Although the breakthrough was only at the early stage of the fourth level of transcendence, it was an almost invincible incarnation. No one could shake its existence.


At this time, this continent was deep in the Western Wilderness.

As if he noticed something, a humanoid figure suddenly stood up, a pair of eyes fixed on the east side of the mainland.

"Are you actually about to break through?"

With a long sigh, Seth, who is known as the God of Desert and Storm, also slowly bent his figure.

For the strong, one should be respectful.

But for this kind of person, it is beyond his understanding. Even a strong man who knows how to know will bow his head willingly.

At this moment,


A soft cry suddenly resounded throughout the nine heavens.

Looking up, somewhere deep in the sky, a bird as black as ink, dragging three feathers like a phoenix, also suddenly circled, changed direction, and looked towards the east of the mainland with burning eyes.

"It's the scent of the demon tree..."

In the midst of the murmur, this demon phoenix, known as the 'Second Most Dangerous Man in the Mainland', also shook his head helplessly.

Demon tree, a taboo word.

The more powerful a being is, the more terrifying he is.

Even if he does nothing, the most powerful mutated beast in the entire continent, located deep in the misty mountains, still feels like there is a huge mountain weighing on his heart.

And now, this huge mountain is getting heavier and heavier


There was another soft cry, and this demon phoenix also lowered its head.

What is worth mentioning here is that the demon phoenix is ​​a legendary creature. The world only hears its name but does not know its appearance.

It has a body like a phoenix, but it is as black as ink.

The three feathers on its tail can pull out black star spots. When it swings gently, you can see the starlight pulling out from the tail of the butterfly, and then slowly disappear...A series of cold and arrogant trajectories were formed....

And this is the demon phoenix, a legendary creature.

In the past, there were humans who wanted to hunt this stunning creature, but the price they paid was to die thousands of miles away and remain silent on the mainland forever.

Until now, that city is surrounded by darknessThe film seems to be telling the horrors of the past.

But, this is still a beginning.

The continent is very big, larger than previously thought.

After the revival of spiritual energy, the continent is expanding at a speed that is difficult to see with the naked eye....

If anyone pays attention, they will definitely know that there are landforms that have never appeared on the mainland.

Of course, few people should pay attention to this, even the federation would find it difficult to detect.

Because, he is not born in one day.

But it is gradually gained over the years.

If it were before, the Federation would still be aware of it.

But now, without the control of the mainland, how could the Federation know this.

And now, there is an extra corner of the mainland.

An empty and cold deep valley.

A strange mutated beast with a slender and muscular body like a horse, and a single black horn between its eyebrows, slowly raised its head, looked towards the horizon, and neighed. moment,

"Step, step, step..."

The long whip tail on the back swung slightly, and this strange creature that looked elegant and agile actually stepped on the void, blended into the night silently, and ran towards the distance. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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